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Department of Public Works 2017 Infrastructure Projects

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1 Department of Public Works 2017 Infrastructure Projects
November 17, 2016

2 Project Infrastructure Schedule
2016 2017 2018 PROJECT Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Designer Description Contractor ROADWAY/BUILDING Street Light Replacement, Phase 4 KS Installation of LED luminaires on City-owned street lights Design Bidding Construction Cleveland Park Bikeway Connector AM Construction of a bikeway from Steve Whalen Boulevard, through Highland Park and Cleveland Park, to Cleveland Avenue Prop. Acq. 2017 Bus Pad Installation Installing bus pads citywide Third Street Safety Improvements BZ Installation of bumpouts at Perry and Third and at St. Clair and Third Gettysburg Avenue Transportation Enhancements Installation of transportation enhancements on Gettysburg Avenue from Kammer to Fairbanks Merchant's Row Transportation Enhancements JW Installation of transportation enhancements on Jefferson, Third, St. Clair, and Fourth Wayne Avenue Resurfacing DE Resurfacing Wayne Avenue from Fifth Street to Keowee street 3 11/15 PS&E 12/15 Const. Wyoming Street Reconstruction RB Reconstruction of Wyoming Street from Colby Lane to Brown Street Wayne Avenue Reconstruction Reconstruction of Wayne Avenue from Wilmington Avenue to Phillips Avenue Levitt Pavilion Dayton WRL Construction of an entertainment venue at Dave Hall Plaza Monument Avenue Bike Lane Installation of a bike lane on Monument Avenue from Jefferson Street to Wilkinson Street 2 3/1 PS&E 8/1 Gettysburg Avenue and U. S. Route 35 Interchange Improvements Installation of transportation enhancements at the Gettysburg Avenue and U. S. Route 35 intersection Troy Street Transportation Enhancements Installation of transportation enhancements on Troy Street from State Route 4 to Leo Street Wayne Avenue & Fourth Street Bike Lanes Installation of bike lanes on Wayne Avenue and on Fourth Street 2 11/1 PS&E 12/18 Jefferson Street Bike Lanes Installation of Bike Lanes on Jefferson Street and on Patterson Boulevard 2 1/3 PS&E 1/29 Northcutt Place Bikeway Connector Installation of a bikeway from Northcutt Place to the Stillwater River Trail 2 1/4 Valley Street Bikeway Connector, Phase 1A Installation of a bikeway from Valley Street to the Mad River Bikeway Bikeway Ramp at Riverview Avenue Construction of a bikeway ramp from the Great Miami River Bikeway to Riverview Avenue 2 8/6 PS&E 1/9 Springfield Street Reconstruction, Phase 1 Reconstruction of Springfield Street from First Street to Lonoke Avenue PS&E 1/22

3 2017 Bus Pad Installation Installation of bus pads on thoroughfare streets (Germantown, Smithville, Troy). Project Cost: $200,000 Funding: Federal Transit Administration Construction: April through June Sixth year in a row we have received funding.

4 Gettysburg Avenue Transportation Enhancements
Installation of pedestrian amenities (banners, benches, decorative lighting) on Gettysburg Avenue from Kammer Avenue to Fairbanks Avenue. Project cost: $440,000 Funding: Federal Transportation Alternatives (TA) Construction: April through August

5 Merchants Row Transportation Enhancements
Installation of pedestrian amenities (pedestrian lighting, banners, planters, pylons) in the block bounded by Third Street, St. Clair Street, Fourth street, and Jefferson Street. Project cost: $450,000 Funding: Federal Transportation Alternatives (TA) Construction: April through August

6 Third Street Safety Improvements
Installation of bumpouts on Third Street at St. Clair Street and at Perry Street. Project cost: $350,000 Funding: ODOT Safety funds Construction: April through June

7 Street Light Replacement Phases 4 and 5
Replacement of City-owned street lights with LED lights. Project Cost: $370,000 (each) Funding: Street Light Special Assessment Schedule: Phase 4 – March through August Phase 5 – July through December

8 Cleveland Park Bikeway Connector
Installation of a bike path and bike lanes connecting the bike path on Steve Whalen Boulevard to Cleveland Park. Project cost: $430,000 Funding: Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Construction: May through September

9 Asphalt Resurfacing Multiple projects on thoroughfare streets, residential streets, and alleys. Total cost: $5,300,000 Funding: General Capital, Permissive Tax, CDBG, Income Tax increase Construction: April through November

10 Wayne Avenue Resurfacing
Resurfacing Wayne Avenue from Fifth Street to Keowee Street. Project Cost: $275,000 Funding: Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) Construction: May

11 Wayne Avenue Reconstruction
Reconstruction of Wayne Avenue from Wilmington Avenue to Phillips Avenue. Project cost: $1,300,000 Funding: Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) Construction: May through November

12 Wyoming Street Reconstruction
Reconstruction of Wyoming Street from Brown Street to Colby Lane. Project Cost: $725,000 Funding: Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) Construction: May through August

13 Levitt Pavilion Dayton
Construction of a Levitt Pavilion outdoor entertainment venue at the location of the current Dave Hall Plaza. Project cost: $5,000,000 Funding: Public and Private Contributions Construction: August through December

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