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Food Preparation and Integrity

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Presentation on theme: "Food Preparation and Integrity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Preparation and Integrity
Nutrition Across the Lifespan

2 9/6/17 Is the way we prep food the only way we can get sick from food? Explain. Agenda PPT/Videos/Reflections Tracing your favorite Meal to Source and Outline possible contamination points.

3 Let’s Watch How Salad gets E.Coli
What is your reaction to this video clip? How Chipolte made Thousands Sick Effects of a Foodborne Illness

4 Brainstorm- Why do people eat?
Appetite – OJ with colors experiment Nutrition – soccer team analogy – every player has a job to do to move the ball to the goal Boredom – bring in an unusual food to sample Stress Reliever – What happens if we use this method too often? Picture -

5 Brainstorm- Why do people eat?
Appetite – I like how it looks! Social Bonding (Family Dinner, Dinner Date) Reflect Culture Traditions / Celebrations Beat Boredom -curiosity -nothing else to do… Satisfy the Senses – Taste, Smell Picture - Hunger ___ Habit -movies and Nutrition for Wellness To Serve Others or Show Love

6 Factors of How much food is available…
Climate Economics Politics Can you think of any others?

7 Where does our food come from?
There are 4 main steps to our food supply in the US. Can you guess what they are?

8 The Food Supply in the United States
Begins with the PRODUCERS Farms, ranches, fisheries Large Producers are usually more efficient and help meet global food needs, but, they may stress the land and require more fertilizers and pesticides, raising costs and potential health concerns. Long distance shipping can further raise costs and decreasing food quality. Small farms tend to stay local and are usually good for the environment as a result of less transporting. Picture -

9 Enrichment Activity List 5 Large Producers of Meat, Produce, or Seafood that are within a 1oo mile radius of OHS. List 5 Small Producers Meat, Produce, or Seafood that are within a 1oo mile radius of OHS. What are the products that they produce? What are some ways that the production of their goods affect us all?

10 The Food Supply in the United States
Continues to the PROCESSORS Various processes can change the characteristics of the food and extend the life of the quality of the food. Picture

11 How Do Processors Preserve Shelf Life?
Shelf Life is the amount of time a food maintains quality. A Shelf Stable food does not need refrigeration Methods to Extend Shelf Life include: Canning – sealing in airtight metal or glass and then heating to destroy harmful microorganisms Freezing – slows the growth of harmful microorganisms Curing – adding salt, spices, sugar and or sodium nitrate to slow the growth of harmful microorganisms Drying – removing the moisture needed for the growth of harmful microorganisms Freeze Drying – freezing first and then drying to retain flavor, texture and nutrients better Controlled Atmosphere Storage – packaged with a specific mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide Examples of each Soup, ice pop, hotdog, raisin, freeze dried soup or coffee, bagged salad

12 Food Additives A substance added to food for a specific reason during processing. Flavor Improve Nutrition Increasing Shelf Life Maintain Texture Help food Age (cheese, etc.)

13 Packaging Final Step Containers help preserve quality

14 Enrichment Activity List 4 Processors within a 100 mile radius of OHS.
Do these processors ship their finished product nationwide or locally? Are there any processing methods that may affect us all?

15 Review Step 1: Producers Step 2: Processors Step 3: Additives
Step 4: Packaging

16 Food Distributors Food Retailers Truck, train, plane Super Markets
Farmers Markets

17 Enrichment Activity List 3 Food Distributors within 100 mile radius of OHS. Were you aware of these distributors before you did this research?

18 Global Food Problems Economics Inefficient Methods Natural Disasters
Rapid Population Growth Fuel Shortages Conflict and Politics Water Problems-Less that one 1% of the planets water supply is available for human use!

19 Food Integrity FOOD WITH INTEGRITY IS OUR COMMITMENT TO FINDING THE VERY BEST INGREDIENTS RAISED WITH RESPECT FOR THE ANIMALS, THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE FARMERS. It means serving the very best sustainably raised food possible with an eye to great taste, great nutrition and great value.

20 Review Yourself

21 WRAPPING THINGS UP Food Handling Safety Guidelines
Note at least 2 tips from each section of the page to have as safe guidelines to maintain food safety. Food Safety Tips Explore several of the infographics on the page and list 5 new things that you learned through this unit.

22 Trace your favorite meal
Interactive Map Write down your favorite meal. Break down into the major ingredients to make it and then trace where each ingredient possible came from. Make this a visual roadmap of your meal getting from production to the plate. List all of the areas that could possibly affect the safety of the meal getting to you.

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