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Global and local navigation control

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1 Global and local navigation control
Administrators must be able to add, remove, or rename top-level menu options, for example: Schedule Exhibitor List Speakers Venue & Travel Exhibitor and Sponsor Resources Press Administrators must be able to add, remove, or rename secondary menu options within each site section.

2 Utility navigation control
Administrators must be able to add, remove, or rename links in the utility navigation, for example: Home Contact About Us Link to 360 site Log In Chat News Download mobile app Custom links

3 Pinning of elements to remain in view while users scroll
Administrators must be able to specify whether the following elements scroll with the page or are pinned to remain within the viewable area of the page: Site header Top level navigation Secondary navigation within sections Specific elements, such as such as: Important calls to action (buttons) Inquiry forms Alphabet links when the user is scrolling a list of exhibitors Whether an item remains pinned in mobile responsive views must be configurable

4 Customization of header and footer
The header and footer must be customizable at the site level, for example, inclusion or exclusion of: Sponsor or advisor logos A site search field Ad units Event location and date Social buttons

5 Customization of right rail
The content of the right rail must be customizable for each page or site section, and can include: Ad units Google translate Content RSS feeds Quick links to important pages Social buttons Content pillar widgets Sponsor logos Featured speakers or sessions

6 Designation of pages requiring login
Administrators must be able to specify whether a login is required to access a page or site section. For example: My Schedule Conference Materials Exhibitor Resources

7 Display of overlays and prompts
If user visits a prior year's site, the site should display a prompt in an overlay to go to the current year. Actions on the overlay need to be configurable, for example: Keep me updated ( field with submit button) Learn more about exhibitors Go to current year site The site administrator should be able to communicate other important notifications via temporary overlays. Overlays should have configurable expiration dates.

8 Ability to embed media into sites
Site administrators must be able to embed media into any page. Media can include: Images Image carousels Videos QR codes Floor plans Blogs Maps Users should be able to view videos within the site or in full-screen mode. For promotional images, administrators should be able to specify a destination URL. Floor plans can be embedded within a page or offered as a link to view full-size in a new browser tab.

9 Ability to view or download documents
Site administrators must be able to embed links to view or download documents, such as PDFs. Site administrators must be able to configure whether specific documents require users to log in for access (for example, conference session slides and speaker presentations).

10 Notification request forms
Before registration for an event begins, sites should display a form with an field that allows the user to sign up to be notified when registration is available.

11 Embedded feeds Administrators must be able to add data feeds on any page, for example: Twitter Facebook RSS Content from other Penton pillars

12 Social integration The site should support the following types of social integration: Buttons or links to the event's page on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, or any newly identified social networks. Inclusion of the event’s social media feeds within event sites pages. The ability for users to share specific site pages to their own social network accounts, for example, to share a session details page to their Facebook page as a way of expressing interest in a session or speaker.

13 Embedded conference schedules
A list of conference sessions should be available for inclusion on any page of the site. The administrator should be able to pre-set the filters that are applied to the list (show all or show selected sessions relevant to the page’s topic). The administrator should be able to toggle list features on or off: Buttons to view all or view a selected day Expand All button shows detail about every session or speaker Search field narrows the list by keyword Advanced search displays more fields Clicking Star icon adds the session to the user's My Sessions list Ability to remove from My Sessions Export - If on the Sessions tab, exports the entire list. If on My Sessions, export just the user's sessions Print Help

14 Embedded exhibitor lists
A list of exhibitors should be available for inclusion on any page of the site. The administrator should be able to pre-set the filters that are applied to the list (show all or show selected exhibitors relevant to the page’s topic). The administrator should be able to toggle list features on or off: List of all exhibitors, with total number of exhibitors shown Search field narrows the list of exhibitors by key word Send form Link to exhibitor’s website Clicking Star icon should add the exhibitor to My Exhibitors Ability to remove from My Exhibitors Floor Plan Indication of Enhanced exhibitor listings Print

15 Embedded speaker lists
A list of speakers should be available for inclusion on any page of the site. The administrator should be able to pre-set the filters that are applied to the list (show all or show selected speakers relevant to the page’s topic). The administrator should be able to designate one or more speakers as "featured" to display at the top of the page. The administrator should be able to toggle list features on or off: Speaker’s photo Name Title Company Alphabet links to find by name Search field

16 Press connections list
A list of press publications and staff covering an event should be available to embed in the page, with the following configurable features: Sort Click to view details, including contact information

17 Sponsorship opportunities
A list of sponsorship opportunities should be available for inclusion on any page of the site. The administrator should be able to toggle list features on or off: Sort Filter Status of opportunity (for example, past deadline, sold, available) Level (for example, silver, gold)

18 Promotion of sponsor companies
A panel containing sponsor logos should be available for inclusion in the site footer, right rail, or any page. The administrator should be able to specify whether details of the sponsorship display (for example, if the sponsored paid for badges or lanyards). Clicking the sponsor logo should display the exhibitor details page. In the CMS, the administrator should be able to tag individual sponsors as featured sponsors, or choose to show all sponsors on a rotating basis.

19 Advertising The site should accommodate the following types of advertisements: Display ads: Run of site Custom by page Custom by known user type All IAB standard sizes ( Branded content Enhanced exhibitor listings All ads should display responsively depending on platform (desktop, tablet, phablet, phone).

20 Within-site promotion
Administrators should be able to embed promotional images or links that take users to a destination page within the site. For example, a promotion for an event or a call for papers. Administrators should be able to specify an expiration date for a promotion, for example, the end date for a call to papers. Administrators must be able to include links to Penton microsites.

21 Registration Users should be able to register as a new or returning registrant. The user experience as registrants transition from Penton sites to CompuSystems should be as seamless as possible.

22 E-commerce Sites must include the ability to accept credit card payments. Sites must include the ability to send confirmation of a purchase. Items purchased via the event’s e-commerce and via third-parties should be presented to users in an integrated view of their purchases. (For example, their registrations, their booth, sponsorships, and travel arrangements.)

23 Modern user experience (UX)
Sites must support modern visual design trends and interactions, including: Font-based icon sets Pinned elements Sticky menus Parallax scrolling Cards Tiles Dynamic cropping and expansion of images to fill the full browser width Ghost buttons

24 Mobile responsiveness
Sites must be mobile responsive for use on desktops, tablets, phablets, and phones. The site should be capable of displaying a different page layout or task flow when used on a mobile device. The site should support custom gestures for mobile use. The site should be capable of showing minimal information on mobile, and broader information on desktop views. For example, dropping columns when a table is viewed on a mobile device. Ad units (sizes and presentation) should adjust responsively. Integration with platforms such as Bootstrap, which ease mobile responsive development, must be supported. Platforms for using a single code base for mobile websites and mobile apps should be considered (for example, PhoneGap).

25 Language display Sites should detect the language setting of the user’s browser and display the corresponding translation. Users should be able to manually select a different language using the Google Translate control.

26 Scheduled content updates
Administrators must be able to schedule content updates. Administrators must be able to set expiration dates for notifications, promotions, and content.

27 Quick customization Administrators must be able to quickly select the sections / options that are relevant to include in an event's site, including: Global navigation Secondary navigation Utility navigation Header Footer Right rail Ads

28 Quick creation of event sites and microsites
Each year, administrators must be able quickly create an event’s site, reusing elements that are unchanged from the previous year. This could include decoupling the event website and event information so that the data is refreshed, but the site remains unchanged. Each year's site should have the same URL as the previous year's site for continuity of SEO and user bookmarks. Administrators must be able to create microsites. Administrators need an expedited process for deploying new sites and site updates.

29 Full permissions Site administrators need full access permissions to:
Build sites Work with databases Publish sites Build forms and track conversion Edit HTML Add third party plugins and platforms, such as Bootstrap Open access to APIs Access data in multiple formats Push changes to production environment Robust versioning needs to enable rollback

30 Granting permissions to other internal users
Site administrators need the ability to give granular, limited permissions to internal users at Penton, for example: Permissions to change text but not layout Broader permissions for experienced event owners Control over whether limited users can publish their own changes

31 Vanity links Site administrators need to be able to specify the URL for pages (vanity links).

32 Analytics Administrators must have access to analytics, including:
Conversion data for forms and CTAs Traffic Site visitor identities / demographics

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