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Three Guiding Principles

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2 Three Guiding Principles
The Proverbs: The first nine chapters are a discourse on wisdom and the getting of wisdom and understanding. The next 21 chapters are the proverbial sayings. The last chapter is a description of a virtuous wife.

3 Three Guiding Principles
Proverbs 3:1-10 Trust the Lord Fear the Lord Honor the Lord

4 Three Guiding Principles
1. Trust in the Lord – vs. 5-6 We should be familiar with this concept. Jer. 10:23 – it is not within man who walks to direct his own steps Psalm 119:105 – the word of God is a lamp and a light God will light the way for man by His word.

5 Three Guiding Principles
Matt. 19:16-22 – the young ruler was confident in the direction of his life but Jesus told him that he still lacked something Today many people seem to be of this same attitude. They say they eagerly search for God and love Jesus, but they reject His guidance when they are shown what God actually says.

6 Three Guiding Principles
2 Cor. 12:7-10 – Paul had trust in God even in his infirmities Gen – Joseph demonstrates the type of trust on God that we should have

7 Three Guiding Principles
2. Fear the Lord – vs. 7-8 This fear is not to be afraid of but to hold in reverence. We can see this because the caution is not to be wise in our own eyes. This fear will guide us to health not only in the physical sense but more importantly in the spiritual sense. It is not a guarantee against illness but guidance for what is good for the body and the soul.

8 Three Guiding Principles
1 Tim. 4:8 – exercise is good for the body but godliness is profitable for all things Luke 12:20 – Jesus teaches us in the parable that the soul is what is required of man 1 Cor. 1:18-25 – we should hold fast to the message of salvation James 4:7-10 – when we submit to God we are resisting the devil and cleansing our hands and purifying our hearts

9 Three Guiding Principles
3. Honor the Lord – vs. 9-10 The direction here is to honor the Lord with your possessions and firstfruits. Under the Old Law God required sacrifice of the best of the Israelites. Their firstfruits were given to God. God promised Israel that the land would produce for them if they would serve Him.

10 Three Guiding Principles
We are not Israelites, so how might this apply to us? We must honor God with our possessions. Psalm 24:1; 1 Cor. 10:26 – all things on the earth belong to God Matt. 5:45 – God gives us natural blessings Matt. 6:25-33 – God blesses us with the needs of life

11 Three Guiding Principles
James 1:17 – God has blessed us with all things that are good and perfect. The spiritual application of this is first but with recognition of a physical application Gen. 2:15 – man has a stewardship over the care of the planet Deut. 8:17-18 – we should remember who gives us the ability to gain wealth, i.e. possessions

12 Three Guiding Principles
Eph. 4:28 – instead of stealing we work so we might be able to help others 1 Tim. 5:8 – we work to provide for our own 1 Tim. 6:17 – if we are wealthy we should not trust in riches but in God Matt. 25:14-30 – the principles of stewardship are made in the parable.

13 Three Guiding Principles
Proverbs 3:1-10 Trust the Lord Jer. 9:23-24 Does this describe you? Fear the Lord Honor the Lord

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