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Freshman English [授課教師] Week 13: 公民意識與責任(和平公平正義)

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1 Freshman English [授課教師] Week 13: 公民意識與責任(和平公平正義)
Social Justice: Humanitarian assistance Taiwan Reaches Out to Refugees on the Thai-Myanmar Border American Headway p.38~39 [授課教師]

2 Objectives A) Students will develop citizenship awareness by exploring humanitarian assistance. B) Students will express their own opinions about humanitarian assistance.

3 Picture Walk Select one to discuss: What is going on here?
Who is this? Why does the character look so excited/ sad/ mad/ ….? When is this story taking place? Where did the character just come from? How do you think the story is going to end?


5 Taiwan’s soft power According to the BBC‘s article (2010), one important example for Taiwan’s soft power is our humanitarian assistance to others.

6 Humanitarian assistance
Taiwan's government continues to provide generous humanitarian assistance to countries struck by disasters.


8 Reading Taiwan Reaches Out to Refugees on the Thai-Myanmar Border





13 Quick writing Synthesizing: Take the information in the text, add it to what you already know and come up with new information.

14 Growing popularity of charity activities in Taiwan
According to a Ministry of the Interior 內政部compiled few years ago, total charity donations by all Taiwanese people reached NT$42.6 billion (US$1.4 billion). Reference: Taiwan Insights

15 Taiwan contributes greatly to humanitarian aid
Taiwan has emerged as a major contributor of humanitarian aid in the world, through post-disaster relief efforts and partnerships that help Latin American countries better prepare for natural events. John Sanbrailo, executive director of the Pan American Development Foundation 泛美發展基金會

16 Taiwan sending disaster relief to Philippines
Taiwan was the first country to make donations to the Philippines after Haiyan. Antonio Basilio, the Philippines' representative in Taiwan

17 Tension between Taiwan and Philippines
Relations between Taiwan and Philippine were badly hurt by an attack of a Philippine vessel on a Taiwanese fishing boat in May that left a Taiwanese fisherman dead.

18 Japanese express appreciation to Taiwan
In return for the charity support from Taiwan during the 311 Earthquake, many Japanese individuals and organizations expressed their deepest appreciation to Taiwan.

19 How to manage your NGO/ NPO?
Members: CEO 策略長: Lead the discussion and make decisions  Treasure 財務長: consider $$ issues  Spokesperson 發言人: take notes and report to us  PR(Public Relation) 公共關係: how to get people’s attention

20 How to manage your NGO/ NPO?
Mission? How? Logo or slogan?

21 20150311日台友好 感謝台灣 (台北車站中央廣場FREE HUGS) 日本人が台湾でフリーハグをしてみた

22 Debate about foreign aid
Consider both sides of the question: A. Should Taiwan provide foreign aid? B. Can overseas aid buy friendships for Taiwan ?

23 Sum up Your own citizenship awareness
"If you're eligible, commit to becoming a citizen today," the president said. "It's an important step for you and an important step for our nation. Join us. Together we can make America stand even stronger." The issue of humanitarian assistance

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