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Aim: why did the Byzantine Empire collapse?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: why did the Byzantine Empire collapse?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: why did the Byzantine Empire collapse?

2 Roman Empire / Byzantine Timeline
27 BCE: Octavian becomes first Emperor; rules as Augustus Caesar 293 CE: Empire divided into Eastern and Western 324CE: Empire reunited by Constantine 330CE: Constantine moves capital to Constantinople. Before his death converts to Christianity making it the official religion of the Empire Constantine I: sometimes considered to be a “Byzantine” ruler because he moved the Roman capital to Constantinople. Roman Empire permanently splits in two after the death of Theodosius I (395 CE) 476CE: After numerous “Germanic barbarians” attack the Western provinces collapse. Justinian I (born 482 – ruled 527 – 565 CE): probably the “greatest” Byzantine Emperor. Reconquered much of the old Western Roman Empire. Eastern Provinces aka the Eastern (Roman) Empire …and ever since European historians coined the phrase in the 1700’s… commonly known as the Byzantine Empire 1

3 2

4 450CE 3

5 395 CE 4

6 565 CE 5

7 6

8 7

9 8

10 1265 CE 9

11 10

12 11

13 1453 CE 12

14 13 Justinian; born a commoner in what is now (the FYR of) Macedonia…
His uncle Justin, commander of the Byzantine Imperial Guard took over the Empire after Anastasius died. 13

15 Empress Theodora; born a commoner in Cyprus …
Worked in a circus and as an actor, and… a prostitute before her marriage to Justinian. 14

16 Code of Justinian: revised and codified Roman Law
Code of Justinian: revised and codified Roman Law. Influential to this day. 15

17 1265CE 16 Turks

18 Byzantine Empire after the Fourth Crusade, 1204CE

19 Byzantine Empire, 1180CE 18

20 Byzantine Empire, 1400 CE 19

21 20

22 The Great Schism of 1054 CE 21

23 22

24 Arabs attempt to capture Constantinople in 717 – 718 CE fails.

25 24

26 French, English and German Crusader army of 1204 CE capture and loot Constantinople.

27 26

28 Aim: why did the Byzantine Empire collapse?

29 Questions Which documents are most useful, which documents are not of very much use and for both questions answer why? When did the Byzantine Empire exist? Do you notice any change over time or other patterns? What lands did the Byzantine Empire occupy? Do you notice any change over time or other patterns? Why did the Byzantine Empire collapse? Who or what was most responsible? Did it collapse because of one reason or many?

30 Fin

31 1355 CE Are you starting to see a pattern?

32 Aim: to what extent does the building named Hagia Sophia provide an insight into the history of the city it is located in?

33 1 Hagia Sophia

34 2

35 6

36 7

37 8

38 3

39 4

40 5

41 9

42 Aim: to what extent does the building named Hagia Sophia provide an insight into the history of the city it is located in?

43 Questions 1. What is this building? What social function does it fulfill? How do you know? Why? 2. What does Document 2 suggest about the history of the building? The images portrayed in Documents 3 through 9 are all of the interior of Hagia Sophia. 3. Who is portrayed in Documents 3 ,4, and 8? Why do these Documents force one to rethink any answers provided for question1? What is the significance of Documents 5, 6, 7, and 9? To what extent does the building named Hagia Sophia provide an insight into the history of the city it is located in?


45 Fin

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