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Presentation on theme: "PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 Three parts of paragraph:
Topic sentence (it has a controlling idea) Supporting sentences Concluding sentence

3 Topic Sentence The most important sentence in the paragraph.
It states the topic and the controlling idea of the paragraph. Three important points to be remember about a topic sentence: A topic sentence is a complete sentence It controls or guides the whole paragraph. When you read the topic sentence, you know what to expect in a paragraph. Topic sentence contains topic and controlling idea. The most general statement in the paragraph because it gives only the main idea. A good topic sentence is not too general nor too specific.

4 Topic Sentence A good topic sentence is not too general nor too specific. E.g. Tea is delicious = TOO GENERAL Green tea has many health benefits = GOOD topic sentence. By the third century AD many stories were being told and some written about tea and the benefits of tea drinking, but it was not until the Tang Dynasty (618 AD AD) that tea became China's national drink and the word ch'a was used to describe tea. = TOO SPECIFIC

5 Controlling idea A good topic sentence has controlling ideas= words or phrases that help guide the flow of ideas in the paragraph. Controlling idea limits the topic to a specific area to be discussed in the space of a single paragraph Example: Deceptive advertising can cost consumers both their money and their time.

6 Controlling idea Convenience foods are easy to prepare.
Malik is popular due to several reasons. A university education helps in career advancement.

7 Controlling idea The best season for kids is winter,
- the reader expects the paragraph to give reasons and examples why winter is the best season for children. Football is popular for many reasons. -the readers expects the paragraph to give a variety of information about football and why it is popular around the world.

8 Supporting Sentence/Point
Supporting sentences are the facts and ideas that explain or prove the topic sentence or the main idea. It presents details, facts, examples, quotes, and arguments that support the main idea. In each supporting sentence/point, there are details that support the sentence.

9 Topic Sentence: Animals living in modern zoos enjoyed several advantages.
S.S. 1 : The first advantage is that zoo animals are separated from their predators. Detail= They are protected, so they live without risk of being attacked. S.S. 2: Another advantage is that someone feeds them regularly, so they do not have to hunt for food. Detail= Also, they do not suffer times when food is hard to find. S.S. 3: A third advantage is that veterinarians give animals regular checkups. Detail= Sick animals get prompt medical attention. Concluding Sentence: In conclusion, because all their needs are taken care of, most zoo animals are healthy and contented.

10 Supporting Sentence/Point
Write 3 supporting sentences for each of the topic sentences below: Owning a small car has several advantages. A good friend has three important qualities. A college education is important for some reasons.

11 Concluding Sentence It signals the end of paragraph
It is the last sentence of the paragraph. It should summarize what has already been said and leaves the reader with the most important ideas to remember. Conclude the paragraph by summarizing the main points of the paragraph or repeating/paraphrase the topic sentence in different words.

12 Conclusion signals In conclusion, ___________________
In short, ____________________ To summarize, _______________ To conclude, ________________ In brief, ____________________ In summary, _________________ To sum up, __________________ It is clear that ________________

13 Topic Sentence:________________________________________________.
  Supporting Sentence: A._______________________________________.                           Supporting Detail: 1._________________________.                           Supporting Detail: 2._________________________.     Supporting Sentence: B._______________________________________.      Supporting Sentence: C._______________________________________.                           Supporting Detail: 1. _________________________.                           Supporting Detail: 2. _________________________. Concluding Sentence :___________________________________________.

14 Cause/Effect Paragraph Writing
You discuss causes (reasons) for something. You discuss effects (results) for something. You discuss both causes and effects for something.

15 Cause/Effect Paragraph Writing
Discuss the causes of social problems among teenagers. Discuss the effects of social problems among teenagers. Discuss the causes and effects of social problems among teenagers.

16 Cause/Effect Paragraph Writing
Block Organization A short paragraph often separates one major section from another major section. Chain Organization Causes and effects are linked to each other in a chain. One event causes the second event and so on. Chain organization works better when the causes and effects are too closely linked to be separated.

17 Cause/Effect Signal words and Phrases (Refer to text book page 101 & 102)
for as a result because as a consequence since therefore as thus to result from consequently to be the result of hence due to so because of to result in the effect of to cause the consequence of to have an effect on as a result of to affect as a consequence of the cause of the reason for thereby


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