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Believer’s Walk and Wisdom

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1 Believer’s Walk and Wisdom
MEMORY VERSE: Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. Ephesians 5:1 TEXT: Ephesians 5:1-21

2 Lesson: Boys and girls who are friends of Jesus must walk in love, obedience and purity to make heaven. Thought: I will walk with Jesus till the end.

3 There are 2 important words in our study today.
WALK AND WISDOM A believer is a friend of Jesus who has repented of his bad ways and has received Jesus as his best friend.

4 A child who is a friend of Jesus WILL...

5 When a child has a pure heart without dirt or spots of sin, he is said to be walking with God.
WISDOM means the ability to do something perfectly well. It is the power to choose and do the right things. Jesus is the wisdom of God.

6 Walking with Jesus means living a life of love, obedience and purity of heart.
Boys and girls who allow the Spirit of God to control the way they behave all the time are walking with God and in the wisdom of God.

7 Children who are gentle, merciful and forgiving make God very happy.
They love Jesus and always tell others that God loves them.

8 If you are still fighting, stealing, telling lies, arguing and doing other bad things, you are NOT walking with God and God is NOT happy with you.

9 Examples of Believers in Bible Who Walked with God
OLD TESTAMENT: Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Daniel, Joseph and the three Hebrew boys NEW TESTAMENT: Peter, Stephen, John the Beloved, Jesus our perfect example

10 Blessings of Walking With God
Your life will make God very happy. Answers to prayers God's protection and provision. Peace in your life. Being delivered from temptations and Satan the Father of all evil. Good success, healing and health. Living with Jesus forever in heaven.

11 Are you still living an ungodly life
Are you still living an ungodly life? If yes, you need Jesus in your life right now. Pray and take the following steps and Jesus will come into your heart and make you godly. Step 1 REPENT FROM ALL YOUR SINS Step 2 ASK FOR FORGIVE-NESS AND CLEANSING IN BLOOD OF JESUS Step 3 INVITE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART TO BE YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO WALK IN THE SPIRIT

12 Questions 1. A believer is ----------------------.
2.The ability to do something well is called 3.(a) , and walked with God in the Old Testament. 3. (b) , and walked with God in the New Testament. 4. Mention four blessings you will receive for walking with God. 5. What should a naughty child do to walk with God?

13 Activity Homework Children should memorize and recite Psalm 116:9.
Children should write in their homework book 5 things they will do so as to continue in their walk with God.

14 References .htm

15 References pastor/

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