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#4 Ch 1 S 2 Details Read and Notes Ch 1 S 2 ____________________.

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1 #4 Ch 1 S 2 Details Read and Notes Ch 1 S 2 ____________________

2 Warm Up 9/5/14 Who was the Macedonian King who conquered Persia?
What is a Hellenistic civilization?

3 Warm Up 9/5/14 1.Which feature of modern Western democratic government reflects Aristotle’s views? A. the direct election of members of the legislature. B. the power of the courts to review the law. C. the granting of emergency powers to the chief executive. D. the requirement that government actions must adhere to the law.

4 Warm Up 9/8/14 1. What is a republic, where did this type of government begin?

5 Roman Republic and Empire

6 Standard 10.1.1 Analyze the similarities and differences in Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman view of law, reason and faith, and the duties of the individual Analyze=break apart and closely examine Greco-Roman = Greeks and Romans

7 Objective Students will note how the Roman *Republic* evolved into an empire.

8 “Thing of the People” *Republic: System of government in which officials are chosen (elected) by the people to represent them or make decisions for them. -(Representative Democracy) Like the United States

9 1. Which form of government do you think is better direct democracy or representative democracy (republic), explain why?

10 Senate Senate: the most powerful governing body in the Roman Republic
-300 members all Patricians (landholding upper class) -served for life -made laws

11 Senate

12 Consuls Consuls: officials in charge of supervising the government and commanding armies -selected by the senate -served only one term -consulted senate on major issues

13 Check for Understanding
What is a republic, name two countries that are currently republics? What was the most powerful governing body of Rome?


15 Possibility of a Dictator
*Dictator: Ruler who has complete control of the government. The senate was allowed to choose a Dictator in time of war The dictator would only have power for six months Cincinnatus was dictator for only 16 days Cincinnatus

16 Dictators


18 Common people want Equality
Plebeians: common people. Plebeians gained the right to elect their own officials called tribunes. Tribunes could *veto (block) laws harmful to plebeians. Plebeians

19 *Ideas the U.S. adopted from the* Romans
Republic Senate Veto Checks on power

20 Quiz 3. List ideas that the United States has borrowed both from Rome and Greece?

21 Rise of the Empire As Rome spread its empire around the Mediterranean civil wars began. Fighting occurred over who should have power the senate or other political leaders. In the end Julius Caesar would take power with his loyal military. Julius Caesar

22 Julius Caesar Forced the senate to make him dictator
He kept some features of the Republic, but ruled with absolute power. In March of 44 B.C. Caesar was assassinated


24 Assassination of Julius Caesar

25 Augustus Caesar Following Caesar’s death his grand-nephew Octavian (Augustus Caesar) took power. Augustus = Exalted One Senate declared him First Citizen of Rome

26 Emperor Augustus Caesar
Augustus followed Julius He declared himself first citizen and not king or emperor. Why? The Senate and the people would have removed him from power if he would have called himself a dictator. Nonetheless, he still acted like a dictator (31 BC to 14 AD) The Empire was born This period of time was known as Pax Romana Pax Romana = Time of peace, order, and unity. (Augustus Rules)

27 Roman Law Developed written law
Law of nations: collection of laws that applied to all of the empire Accused presumed innocent until proven guilty Right to offer a defense against the charge Guilt had to be established with evidence Many influenced American law.

28 Fall of the Roman Empire
Britain Gaul Fell to Germanic Invaders Black Sea Macedonia Rome Spain Asia Minor Byzantine Empire Syria Numidia Mediterranean Sea Arabia *The empire became to large to control and protect, the west fell to Germanic Invaders and the East became the Byzantine Empire. Egypt Roman Empire N. Africa Red Sea Bodies of Water

29 Byzantine Empire The East continued to thrive as the Byzantine Empire under Justinian *Justinian’s Code* Massive collection of Laws

30 Ancient Greece Roman Empire Alexander’s Empire 323 BC 500 BC
Dasnoit’s Empire AD 2013 Ancient Greece 500 BC Roman Empire 265 BC-476 AD

31 Quiz 4. Why did the Roman empire fall apart, and what became of it?

32 #4 Ch 1 S 2 Details Read and Notes Ch 1 S 2 S2 Standards Checks ?s 1-4
S2 Assessment pg. 27 ?s 3-5

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