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Heavy-ion group at Heidelberg

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0 Experimental High-energy Heavy-ion Physics in Heidelberg
Kai Schweda 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach 10 Oct 2009

1 Heavy-ion group at Heidelberg
group leader: J. Stachel faculty: P. Glässel, N. Herrmann, K. Reygers, R. Schicker, K.S. 9 postdocs 10 Ph.D. students 3 diploma students 5 junior researchers 3 engineers 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

2 Phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
ALICE at LHC: explore high-energy frontier CBM at FAIR: explore high baryon-density frontier 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

3 ITS: measures secondary vertex, open heavy-flavor, c and b
Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons Detectors: 18 TRD ITS TPC ITS: measures secondary vertex, open heavy-flavor, c and b TPC: tracks and identifies charged particles, (e,), , K, p TRD: identifies electrons above 1 GeV, fast trigger (6s) 3

4 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach
ALICE TPC Calibration TPC installed in ALICE, running continuously May-October 2008, and since Aug 2009 100 million events (cosmics, krypton, and laser) recorded Second iteration of calibration completed, more to come transverse momentum resolution particle identification via dE/dx dE/dx resolution: measured <5% design % resolution at 10 GeV: measured 6.5% design % performance meets design, TPC ready for collisions 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

5 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach
TRD commissioning 7/18 supermodules installed in ALICE cosmic ray data taking in and 2009 horizontal tracks acquired (TRD L1 trigger commissioned and used) reconstruction and first iteration for calibration parameters (gain, drift velocity) completed cosmic event triggered by TRD L1 Tracking in TPC and 2 TRD SM Uniformity better than 10% Run 85752, event 8 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

6 TRD readout electronics
2 custom designed ASICS - pre-amplifier/shaper (PASA) - ADC/tracklet-processor (TRAP): contain 275k CPUs to process 65 MBytes of raw data tracking and trigger decision within 6.5s selection of high momentum electrons 70kW cooling power required PASA TRAP Multi Chip Module (MCM) 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

7 HD contribution to TRD of ALICE
Technical coordination Infrastructure at CERN Installation and commissioning at CERN Construction and electronics development Chamber testing Electronics integration and pretrigger Detector control system Data quality and integrity assurance Alignment Online monitoring Noise analysis 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

8 HD contribution to TPC of ALICE
Technical coordination Electronics development 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

9 Fast parton probing the medium
z = p(h)/pparton Ejet  pparton Eγ = pparton p ≠ pparton Leading Hadron quark-gluon plasma Fast parton emerges in spray of collimated hadrons  jet Measure hadron distribution f(z)  fragmentation function Medium modification of f(z) compared to vacuum  probe QGP 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

10 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach
Jet- quenching Nuclear modification factor: Energy loss of parton leads to deficit of hadrons at large momentum No “Effect”: R < 1 at small momenta R = 1 at higher momenta where hard processes dominate Jet-quenching: Suppression: R < 1 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

11 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach
b-quark tagged jets novel effects for heavy-quarks predicted quark vs. gluon energy loss in the medium  exp. access to color factor  challenge to models b-quark jets are pure samples of quark jets harder fragmentation of the b-quark jet-energy is known more precisely better handle on the fragmentation function S. Wicks et al., NPA 784, (2007) 426. 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

12 Heavy - flavor: a unique probe
mc,b » QCD : new scale mc,b ≈ const., mu,d,s ≠ const. initial conditions: test pQCD, R, F probe gluon distribution early partonic stage: diffusion (), drag () flow, jets, correlations probe thermalization hadronization: chiral symmetry restoration confinement statistical coalescence J/ enhancement / suppression Q2 time X. Zhu, M. Bleicher, S.L. Huang, K.S., H. Stöcker, N. Xu, and P. Zhuang, PLB 647 (2007) 366. 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

13 Where does all the charm go ?
J c Ds D0 Statistics plot: H. Yang and Y. Wang, U Heidelberg. Total charm cross section: open charm hadrons, e.g. D0, D*, c, … or c,b  e() + X Quarkonia, e.g. J/ carries 1% of total charm 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

14 Heavy-quark detection
e.g., D0  K- +  , c = 123 m displaced decay vertex is signature of heavy-quark decay 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

15 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach
LHC Schedule Nov 2009: 1st pp collisions very short run at 900 GeV pp collisions at TeV end of 2010: 3-4 weeks Pb+Pb collisions at TeV *short technical stop over Christmas period 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

16 Some selected key measurements
open charm: D0  K +  quarkonia: J/ and trigger 0  , photons from pair-conversions can be addressed in first year of data taking with p+p collisions 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

17 Open charm performance
Full reconstruction of D0  K + , D*  D0 + + Address heavy-quark production in 1st year of data taking essential input for J/ generation models M (GeV/c2) D* D0 + + ALICE: PPR.vol.II, J. Phys. G 32 (2006) 1295. Simulation: 109 p+p, 108 p+Pb, 107 Pb+Pb collisions 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

18 J/ trigger for pp collisions
expect some 1k J/ per year in min. bias pp collisions establish single-e and J/ trigger (L1 & L3) allows detailed heavy-quark and jet studies Study J/ suppression / enhancement in Pb+Pb collisions J/ e+e- A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger, K. Redlich, J. Stachel, Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 259. 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

19 Photon pair-conversions
in detector material:  + Z e+ + e- + Z use TPC as pair spectrometer Meaure  yield up to 20 GeV/c with first year pp data access to direct photons  - tagged jets for jet-energy calibration    10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

20 FOPI experimental program
Reference data from elementary reactions K0 ,  production p- + C, Al, Cu, Sn, 1.15 GeV/c, K0 , K+, K-, ,  production in p- + LH2, C, Pb @ 1.7 GeV/c, Systematics of strangeness data from hi reactions K0 , K+, K-, , K*, , *(1385) production Search for kaonic bound states System beam energy events Ni + Ni AGeV, M Al + Al AGeV, M Ni + Ni AGeV, M Ni + Pb AGeV, 100M Ru+ Ru AGeV, 210M Search for exotica in elementary reaction existance of ppK- - bound state p + p GeV, 80M Strangeness: comprehensive system-size scan nearly completed 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

21 FOPI III (2008 – 2010) with improved PID
K- - PID: S/B > 10 MMRPC TOF Barrel p<0.8 GeV/c supermodules, 150 counters, 4500 electronic channels, 6 m2 active area Performance: system ~ 90 ps RPC ~ 65 ps Worlds best performing multiparticle TOF system so far! Time-of-flight R&D: future technologies for CBM/FAIR Electronics development 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

22 Charmed hadrons at FAIR energies
Look for statistical hadronization of charm at top FAIR energies c most sensitive ! Need total charm cross section as reference:  measure D-mesons ! total charm energy scan at LHC, RHIC, FAIR  provide input to theory: scales F, R gluon distribution 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

23 HD physics program with ALICE
Jets and jet-quenching Leading hadron correlations Underlying event correlated with jet-production Heavy-quark tagged jets Photon-tagged jets Photon and neutral meson production Momentum correlations of charged particles Heavy-quark production: open charm and beauty Quarkonia production Collective effects, heavy-quark flow Femtoscopy Diffractive scattering 10 Oct 2009 66th NuPECC meeting, Egelsbach

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