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Our library system IN 7 STEPS.

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1 Our library system IN 7 STEPS

2 1. General information To be able to use the collections of the FCUM Main Library and Sound Library you need to have an active account in the ALEPH system. To open or activate an account in the FCUM Main Library in Warsaw, go to the Reading Room, Lending Room or Sound Library. Students in Warsaw who would like to additionally activate their account in the Library of the Department of Instrumental and Educational Studies in Białystok, have to personally contact the Librarians in Białystok. The account may be activated in the given academic year provided that it was properly settled in the previous year.

3 2. Library card Upon your admission to the FCUM you receive your identity badge (with a barcode on its back) which is also your library card. The card must be presented every time when you borrow any items from the Library.

4 3. Search in the Aleph catalogue
Always start your search in the Aleph catalogue available at: . Log in on your account to submit your request for the selected item(s). When your request is complete you will see the respective information on your account – you have 3 working days to collect the requested item(s). For detailed instructions on how to use the catalogue and submit requests please go to:

5 4. Item(s) unavailable in the Aleph catalogue
If you can’t find your sheet music in the Aleph catalogue, continue your search in the scanned catalogue of sheet music available at: Items unavailable in the Aleph catalogue but registered in the scanned catalogue may be requested via sent to:

6 If you can’t find your recordings in the Aleph catalogue, continue your search in the digital catalogue of the Sound Library available at: Items unavailable in the Aleph catalogue but registered in the digital catalogue may be requested via sent to:

7 5. Collecting your item(s)
You can pick up your requested item(s) in the Lending Room, Sound Library or Reading Room within their working hours. Requests are processed in the following order: requests made in the Aleph system, requests, other requests. The same order applies when dealing with the Library users in the Lending Room and Sound Library. @ We therefore strongly encourage you to use the electronic system to submit your requests!

8 6. What, how many and for how long can be lent?
The number of items and their loan period depend on the status of the item and category of the Reader. Detailed information may be found in Regulation No 1 of the Director of the FCUM Main Library available at:.

 ITEM STATUS: AVAILABE LENDING ROOM SOUND LIBRARY TYP CZYTELNIKA NO OF VOLUMES LOAN PERIOD (DAYS) NO OF PROLON-GATIONS B * M * B M BA & MA Students 6 14 30 90 2 10 8 External Students, PhD Studients 15 Postgrad. Studients 5 Employees 20 Caution Account 1 - 3 * M – sheet music * B – books ITEM STATUS: SHORT-PERIOD cannot be prolonged, lent to students for 7 days and to lecturers for 15 days STATUS: LIBRARY USE ONLY available only in the Reading Room, for classes or to photocopy; must be returned on the same day

10 7. Returns on time and after the return date
You can return the item(s) in the same place you collected them from (Lending Room or Sound Library). If the Lending Room is closed you can return the books and sheet music in the Reading Room. If you keep an item past its return date your account will be blocked until this is settled and will continue to be inactive for as many days as you kept the given item. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR ACCOUNT STATUS AND PROLONG THE LOAN PERIOD IF NECESSARY (before the return date is due).

11 S The Library will you to: inform you that your request is complete and is ready to be collected; remind you of the approaching return date; notify you that the return date is overdue; send other information.  The s are sent for your convenience; however, it is your own responsibility to check and verify your account status. EVEN IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE A REMINDER/ NOTIFICATION YOU ARE STILL OBLIGED TO RETURN THE LIBRARY ITEM(S) ON TIME.

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