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IFLA meeting notes Naples meeting, Den Haag, May 11th 2016

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1 IFLA meeting notes Naples meeting, Den Haag, May 11th 2016
// Mikkel Christoffersen Project manager, eReolen

2 Details Venue: Den Haag Date: February 29th 2016 Host: IFLA Topics: Updates, negotiations, platforms, reading promotion Present: Canada, England, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Finland, Spain (Skype) Emerging topics: Content creation and self- or independent publishing Relationships with publishers and its results User behavior How to collaborate and share knowledge and best practice among countries

3 Examples of issues Availability
Some have fine availability, while some are struggling to get titles. Not surprisingly, the new and popular titles are the most contentious. The lack of availability adds to the rather low percentage of e-book loans compared to traditional loans User behavior Some countries show continuing uptake, while others have stalled. Some countries seem to show a lack of enthusiasm for buying to own digital content Streaming services have set up shop in many countries Users use library platforms to loan different things

4 IFLA e-lending priciples
1. A library must have the right to license and/or purchase any commercially available eBook without embargo [and governments should ensure access to any title under reasonable T&C] Problem: Dictated “reasonable” terms may be harmful! 2. A library must have access to eBooks under reasonable terms and conditions and at a fair price [and terms should be transparent] Problem: Difficult to define and varies from country to country. Also, should the transparency extend to users and authors too?

5 IFLA e-lending priciples
3. eBook licensing/purchase options must respect copyright limitations and exceptions available to libraries and their users in national law Problem: Starting over with “products” rather than “service” may nullify gains won. 4. eBooks available to libraries should be platform neutral and developed with standards for accessibility. Problem: None really

6 IFLA e-lending priciples
5. Strategies must be in place to ensure the long term preservation of eBook titles by libraries. Problem: The status and evolution of digital legal deposit. Much more information is needed. 6. eBook services must protect the privacy of library users. Problem: Should users also be safe from the library? ;)

7 The way forward We agree we need to collaborate closer, because publishers certainly do There are more e- lending solutions in Europe than there are countries EBLIDA’s task force on e-books is no more IFLA’s e-lending expert group is not terribly active What is a good forum? It’s not only negotiations, terms and prices It’s platforms, infrastructure, frotends It’s also literature promotion, digital reading etc.

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