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Sustaining The Mature Cooperative Larry Hornak

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1 Sustaining The Mature Cooperative Larry Hornak
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Georgia

2 Perspective Founding Director of the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR) (1998 – 2010) NSF I/UCRC focusing on biometrics Leadership role for 12 years Planning Lead , Director , Co-Director Currently Member, CITeR Senior Advisory Council Program Director, NSF I/UCRC Program ( ) During period, 70+ Multiuniversity centers nationally, Over 190 Sites From wide diversity of centers, Common threads strongly emerge

3 Building a New, Premier Engineering Program
at Georgia’s Flagship Institution Awards Growth Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, University of Georgia (2014 – present) New College Established in 2012 Growing Long-Term Trusted Industry Partnerships a major focus NNMI, ERC, I-Corps, IUCRC participation 2.5X 1 Presidential Early Career Awardee (PECASE) 6 NSF CAREER Awardees Enrollment Growth CREATING A DIVERSE PIPELINE OF TALENT ENGAGING INDUSTRY AND SUPPORTING COMMUNITIES DISCOVERING NEW KNOWLEDGE TRANSFORMING DISCOVERIES TO INNOVATION

4 Interdisciplinary Institutes
Underpinned by Industry Engagement Informatics & Analytics Sustainable Materials & Processes Engineering Education Transformation Resilient Infrastructure Systems CB2 IUCRC Planning Grant Recommended

5 What do I mean by a “Mature” Center
Center’s can be mature beyond their years as well as become immature at an advanced age. Here, maturity means Securely in Phase II or III (now with prior Phase “Dividend”) Effective center leadership Not a cult of personality Shared responsibility, cooperation across sites Succession path or plan Dynamic, Strong IAB Membership and Culture Engaged, influential core members University administration that gets it re IUCRC value Diverse portfolio of “leveraged” activity sourced from a vibrant IUCRC shared portfolio ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

6 The Mature Phase Transition
Mature centers enter discussions with their IAB well in advance of Phase III submission. How strong is your value to members, how has it shifted and what message is it telling you? What are your Options? Early Graduation Independence to sustain your center’s mode of operation Industry Affiliate Model Operation? Impact of NSF award vehicle loss for supplements, agency transfers IUCRC “Metamorphosis” Phase III and Transitional Operation – not business as usual If you are in Phase II or III but barely hanging on, the member discussions necessary for Phase III or life after NSF are likely not possible. ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

7 Center Metamorphosis ?*
Transformation of the existing center from current phase (Phase II or III) to a “new” center (Phase I planning, center proposal submission). Not the result of the natural evolution of the technical area, community and industry sector over time which a healthy mature center should track/lead. Through Planning Process, new Center demonstrates clear change of direction New Center Name Significant new members, some continuing existing members Demonstrable shift in portfolio projects New leadership, added university sites, added faculty Extensive NSF Program Director dialogue, guidance * Reflect prior cases and may not constitute current program policy. ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

8 Operational Transition to Graduation
Work with IAB, Universities, as part of the final Phase of NSF operation to establish a viable operational funding model post-award. IAB and University trust in the value they receive from the center is a fundamental requirement. Stake in Center’s continuation Investment in its continuation True center “Maturity” is a prerequisite ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

9 Operational Transition to Graduation
Some Successful Approaches .... Commitment of institution, IAB to (lean) operation cost recovery Continuation of 10% IDCs, Reinvestment in center If no IDC’s currently charged, IAB agrees percentage of membership goes to operation 20 10% of a 50K membership yields 100K Annually Shared personnel support with institutions Center managing director, staff share valuable expertise Adaptation of operational mode may be required Establishing the IUCRC as a cost center Workshops fees, Equipment access, Process scale up services … ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

10 Enduring Issues, Opportunities
Loss of NSF Participation, Award NSF serves as a trusted third party when challenging issues arise Loss of Interagency transfers without an NSF Award vehicle Loss of access to NSF supplements Continuous center awards imply entitlement Consider an IUCRC Graduate “Network” Nominal NSF Award vehicle Meet accountability and compliance requirements Centers could meet specific “graduation” requirements One award per institution serves multiple graduated centers at that institution Centers could provide specific value/resource to their institutions, other centers in program Value to NSF in tracking graduated centers and their impact ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE LAND GRANT BREADTH AND DEPTH Ag & Environmental Sciences Veterinary Medicine Archway Partnership Public Health & Pharmacy Terry College of Business Secure, resilient & sustainable systems Advanced materials, devices & cyber tools Human wellness, cognition & learning

11 Thank you Larry Hornak Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies University of Georgia

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