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The romans Samuel and Tristen.

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1 the romans Samuel and Tristen

2 contents Who where the Romans? What did the Romans eat? WHO ARE GLADIATORS? Who where the famous Romans? What did the Romans do for us? GLOSSARY?

3 WHO WHERE THE ROMANS? The romans are the people that lived in rome and lived a very long time ago. It lived 735 bc and that was ages ago. The romans attacked a very long time ago and nobody can defeat them because they was very strong. Extraordinary romans

4 WHAT DID THE ROMANS EAT? The Romans eat pizza, cheese and things we did not eat for fact and that’s for sure everybody knows that and I know that for sure. They eat lots of things and eat what we eat as well different things that we eat as well and desserts. Romans eat.

5 WHO ARE GLADIATORS? They are the people that are on Julias caesar, boudicca, barbarian and chariot and they were the people lived in a villa. It was very neat and good place to live and that is why nearly everybody goes there + the Romans go there and sleep there. The gladiators

6 The famous Romans? The famous Romans are Julias ceasar,Barbarian,Gladiators and last but not last the chariots the famous Romans. The famous Romans are the people that help great Britain which is a good place for us. Roman julias caesar

What they did was build lots of toilets and lots of roads and shall I tell you how much roads they built 20,000 roads. They brought loads of barrels from Italy and lots of different snails. WHAT THEY DID WAS MAKE TOILETS.

8 GLOSSARY? Defeat means get beaten.
Different means all sorts of things. Neat means that something is very tidy. Famous means somebody is like knowable. Road means a car is driving on the road.

9 Thank you Thank you for watching


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