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Waste management system

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1 Waste management system
in the Russian Federation: Country Report Head of Department for State Ecological Supervision of Rosprirodnadzor NATALYA SOKOLOVA Australia, Adelaide 2-4 November 2016

2 Authorities which take part in regulation of waste management in Russia
2 Ministry of Health Safety Regional environmental programs Territorial Schemes on waste management Regional operators on Rospotrebnadzor (medical waste) REGIONAL AUTHORITIES - 85 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Rosprirodnadzor Rostehnadzor (radioactive waste) FEDERAL AUTHORITIES - 10 Participation in selective collection of waste Participation in organization of waste transportation LOCAL (MUNICIPAL) AUTHORITIES – Ministry of Economic Development Rosselhoznadzor (biologacal waste) FAS Ministry of Education and Science Ministry of Industry and Trade НОРМОТВОРЧЕСТВО НАДЗОР ХОЗ.СУБЪЕКТ 2

3 3 Dynamics of production and consumption waste generation,
utilization and decontamination the Russian Federation 3 generation, (bln tonn) Utilization and decontamination, (bln tonn, %) 39,7% 57,9% 47,4% 46,5% 46,3% 50,5% 46% 41% 45% 54% BY ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN 2015: Products manufacturing raw materials extraction and enrichment 5,8% 5,06 bln tonn 0,6% energy production 92% <0,5% transport services field <0,5% housing and communal services 0,6% agriculture Currently, in the territory of the Russian Federation in waste dumps and stockpiles are accumulated more than 94 billion tons of solid waste Over the past 5 years the total amount of waste produced in Russia increased in 1.5 times Total volume of waste – 5,96 billion tonn, year 2015

4 4 Dynamics of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation,
utilization and decontamination in the Russian Federation 4 52,6 54,6 57,1 58,8 60,3 8,7 12,1 11,7 13,6 10,1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 66,4 2012 67,4 2013 9,5 70,8 2014 7,5 MSW generation, mln tonn MSW utilization % About 70 million tons of MSW (350 million m3) are generated from activity of the population annually.

5 Level of collection secondary raw materials in Russia
5 A low level of main types of waste utilization in Russia 1) Industrial waste of mining 2) Some types of waste of polymeric materials: polyethylene of the high and low density, polypropylene. 3) Waste of automobile and construction glass triplex 4) Fulfilled batteries and accumulators 5) Organic waste of animal husbandry (manure, dung) 6) Textile waste 7) Medical waste

6 General situation in waste management
in Russia 6 Less than 400 enterprises for sorting and recycling of MSW About 4500 landfills for burial of MSW ECOLOGICAL HARM of the previous period About 15 thousand authorized dumps of MSW About 17 thousand unauthorized dumps of MSW About 13 thousand places of small unauthorized placement of MSW

7 Most widely used ways of storing and processing of waste
in Russia 7 1. Pre-sorting 2. Sanitary dirt fill 3. Incine-ration The main technologies which are needed in the market of recycling in Russia 1) Technology of receiving wood and polymeric composites from wood waste, products from mix of waste of woodworking production (sawdust) with plastic granules (for example, production of a terrace board). 2) Technology of processing of the mixed plastic waste (including sorting, grinding, washing, drying and homogenization). 3) The equipment for production of finished goods from waste of a rubber crumb. 4) Installation on automatic sorting of solid household waste, without preliminary selective collecting by the population. 5) The equipment for utilization of medical waste in plasma systems at which the electric current ionizing inert gas (for example, argon), and forming an electric arch with a temperature about 6000C is used. It should be noted the smallest distribution of installations on processing of resistant organic pollutants and medical waste. Among technologies of neutralization of dangerous waste the greatest distribution has thermal neutralization, including, in furnaces of the industrial enterprises, and also mobile installations. Sulfuric acid, as a rule is neutralized by neutralization. There are 30 objects of burial of the most hazardous waste (I-II classes of danger). Thus similar objects are located in the Northwest Federal district, North Caucasus federal district and the Crimean Federal district. The largest objects of disposal of hazardous waste: - a pond store of JSC Kaustik (Volgograd region), capacity – 10,2 million cubic meters - the range of industrial wastes of "Starkovo" (Kursk region), capacity – 2 million t - the range of burial of industrial wastes "Tsvetayevsky" (JSC Bashkir Soda Company, the Republic of Bashkortostan), capacity – 1 million t - the range of industrial and household wastes of JSC ANHK (Irkutsk region), capacity – 460 thousand tons - and also 4 delivery wells in the Sakhalin region, with a total volume of 4,4 million cubic meters, used for burial of boring slime. There are about 650 objects for processing of dangerous waste. About 450 objects (70%) is the share of installations on neutralization of sulfuric acid and acidiferous accumulators. About 100 objects (15%) represent demerkurization installations (processing of mercury-containing waste). Thus, objects of processing of dangerous wastes are available practically in all subjects of the Russian Federation, except for such, as the Novgorod region, the Republic of Karelia, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Penza region, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Tyva, the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, Chukotka Autonomous Area, the republics of the North Caucasus.

8 Investments on environmental aims in Russia, mln.rubles
8 11,5% - investments on waste management aims in Russia

9 Modern form of container sites for separate collection of municipal solid waste in Russia (St.-Petersburg) 9 9

10 Modern Waste Transportation in Russia

11 Main legislative acts on waste management in Russia
11 "Bases of a State Policy in the Field of Ecological Development of the Russian Federation for the Period till 2030» (2012) "Complex Strategy of Treatment with Solid Municipal (Household) Waste in the Russian Federation" (2013) Federal Law of the Russian Federation № 219-FZ, about best available technologies (BAT) (2014) Federal Law of the Russian Federation № 458-FZ "About Modification of the Federal Law "About Production and Consumption Waste" (2014)

12 Adoption of the Federal Law 458-FZ
Changes in the normative regulation – Adoption of the Federal Law 458-FZ 12 Unified State Information System of waste from the use of goods accounting Implementation of EPR The list of licensed activities in the field of waste management is extended More than licenses have been issued and reissued Duties on confirmation of hazard class of waste included in the Federal Classification Waste Catalogue (FCWC) were cancelled More than 4000 types of waste have been included in the FCWC Implementation of territorial schemes of waste management on the level of subjects of the Russian Federation Territorial scheme of 64 subjects of RF have been developed and approved Ban of landfilling of waste containing valuable components Increase of recycling rates is expected 2015 2016 2017

13 Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF - Development of
Production and consumption waste recycling industry 13 Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF – Focal Point on recycling technologies and secondary raw materials State programme of the Russian Federation “Industry development and increasing its competitiveness” “Development of production and consumption waste recycling industry” Main Tasks Analysis of international experience of implementation and evaluation of the current state of the Russian market for the introduction of “Eco-industrial parks” and “circular economy” Development of new legal and regulatory acts of the Government of the RF aimed at Industry support Development and implementation of support measures for increasing the volume of waste recycling equipment production for the years

14 Year of Ecology – 2017 in the Russian Federation
14 By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from “About conduct of the Year of Ecology” The Plan of key activities within the Year of Ecology, adopted by the Government of RF, includes 234 activities in the following fields: Waste Rationing of environmental impact and transition to the Best available technologies application Water Forest Baikal natural area The Arctic and climate Specially protected natural areas and fauna Environmental education MAIN OBJECTIVE – reduce the amount of landfills and create the waste recycling industry

15 IPLA Global Forum-2015 | 6–8 October 2015, Moscow
Year of Ecology – 2017 IPLA-RUSSIA FORUM – 2017 15 IPLA Global Forum-2015 | 6–8 October 2015, Moscow IPLA Global Forum has gathered more than 800 participants. Among them were representatives of federal and regional authorities, more than 50 members of international expert community and foreign representatives of state and municipal authorities in the field of waste management and environmental protection. During two days the work of 14 "round tables", and thematic sections was carried out; The forum was attended by representatives of 21 countries, by the federal and regional authorities, international environmental experts, UN agencies and branches managers and employees, representatives of public environmental organizations, private businesses engaged in the field of waste management, science and education workers, non-profit organizations Establishment of a permanent expert platform IPLA - RUSSIA, which will help to form the proposals by the participants within the waste management sector and to bring these proposals to the government to include them in the various sectoral programs; Declaration of IPLA Forum in Moscow on interregional cooperation in the field of waste management and resource recovery on the way to economic development on the basis of the “circular economy“ is accepted The results of the Global Forum


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