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I) The use of test-strips

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1 Examination of Urine: Detection and Estimation of Some Abnormal Constituents.

2 I) The use of test-strips

3 Nitrate Arsinalic acid + Nitrate Coloured Compound
Abnormal nitrite values may indicative of Urinary tract infection Bacterial infection E Coli Salmonella Citrobacter Proteus Clebsiella

4 Protein Indicator for renal disease. Large amount nephritic syndrome
Small amount (hematouria) acute urinary tract infection Intermediate amount chorionic renal disease. The indicator : tetrabromophenol blue

5 pH (methyl red and bromothymol blue) Normal 5.5-8
Drugs may change the urine pH. Bacterial infection alkaline urine.

6 Glucose Glucose ( filtered by glomeruli +re-absorbed by renal tubules ) Re-absorption depend on :- Level of glucose in filtrate Urinary flow rate Capability of cellular system to transfer the glucose from the tubule Renal threshold : 180mg /dl Diabetes mellitus (DM)

7 Ketones Uncontrolled DM Starvation Weight reducing diet Ascorbic acid
Therapeutic doses of Vit C

8 Bilirubin This test is based on the coupling of bilirubin with 2.4-dichlorobenzene diazonium salt in a strong acid medium Biliary obstruction Infective hepatitis

9 Urobilinogen Blood Jaundice due to hemolytic disease
×Lower urinary tract bleeding

10 II) Detection of Amino acids
The individual amino acids are filtered by the glomeruli but the urinary concentration is normally quite low because they are actively reabsorbed by the renal tubules. In severe liver disease, protein synthesis and deamination of amino acids are reduced leading to increased excretion. In cystinuria, phenylketonuria and alkaptonuria, urinary cystine, phenylalanine and tyrosine levels increase respectively.

11 Detection of Amino acids

Proteinuria may be benign or pathological Benign proteinuria postural excessive exercise high or low temperature during pregnancy Pathological proteinuria Pre-renal (2g/24hr) hypertension Heart failure Sever anaemia Primary renal Renal failure (10-24g/dl) Tubular reabsorption (2g/24hr) Post-renal ( small amount ) U.T.I , stones

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