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The Byzantine Empire 400-1453AD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Byzantine Empire 400-1453AD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Byzantine Empire AD

2 Overview Only survivor of Classical Age Empire lasted 1100 years
Built huge structures still used today Constantinople still major city today Istanbul Developed Orthodox Church

3 Early Byzantium Old Greek Colony
Made Roman capital by Constantine (330AD) Later named after him Originally part of Rome, grew independent

4 Rise to Power Split with Rome in 375
Weakened Western Roman Empire Controlled grain production and trade routes Greek official language

5 Government Hereditary Monarchy Emperor supreme authority
Head of the Church Government produced strong military, distributed land, held wealthy accountable Empire divided into military districts (Themes) Generals appointed by Emperor

6 Justinian I Considered greatest Emperor Married prostitute
Tried to reconquer Rome failed Established Justinian’s Code Formed from Roman ideals Led Byzantine Empire to world power

7 Economy and Culture Located on Mediterranean Sea Major trade route
Smuggled Silk Worms from China Growth of Byzantine Silk Industry Constantinople major trade center Glassware, silver, jewelry, gold produced

8 Economy and Culture Greek common language
Orthodox Church official religion Split with Roman Church in 1054 Icons Emperor head of Church appointed Patriarch

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