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Procedural Animation.

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Presentation on theme: "Procedural Animation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedural Animation

2 Keyframe animation Start values End values time t Interpolation
Values at time t

3 Types of Keyframe Animation
curve interpolation path following forward and inverse kinematics blend shapes motion capture

4 Procedural animation Initial conditions starting values start time Model constraints rules Increment Updated values

5 Categories of Procedural Animation
gravity springs collision detection & response rotational dynamics physically based animation flocking behavior crowd behavior prey-preditor model walking grasping and reaching speech personality behavioral animation

6 Basic physcially based animation
state of the world position velocity forces acceleration new velocity f =Sum(fi) new position

7 Gravity (earth) a = -9.8 m/s v = v + a*dt p = p + v*dt

8 Gravitational Fields f = G(m1*m2)/d2

9 Simple Spring spring let D = (P-Q) L = |D| P (moveable) with mass m f = ks * (L - Lrest)D/L Q (fixed) a = f/m v = v + a*dt p = p + v*dt

10 Works against velocity
Viscosity or Damping Works against velocity Velocity V Damping force f = - kd * V

11 V is rate of change of Length of spring
Simple Spring-Damper spring let D = (P-Q) L = |D| P (moveable) with mass m V is rate of change of Length of spring Q (fixed) f = (ks * (L - Lrest) - kd*V)*(D/L)

12 Simple Spring-Damper spring P (moveable) with mass MP Q (moveable) with mass MQ fP = - fQ

13 Simple collision response
kinematic response: negate horizontal component of velocity

14 Friction static friction f = kf*fn dynamic friction velocity ff g

15 Inclined ramp velocity ff g

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