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The Byzantine Empire.

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1 The Byzantine Empire

2 Political Having one ruler as a supreme authority prevented the empire into breaking into smaller kingdoms. The loss of many populated and rich provinces reduced its power. The Byzantines encountered new enemies in the northern and southern regions of the empire. The relationships with the popes and princes across Europe deteriorated. (Bulliet ) The byzantine emperor was a more influential monarch than any of the counterparts. (

3 social The importance of aristocrats at the court and of landowners increased as urban elite class shrank. A family-based military aristocracy had emerged by the end of the eleventh century. The situations of women were also altered. (Bulliet 222) The aristocrats began to buy up the farms of peasants and soldiers. The rich became richer as the empire grew stronger. (

4 economical emperors continued the roman preference to set prices, organize shipments, and control trade. Government intervention slowed development and economic innovation. Byzantine suffered from the intense focus on Constantinople. (Bulliet 222) Trade and industry in the cities were controlled by the government where the only way to earn profit was to acquire landed property. The economic strength of the empire depended on the system of free, yet tax-paying soldiers and peasants in villages. (

5 religion byzantine Christianity was greatly a different religion than Latin Christianity. The Byzantines continued the roman idea that the emperor was near divinity. The movement of Leo the Insurian. Iconoclasm was viewed as a threat to the pope’s authority. The most important result of the Iconoclastic controversy was the strict traditionalism in in the church. (

6 intellectual Constantinople’s Hagia Sophia cathedral is one of the greatest Byzantine Monuments. Religious art featured stiff images of holy figures. Brothers named Cyril and Methodius created a writing system called Cyrillic. (Bulliet 223) The transition of classical culture is perhaps the most significant aspect of the Byzantine culture. Women actively took part in the intellectual life of the culture. (

7 Questions To which people did the empire fall to? A. the Slavs
B. The Turks C. The Muslims D. The Christians E. The Byzantines themselves What slowed down development and economic innovation? a. Government intervention B. The family-based aristocracy C. The system of free, yet tax-paying soldiers and peasants. D. Trade and industry within the cities E. The focus on Constantinople

8 questions What did the empire’s art usually picture?
A. Political figures b. Holy figures C. War figures D. Social figures E. intellectual figures

9 Bibliography Books Bulliet, Richard W., Pamela Kyle Crossley, Daniel R. Headrick, Steven W. Hirsch, Lyman L. Johnson, and David Northrup. The Earth And Its Peoples A Global History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, Print. Websites "Byzantine Empire -." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 19 Oct < (pictures) "The Byzantines." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 19 Oct < "The Byzantine Empire during the Crusades." The Crusades. Web. 19 Oct < "Byzantine Empire." Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 19 Oct <

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