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Department of Biology SOAR Summer 2017

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1 Department of Biology SOAR Summer 2017

2 Where are you? California State University San Bernardino
College of Natural Sciences College of Social and Behavioral Sciences you are here! Dept. of Biology College of Arts and Letters Dept. of Chemistry Dept. of Physics Dept. of Nursing Dept. of Mathematics College of Education Dept. of Kinesiology Dept. of Geology Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Engineering College of Business and Public Administration Dept. of Health Sciences

3 Who’s in the Biology Department?
Bournias Chao Orwin Dodsworth Ferrari Thompson Owerkowicz Rhoads Williams Horner Newcomb Skillman Metcalf Polcyn Sumida Nickerson

4 What goes on in the Biology Dept.?
Orwin Dodsworth Bournias Chao Ferrari Rhoads Williams Horner Owerkowicz Metcalf Skillman Thompson Newcomb Polcyn Sumida Nickerson

5 What can you do with a Biology degree?
Healthcare-related: Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, etc. Veterinary medicine CLS/MLS, PA, etc. Pharmacy (see also: Biochemistry) Not Nursing! Wildlife resource management National Forest Service National Park Service Fish and Game Zoological organizations NGOs

6 What can you do with a Biology degree?
Industrial/commerical: Agriculture Biotechnology Research: Lab technician Graduate school (MS, PhD) Museums Teaching: K-12 science education higher education

7 Biology Degree Options
B.A. Biology B.S. Biology B.S. Evolution and Ecology B.S. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Articulation Program (Western Univ. of Health Sciences) Contact Dr. Sumida if interested B.A. and B.S. options are very similar, and it is easy to switch between the two.

8 Biology “core” coursework
One quarter of calculus MATH192 or MATH211 One year of intro. chemistry CHEM215, 216 One year of intro. biology BIOL200, 201, 202 One year of organic chemistry CHEM221, 222, 223 ( or CHEM321, 322, 323) One year of physics PHYS121, 122, 123 (or PHYS221, 222, 223)



11 How to get through high school 

12 How to get through college 

13 How do I navigate the college maze?
Get academic advising! Get it early, and get it often! Get advising BEFORE registration starts! How often? As often as needed! Who to get it from? BIOLOGY FACULTY Professional advisors, peer advisors Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC) Fall quarter: come see an advisor!

14 A few important things about email...
Your address: is OFFICIAL! Financial aid deadlines Course information from professors NOBODY has your phone number

15 What do I do if I get lost? Lots of useful
information… Course info Degree “roadmaps” Office hours (for advising) Etc…

16 Today’s ONLY goal: sign up for Fall 2017 classes
99.9% of you should select the following: A Math (MATH) class An English (ENG) class A General Education (GE) class

17 What NOT to do today! DO NOT obsess over your choices!
DO NOT pick classes you are not ready for! DO NOT try to plan out the rest of your college career today! DO NOT go above 12 (14) units! (except 4 year pledge students) DO NOT choose BIOL 100 or other GE category B classes other than MATH (for today)

18 What your enrollment screen should look like...

19 Which MATH class should you take?
You are approved to register for the following: MATH110: College Algebra MATH120: Pre-calculus (trigonometry) MATH192: Calculus (for biology students) MATH 211: Calculus I Which one should you take? Depends on... your past experience and success your academic and career goals

20 How to choose the appropriate MATH class
If you scored less than 60 on the ELM test, you should start in MATH 110. If you have not had trigonometry, you should work toward MATH 120. Most of you should work toward MATH 192. If you want one year of calculus, you should work toward MATH 211, 212, 213. If you not sure, enroll in an easier class for now; consult Math Dept. for help later.

21 What about AP calculus? If you took AP Calculus, AB:
Score 4 or 5: MATH 211 and 212 Score 3: MATH 211 If you took AP Calculus, BC: Score 4 or 5: MATH211, 212, and 213 Score 3: MATH211 (possibly 212) Score less than 3 - no course credit Professional programs (e.g., medical school) may not accept AP credit! *a word of warning… medical and graduate schools may not accept AP Calculus

22 What else to enroll in? English: Directed Self Placement (DSP)!
ENG 102A (and ENG 103A and 104A), or... ENG 105A (and ENG 106A), or... ENG107 AP Composition score of 3 or more exempt COMM 120, or... GE Category A4 (Critical Thinking) Other required GE courses avoid GE Category B (for now) Category C3: credit by exam, or 290 courses

23 Can I start science classes?
You may be ready for CHEM 215 in Fall if: You did well in math and chemistry in high school (at least honors level) you must be at least co-enrolled in MATH 110 You may be ready for BIOL 200 if: You took AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, and AP Biology and did well in all these classes Almost nobody starts BIOL 200 in Fall! You may be ready for PHYS 121 if: You scored at least a 3 on the AP calc test

24 Can I do more? We recommend you do NOT exceed 12 units for Fall quarter Other classes to maybe add: UTSD100A Freshman Seminar (2 units) KINE205 or activities class (2 units) Maybe wait until at least Winter quarter!

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