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1 Click this button to play
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2 Jeopardy

3 1 Geography 2 Presidents 3 VOCAB 4 Acts & Laws 5 War of 1812 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Exit

4 Which letter represents the valuable waterway used by farmers?
Category 1 for $100 Which letter represents the valuable waterway used by farmers? F D B A C E Answer

5 C Back to the Board

6 Category 1 for $200 Which letter represent the Louisiana Purchase?

7 B Back to the Board

8 Category 1 for $300 Which letter two letters represent the land some Americans hoped to gain during the War of 1812? F C B A D E Answer

9 F & D Back to the Board

10 Category 1 for $400 Where is the Port of New Orleans located? Answer

11 E Back to the Board

12 Category 1 for $500 Give TWO reasons why the Louisiana Purchase was important to the United States? Answer

13 Doubled U.S. size helped farmers ship/trade goods more land = more power more resources
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14 Category 2 for $100 What was unusual about the results of the Election after Washington’s Presidency? Answer

15 Two political parties in office at the same time.
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16 Category 2 for $200 Name Thomas Jefferson’s Political Party and in general, which type of people supported him? Answer

17 Democrat-Republicans, farmers/common man
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18 What two warnings did George Washington give in his Farewell Address?
Category 2 for $300 What two warnings did George Washington give in his Farewell Address? Answer

19 - Don’t get mixed up in foreign affairs (stay neutral) - Beware of Political Parties
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20 Who did Jefferson send on an expedition into the Louisiana Territory?
Category 2 for $400 Who did Jefferson send on an expedition into the Louisiana Territory? Answer

21 Lewis and Clark Back to the Board

22 Category 2 for $500 Which precedent did Adams and Jefferson follow that began with George Washington? Answer

23 Neutrality 2 four year term Being called “President”
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24 Shutting off a port to prevent goods from coming in or out
Category 3 for $100 Shutting off a port to prevent goods from coming in or out Answer

25 blockade Back to the Board

26 Category 3 for $200 Pride in one’s country Answer

27 Nationalism Back to the Board

28 To bring goods in/out of a country illegally
Category 3 for $300 To bring goods in/out of a country illegally Answer

29 smuggle Back to the Board

30 Category 3 for $400 power Answer

31 J Back to the Board

32 Category 3 for $500 What is Answer

33 Back to the Board

34 Category 4 for $100 Who was the secretary of Treasury during Washington’s term who created a plan to get the US out of debt? Answer

35 Alexander Hamilton Back to the Board

36 Name two parts of Hamilton's Plan for the economy?
Category 4 for $200 Name two parts of Hamilton's Plan for the economy? Answer

37 Repay state & national debt
Buy back government bonds from citizens Create a national bank (BUS) Protective Tariff Tax on Liquor Back to the Board

38 Select one from below, and tell how it divided many Americans…
Category 4 for $300 Select one from below, and tell how it divided many Americans… - protective tariff - National Bank Answer

39 Protective Tariff: North vs
Protective Tariff: North vs. South (& explain) National Bank: Wealthy vs. Common Man (explain) Back to the Board

40 Category 4 for $400 What is the difference between the Embargo Act and the Non-Intercourse Act? Answer

41 EMBARGO ACT: banned all trade (no imports/exports in or out NONINTERCOURSE ACT: banned trade with only BRITAIN & FRANCE Back to the Board

42 Category 4 for $500 Answer

43 Back to the Board

44 What two countries fought in the War of 1812?
Category 5 for $100 What two countries fought in the War of 1812? Answer

45 U.S. & Britain Back to the Board

46 Which treaty ended the War of 1812?
Category 5 for $200 Which treaty ended the War of 1812? Answer

47 Treaty of Ghent Back to the Board

48 Who was the President during the War of 1812?
Category 5 for $300 Who was the President during the War of 1812? Answer

49 James Madison Back to the Board

50 Category 5 $400 Name 4 causes of the War of 1812. Answer

51 4 Causes Back to the Board

52 Name 2 Effects of the War of 1812.
Category 5 for $500 Name 2 Effects of the War of 1812. Answer

53 2 Effects…. - Andrew Jackson became famous/war hero -Treaty of Ghent was signed - Not much really….it was sort of a silly war Back to the Board

54 Final Jeopardy



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