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Fishers’ Training Material Technology Used in Vessels – 2

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1 Fishers’ Training Material Technology Used in Vessels – 2
Fishers’ Training Material Technology Used in Vessels – 2. Equipping a Small-scale Fishing Vessel Activity Code: O4-A2 Developed by Ege University

2 2 SeaofSkills Course Training material
Fishers’ Training Material SeaofSkills Course Training material Technology Used in Small-Scale Fishing Vessels 2 Equipping A Small-scale Fishing Vessel Training material

3 Thematic training sections
This unit is divided into 2 sections: pulley systems lighting systems. Training material

4 Training provider: Sea of Skills Project
This unit aims to provide the learner with general knowledge on two auxiliary systems for SSF. Training material

5 Training Objectives After completion of the training session trainees are expected to be able to: Improve knowledge about pulley and lighting systems. choose a right lighting system Training material

6 4. Equipping a Small-scale Fishing Vessel
These vessels generally operate gill nets, long lines, fish hook and traps (such as baskets, pinters, etc.). The size and amount of this fishing gear depend on the size of the boat. Small-size fishing boats are between 2 and12 m long. These boats may be motorless with no or semi-cabin; or they may have outboard engines or inboard engines with or without cabin. Training material

7 4. Equipping a Small-scale Fishing Vessel
The number of fishermen on these boats may be between 1 and 4. The boats fish on a daily basis at short distances from shore. If the boats are suitable for net/long line, they generally have pulley systems for hauling in nets  Training material

8 4. Equipping a Small-scale Fishing Vessel
The equipment of these vessels navigation lights light sources on buoys at the start and end points of the fishing gear for night sail other sources of light (flash lights used during the catch, projectors, etc.) illuminated navigation equipment portable GPS fish-finder that also measures the depth compass VHF communication device Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) for boats longer than 12 m. Training material

9 4.1. Pulley System The inner parts of the net pulleys may be mechanic or hydraulic; they are covered with smooth rubber in order to prevent any harm to the net. Generally small ones are mechanic pulleys and the ones used in big vessels are hydraulic. The manually operated ones operate through a line and with the help of capstans. The endless line that goes through the pulley is tethered to the capstans, thus allowing the pulley to turn in the direction desired. Training material

10 4.1. Pulley System They are similar to hydraulic pulleys in terms of working principles, except that the cogs inside the hydraulic pulleys turn hydraulics powered by generators (which is why the main engines are turned off while the net is hauled in). Hydraulic pulleys have gradually became widespread; they are used for collecting nets that are bigger, heavier and require more power. Training material

11 4.2. Lighting Systems Alongside the artificial lights, there are natural sources of light such as the sun, the moon and the stars. Apart from these, there are some special sources of light; for instance, Noctiluca phytoplankton swim at the surface, cling to the nets and occurs in the backwash of the vessel, radiating phosphoric light. The most widely used sources of light are; electric bulbs, fluorescent lamps, mercury lamps and sometimes acetylene gas lamps. Training material

12 The lamps used for fishery operations should be:
4.2. Lighting Systems The lamps used for fishery operations should be: Resistant against impact, Resistant against swinging and vibration, Resistant against the corrosive effects of sea water, High illumination and the right colors to lure fishes, Low energy consumption, Cost-effective. Training material

13 4.2. Lighting Systems The lighting systems on the vessels are primarily important for safe navigation and operations. Fishing vessels use masthead lights as they mostly fish at night, but apart from that they also need projector lights, either fixed or manual in order to avoid an impact especially with commercial fleet ships. They can also be used in cases of a breakdown or rescue. In addition, there are serial lamps on the deck for operational activities that do not require powerful light. Training material

14 The lighting systems on the vessels
Training material

15 The fish lamps are divided into two types : Underwater Surface.
4.2. Lighting Systems The fish lamps are divided into two types : Underwater Surface. Training material

16 4.2. Lighting Systems The surface lamps have 4-5m long, well-isolated cables and hangers are made of galvanized steel or iron. The inner side of the reflector is covered with white enamel for a better light reflection. Reflectors have junctures allowing them to move in accordance with the swinging of the ship in order to prevent any rupture in the shielding. Training material

17 4.2. Lighting Systems When the fish-finder device detects fishes, the underwater lamp is lowered down to 200 m depth while the ship is above a school of fish. The lamp is then turned on and drawn slowly towards the surface. Switching the lamps should always be done under the water. Training material

18 4.2. Lighting Systems Underwater lamps open type closed type.
Training material

19 Fluorescent lamps in various colors
Fluorescent lamps consume less energy compared to electricity bulbs. Their transmission intensity is better and they spread blue and green light under the sea. Training material

20 The light is utilized in various ways in fishing
Fluorescent Lamps The light is utilized in various ways in fishing for fishing with hauling nets, to keep live bait alive and concentrated in floating docks, for shoaling of plankton where mussels, oysters and pearl oysters exist in order to help them grow quicker, for fishing with gill nets and trammel nets. Training material

21 Mercury Lamps Their emission is more effective than that of electric bulbs, and the brightness of their beams is considered to be more effective since the effect of their wavelength is more visible to fishes. The only shortcoming about these lamps is that they are expensive. Further, they take time to reach a high point of illumination, which makes them impractical for small vessels that get power from the main engine through a dynamo. Training material

22 There are three types of mercury lamps:
-Low pressure lamps (0,01 mmHg, ultraviolet supported, 254 milimicron power) -High pressure (13 atmosphere, 546 mm, 5 milimicron power) -Very high pressure (sends constant beam of light higher than 20 atmosphere, color close to white). Each lamp includes argon gas to facilitate lighting. Training material

23 iodine electricity bulbs
Other Lamps iodine electricity bulbs projector lamps Training material

24 Iodine Electric Bulbs The interior of these bulbs sometimes darkens, but putting a little amount of iodine can prevent it. This also increases the durability of backup bulbs when the wires inside get ruptured. These bulbs are quite expensive and not very durable when used on water surfaces. The front glass is made of heat-resistant material and the heat of tube walls can rise to up ranged from 25 to 1200°C Training material

25 Projector Lamps The lamps are made of heat resistant glass. They have a small magnetic wire in order to adjust brightness. These lamps are used during fishing with gill nets on open seas in order to attract schools of fish. The round 250–1500 watt projector lamps give off light at an angle of less than 15 and aubergine-like lamps at an angle of more than 30. Apart from these, there are lights like the day light. These are made of glass. They produce white light ( °K); there are double-bobin lamps of 40, 60 and 100 watts; as is the case with various coloured bulbs, 30-40% of the light is absorbed by the glass of the bulb. Training material

26 Questions & Answers Training material

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