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Strategic Leadership Communications

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Leadership Communications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Leadership Communications
Year One – Chief Retail Officer Victoria Verhey Principal The Compete Approach LLC ©2003, 2017 The Complete Approach LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Executive Banking School Roadmap
GROWING Capability Confidence Courage YEAR THREE Chief Executive Officer Perspective YEAR ONE Chief Retail Officer Perspective YEAR TWO Chief Financial Officer Perspective

3 Executive Banking School Roadmap
GROWING Capability Confidence Courage YEAR THREE Chief Executive Officer Perspective YEAR ONE Chief Retail Officer Perspective YEAR TWO Chief Financial Officer Perspective

4 Year One – Chief Retail Officer Perspective Retail Strategy Curriculum
Leadership Communication Leading the Retail Line of Business via a Balanced Scorecard Discovering Customer Segments & Consumer Behaviors Successfully Communicating & Advertising in Retail Banking Developing and Pricing Profitable Bank Products Modernizing & Optimizing Delivery to Meet Customer Requirements Facing Ethical Dilemmas in Banking Applying Concepts Learned to Today’s Market Chief Retail Officer Perspective

5 Leadership Communication Situations
Strategic Leadership Communications Leadership Communication Situations Influencing others Discussing performance Identifying and setting goals Interacting with virtual teams Introducing new strategy & vision Driving strategy tweaks or changes Providing experience and expertise Managing conflict and attaining resolution Providing clarity for roles and responsibilities Building engagement with unpopular decisions Creating & supporting an environment of purpose, value and joy Others?

6 “Leadership” has Many Roles
Strategic Leadership Communications “Leadership” has Many Roles People Leadership Thought Leadership Personal Leadership Invests in Self-Development Inspires Trust through Sound Ethics Learns from Experience and Others Deals with Ambiguity & Adapts to Situations Builds Credibility through Principled Practices Builds Talent Influences Others Engages and Inspires Fosters Open Communication Builds Collaborative Relationships Results Leadership Uses Insightful Judgment Applies Business Acumen Displays Global Perspective Thinks Strategically / Logically Identifies New Way to Grow Business Ensures Execution Focuses on the Customer Leads Fearlessly for Results Builds Explicit Business Plans Does the Right Thing for the Organization Adapted from PDI’s Leadership Architecture

7 “Leadership” has Many Hats
Strategic Leadership Communications “Leadership” has Many Hats LEADER Decision Maker Negotiator Student Storyteller Facilitator Mentor Trailblazer SME Change Agent Influencer Delegator OTHERS?

8 The Complete Approach LLC
Our History The Complete Approach was established and based on three simple premises: Above all else, the manner and method by which a person communicates, impacts all other capabilities. Whatever a person does or does not do prior to any interaction, has everything to do with what will or will not happen during and after that interaction. Time is relative – you’re going to spend it somewhere!

9 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 9

10 Today’s Agenda Foundation Develop Execute Sustain
Strategic Leadership Communications Today’s Agenda Foundation Activating Your Intentional Brand & Incorporating Key Strategic Principles Develop Creating Compelling, Audience-Focused Messages Execute Owning Your Visual and Vocal Personal Assets Sustain Creating Engaging Audience Interactions

11 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 11

12 Your Audience’s Expectations
Foundation Your Audience’s Expectations Leaders should be: Strategic – comprehensive; inclusive Focused – on the business AND me Fearless – takes risks; courageous Intentional – deliberate; thoughtful Authentic – real; genuine and … BRAND AWARE

13 Dominate Strengths & Intentional Brand
Strategic Leadership Communications Dominate Strengths & Intentional Brand Let’s Define & Connect Them! STRENGTHS are the inherent parts of who we are The natural and integral parts of our personality DNA BRAND is the impression we leave during and in the wake of any interaction The characteristics & behaviors that create perceptions So ultimately, being aware of and intentionally demonstrating our brand is how we continually and effectively demonstrate all of our strengths The predictable (habit) and possible (potential)

14 WHAT is an “Intentional” Brand
Foundation WHAT is an “Intentional” Brand An intentional collection of words that describe how you would like to be perceived An intentional understanding of what you need to do and say to demonstrate your Brand An intentional daily demonstration of your Brand everyday Intentional Brand 1 1 ME!! Of life

15 Perception is your audience’s reality
Foundation WHY an “Intentional” Brand Typically, audiences “judge” you within the first 5 minutes of any communication – written or spoken Perception is your audience’s reality Decisions in business are based FIRST on perception THEN information Demonstrating an “intentional” brand can build, maintain and repair relationships

16 HOW to Activate an “Intentional” Brand
Foundation HOW to Activate an “Intentional” Brand Intentional brands are built on internal urgency & desire Urgency and desire is driven by how you would like to be perceived by others Demonstrated by what you do and say during any communication situation

17 Activating an “Intentional” Brand
Foundation Activating an “Intentional” Brand External Urgency Time Support INTERNAL URGENCY WSLC 1014

18 Intentional Brand – Do it this way…
Foundation Intentional Brand – Do it this way… Brainstorm all the words you would use to describe the impressions you currently demonstrate and those you aspire to demonstrate: Audience-Focused Strategic Creative Smart Caring Consultative Dependable Happy Influential Inspiring Collaborative WSLC 1014

19 Intentional Brand – Or do it this way!
Foundation Intentional Brand – Or do it this way! Start with your top 5 Strengths and identify the behaviors that would demonstrate those strengths: Individualization Audience-focused; mentor; fair observer Positivity Inspiring; optimistic; joyful Relator Listens to understand; genuine; trusted Self-Assurance Wise judgement; faith in ability; certainty Strategic Solution-focused; inquisitive: persistent WSLC 1014

20 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Consultative Strategic Inspiring Audience-Focused Listen to Understand

21 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Consultative Strategic Inspiring Audience-Focused Listen to Understand Relator Positivity Individualization

22 Incorporating The Four Strategic Principles
Foundation Incorporating The Four Strategic Principles Be Audience Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit

23 “It’s not what you want to say, it’s what they need to hear.”
Strategic Principles Be Audience Focused “It’s ALL about Me Them” “It’s not what you want to say, it’s what they need to hear.”

24 Build Engagement Impact Time Strategic Principles Two Way
Communication Time Impact One Way ABSORB ASSESS ACCEPT ACT

25 Determine Type of Interaction
Strategic Principles Use a Consistent Process Define Purpose of Communication Assess Audience Impact Develop Focused Messages Choose Appropriate Channels Identify Appropriate Timeframes Determine Type of Interaction 25

26 Strategic Principles Be Explicit … precise, clear statements that leave no doubt as to meaning or intent. … expressed without vagueness, implications or ambiguity. For example, be explicit about: your purpose your facts and information audience actions, benefits & impact your manner, presence 26

27 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 27

28 Your Audience’s Expectations
Develop Your Audience’s Expectations Leaders should be: Audience Focused – needs driven; inclusive Diagnostic – investigative; exploratory Strategic – planned; deliberate Accurate – thinking about the “right” things

29 Assessing Your Audiences
Develop Assessing Your Audiences Demographics Knowledge Level Attitude Needs & Requirements Level of Engagement & Impact Mind Share

30 The Complete Approach®
Assessor Think About Them Needs & Requirements What will your audience need to ensure they embrace your information? Engagement & Impact What is your audience’s current level of engagement? What impact will your information have on your audience? Competitive Issues What will you be competing with for your audience’s attention? Knowledge Level What does your audience currently understand about your information? Attitude / Bias What does your audience currently think/feel about your information? Characteristics What distinctive traits does your audience have? 1st Audience 2nd Audience 3rd Audience

31 “Audience First” Communications
Develop “Audience First” Communications Purpose Audience Actions Personal Belief Audience Recognition Audience Benefits

32 The Complete Approach® Organizer Framing & Formatting Your Message
Critical Information Purpose What can I acknowledge about the audience? Audience Recognition General Actions General Benefits Personal Belief What is the subject of this communication? What is the intent of this communication? How do I personally feel about this topic and why? What do I want the audience to do during this communication? What benefits will the audience receive by taking the General Actions? Initiate Next Steps Specific Benefits Specific Actions What can I acknowledge about the audience as a result of this communication? What do I want the audience to do as a result of this communication? What benefits will the audience receive by taking the Specific Actions? Agenda Item Sub Point Provide What Matters Set The Context The Complete Approach® Organizer Framing & Formatting Your Message

33 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Consultative Strategic Inspiring Audience-Focused Listen to Understand Positivity Determine how my information will benefit my audience

34 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 34

35 Your Audience’s Expectations
Execute Your Audience’s Expectations Leaders should be: Audience-Focused - needs driven; inclusive Engaged – connected; committed Authentic – real; genuine Intentional – deliberate; thoughtful

36 Communication’s Three Dimensions
Execute Communication’s Three Dimensions 3 Dimensions (Words, Sound & Look) 2 Dimensions (Words & Sound) 1 Dimension (Words)

37 Execute Consistency is Key The Words The Sounds The Look

38 Connecting with Your Audience
Execute Connecting with Your Audience Key Visual and Vocal Behaviors – Our Personal Assets Posture Movement Gestures Facial Expression Eye Communication Vocal Animation Projection Pausing

39 Approachability & Receptiveness
Execute What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate Key Visual Behaviors Movement Owning Our First Impression Communicates: Approachability & Receptiveness Owning Our Space Comfort & Confidence Posture

40 What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate
Execute What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate Key Visual Behaviors Owning Our Energy Communicates: Emphasis & Engagement Gestures Facial Expression Owning Our Internal Conviction Emotion & Interest

41 Audience-Focus & Confidence
Execute What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate Key Visual Behaviors Owning Our Relationships Communicates: Audience-Focus & Confidence Eye Communication

42 What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate
Execute What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate Key Vocal Behaviors Owning Our Strength Communicates Clarity & Emphasis Vibrancy Communicates: Emotion & Interest Vocal Animation Projection

43 Audience-Focus & Confidence
Execute What Our “Personal Assets” Communicate Key Vocal Behaviors Owning the Gift of Time Communicates Audience-Focus & Confidence Pausing

44 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Consultative Strategic Inspiring Audience-Focused Listen to Understand Positivity Determine how my information will benefit my audience Use vocal animation to show conviction energy & enthusiasm

45 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 45

46 Your Audience’s Expectations
Sustain Your Audience’s Expectations Leaders should: Anticipate - audience needs, issues Ask - open ended questions Stimulate - conversations Build - relationships

47 The Purpose of Interaction
Sustain The Purpose of Interaction Get feedback Get agreement Clarify what was said Stimulate conversation Learn & gather information Show interest in the other person’s ideas If meaningful interaction is desired, include OPEN-ENDED questions!

48 An Open-Ended Question should:
Sustain An Open-Ended Question should: demand more than a “yes” or “no” answer AND… begin with a descriptor that quantifies the answer i.e. – describe, identify, share, explain, connect, illustrate, relate, demonstrate, link, equate, distinguish TO… cause a cascade of additional questions and answers that become a CONVERSATION YES NO YES WSLC 1014

49 The Complete Approach®
Interaction Planner Determine Where Review your Organizer & identify where you would like to stimulate interaction. 1st Interaction 2nd Interaction 3rd Interaction Include Descriptors Remember to begin with a descriptor! Use words like describe, identify, share, explain, connect, illustrate, relate, demonstrate, link, equate, distinguish to promote audience engagement, conversation & community. Create Questions Confirming These questions confirm current knowledge, needs, understanding, assumptions. Exploring/Probing These questions help you explore for new information. Gain Understanding These questions help assess your audience’s current level of understanding. Other Other types of questions to help you stimulate meaningful interaction Remember to connect the dots! Make sure that your General Actions (on your Organizer) let your audience know you will be expecting interaction during your communication.

50 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Consultative Strategic Inspiring Audience-Focused Listen to Understand Positivity Determine how my information will benefit my audience Use vocal animation to show conviction energy & enthusiasm Ask questions that create involvement and action

51 NEXT STEPS REVIEW, IMPACT & SUPPORT Establish, Maintain & Thrive

52 The Complete Approach® Methodology
Strategic Leadership Communications The Complete Approach® Methodology EXECUTE Planning Your Presence SUSTAIN Planning Your Interactions DEVELOP Planning Your Messages FOUNDATION FOUNDATION Intentional Brand Strategic Principles Be Audience-Focused Build Engagement Use a Consistent Process Be Explicit 52

53 The Complete Approach®
Intentional Brand Provide Evidence MY BRAND These are the words that describe how I would like to be perceived during any communication situations. DEVELOP What can I do before I communicate that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? EXECUTE What can I do or say during my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? SUSTAIN What can I do or say during or after my communication that will demonstrate & strengthen MY BRAND? Organize my information based on audience needs Acknowledge needs at the beginning of communication Use open-ended questions to stimulate conversation Consultative Relator Listen to Understand Assess audience to determine what’s important to them Pause to pay attention to all ideas opinions & thoughts Prepare for potential audience questions & responses Frame and format my message(s) to ensure audience focus Determine what “personal assets” will support engagement Build synergies by allowing for discussion/dialogue Strategic Determine how my information will benefit my audience Use vocal animation to show conviction, energy & enthusiasm Ask questions that create involvement and action Positivity Inspiring Individualization Audience-Focused Take the time to think about the audience Use eye communication to create community Use open-ended questions to stimulate interaction

54 Next Steps Day-to-Day Actions Identify and demonstrate one part of your intentional brand every day Intentionally apply a Strategic Principle during each communication Think about your audience before you communicate Take the time (even 5 minutes) to organize your information before you communicate Remember how you look and sound can impact other’s impressions and perceptions of you If appropriate, incorporate interaction to encourage audience participation and contribution

55 Benefits To You Successful leadership communications
Next Steps Benefits To You Successful leadership communications Correct perceptions –making right and lasting impressions Enhanced / reinforced personal credibility – improving relationships Increased audience buy-in – faster execution & acceptance of ideas Streamline communications – audience-focused, accurate & efficient Sustainable process – improved personal efficiencies and effectiveness

56 Continuous Support Next Steps
Ongoing, complimentary, and telephone support Please feel free to call or us for additional support in applying the program’s methodology and/or tools back on-the-job when preparing for: Daily Conversations Change Communications Performance Conversations Off-Site Meetings, Formal Presentations Executive Briefings, Customer Interactions Meetings, Conference Calls & Communications And everything else! Office: Mobile: The Complete Approach® Strategic Communication Toolkit The program’s tools & concepts are copyrighted by The Complete Approach LLC and are for your personal use only and may not be copied/distributed to others. WSLC 1014

57 Year One – Chief Retail Officer Perspective Retail Strategy Curriculum
Leadership Communication Leading the Retail Line of Business via a Balanced Scorecard Discovering Customer Segments & Consumer Behaviors Successfully Communicating & Advertising in Retail Banking Developing and Pricing Profitable Bank Products Modernizing & Optimizing Delivery to Meet Customer Requirements Facing Ethical Dilemmas in Banking Applying Concepts Learned to Today’s Market Chief Retail Officer Perspective

58 Executive Banking School Roadmap
GROWING Capability Confidence Courage YEAR THREE Chief Executive Officer Perspective YEAR ONE Chief Retail Officer Perspective YEAR TWO Chief Financial Officer Perspective

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