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Arria 10 External Memory Interface Simulation Guidelines

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1 Arria 10 External Memory Interface Simulation Guidelines
Quartus Prime Software v17.0

2 Introduction Intel’s EMIF IP has an optional simulation example design that can be generated This design can be used by customers to validate the functionality of the memory interface This slide deck covers the following topics: EMIF IP generation Simulation example design generation Simulation models, coverage, and assumptions ModelSim simulation For more information regarding simulation, refer to the Simulating Memory IP section of the External Memory Interface Handbook *EMIF = External Memory Interface

3 Software Requirements
Quartus Prime Software v17.0

4 Simulation Example Design
Memory Model Controller PHY Arria 10 EMIF IP Core Example Design Example Testbench Memory Pass/Fail Driver (Traffic Generator) Avalon AFI The Simulation Example Design consists of a driver connected to the generated EMIF IP and a memory model Driver generates random traffic and internally checks the validity of the outgoing data

5 Creating a Quartus Prime Project
The following slides demonstrate how to create a Quartus Prime project Starting with Quartus Prime v17.0, users must create a Quartus Prime project before generating the EMIF IP and accompanying example design project Launch Quartus Prime and select New Project Wizard Or File > New Project Wizard Press Next, select a directory and name for the project, and select Next New Project Wizard

6 Creating a Quartus Prime Project
Select Empty project and continue to press Next until you reach the Family, Device, and Board Settings option Select Arria 10 (GX/SX/GT) under Family and then select your specific Arria 10 device under Available devices You can filter the available devices list using the options on the right, including the Name filter Press Finish

7 Generating the EMIF IP The following slides demonstrate how to generate the EMIF IP and accompanying example design project Double-click Arria 10 External Memory Interfaces from the IP Catalog Or Tools > IP Catalog If the IP Catalog is not visible: View > Utility Windows > IP Catalog

8 Generating the EMIF IP Double-clicking on Arria 10 External Memory Interfaces opens the IP Parameter Editor Provide a File Name for the EMIF IP Click Create

9 Configuring the EMIF IP
Under Memory Protocol, select the appropriate Protocol from the drop-down list Under the General tab, select the desired Speed Grade and Memory clock frequency Configure the EMIF IP by selecting appropriate settings under each tab For more information refer to the Implementing and Parameterizing IP section in the External Memory Interface Handbook

10 Memory Device and Development Kit Presets
Note that there are predefined configurations available for various memory devices In the Presets window, select the desired memory device present and click Apply This will populate all the fields with vendor specific settings A custom memory device preset can also be created by clicking New and entering the configuration data There also exists presets for existing development kits in the Presets window, where you can select the appropriate one and click Apply

11 Generating the EMIF Simulation Example Design
After configuring the EMIF IP, select the Example Designs tab and make sure the Simulation checkbox is selected under Example Design Files Select Generate Example Design Or Generate > Generate Example Design

12 Generating the EMIF Simulation Example Design
After selecting Generate Example Design, a pop-up window will appear asking you to provide a Path to store the example design Point to the desired location and select OK In this example, a new emif_0_example_design folder will be created in the existing emif_example directory (created in step 2, slide 5) This folder will contain all of the EMIF example design files

13 Generating the EMIF Simulation Example Design
Upon successful example design generation, a dialog box will open with design completion detail; press Close Pin assignments are automatically generated when a development kit preset is selected If no development kit preset was selected, pin assignments need to be manually assigned

14 Saving the Configured EMIF IP
After closing the window upon successful simulation example design generation, click Finish in the IP Parameter Editor window A window will pop-up prompting you that recent changes have not been generated Select Yes if you want to save the IP for future reference/use, otherwise select No If you selected Yes, select Generate on the next window and then Finish once the generation has completed

15 EMIF Simulation Example Design Files
Synopsys VCS/VCS-MX Mentor Graphics Modelsim Cadence NC Sim Aldec Riviera-Pro After generating an EMIF simulation example design, an example design directory will be created From this directory (refer to step 15, slide 12) navigate to sim/ed_sim Here you will find subdirectories for each supported simulation tool Each subdirectory contains scripts to use with the corresponding simulation tool

16 EMIF Simulation Requirements
The following slides cover details regarding EMIF simulation To simulate, you need the following: Altera Supported Simulator Intel External Memory Interface IP design Example Traffic Generator and Checker (Intel or User) Testbench (Intel or User) Intel’s Memory Simulator Model (does not support memory vendor models)

17 EMIF Simulation Models
During EMIF IP generation, users can select between two simulation models Located in Diagnostics tab under Simulation Options Skip Calibration Fastest simulation Loads memory configuration settings and enters user mode Full Calibration Performs all stages of memory calibration Including delay sweeps and centered of all data bits

18 EMIF Simulation Models
Skip Calibration Mode Full Calibration Mode System-level simulation focusing on user logic Memory interface simulation focusing on calibration Details of calibration are not captured Captures all stages of calibration Enables users to store and retrieve data Includes leveling, per-bit deskew, etc. Represents accurate efficiency Board skew is not taken into account

19 EMIF Simulation Coverage
Supported Not Supported Functional verification Timing Verification Skip calibration (default) NativeLink Full calibration Memory Vendor Models Post-fit simulation Qsys Testbench Flow Multi-rank Multiple-CS Memory Interface Memory Frequency < 400MHz RDIMM & LRDIMM Configuration

20 EMIF Simulation Assumptions
EMIF simulation makes the following assumptions: Interfaces are unaware of each other Interface assumes it is the only one interface in the column Interface assumes it has its own IOAUX and Hard Nios Interface is placed at the bottom of the column (closest to IOAUX location) This may contradict fitter placement No drawbacks between an interface placed at the top of the column vs the bottom of the column Interfaces have one PLL This may contradict Post-Fit It is possible to have interfaces share the same PLL Simulation assumes PLL reset occurs only during power-up Simulation issues recalibration per EMIF instead of a PLL reset

21 RTL Simulation VS Post-Fit Implementation
The following slides cover key differences between EMIF simulation and implementation RTL Simulation Nios initialization and calibration code execute in parallel Interfaces might assert cal_done signal simultaneously in simulation cal_done signal indicates calibration has completed Do not reply on behavior shown in simulation Post-Fit Implementation Nios initialization and calibration code execute sequentially Order of calibration is determined by fitter operations Calibration completes when all interfaces in a column assert cal_done Must sample all cal_done signals in a column to determine calibration has completed

22 RTL Simulation VS Post-Fit Implementation
There may be a discrepancy in latency (Simulated vs Post-Fit) Do not rely on simulated interface latency Bank 1 Lane 3 Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 0 Bank 0 RTL Simulation Post-Fit Simulation Fitter Operations AFI Clock Cycle Penalty Addr/Cmd Data

23 AFI Clock Cycle Penalty
For multi-bank interfaces Fitter detects this penalty and issues a warning Is an issue when requested write latency is less than latency accrued by bank farthest away from Address/Command Bank Bank 2 Lane 3 Lane 2 Lane 1 Lane 0 Bank 1 AFI Clock Cycle Penalty Bank 0 Addr/Cmd Data

24 Modelsim – Example Simulation Flow
The following slides cover how to run simulation using the ModelSim simulation tool Launch Modelsim and select set the directory to ed_sim/mentor File > Change Directory In the Transcript window, run source msim_setup.tcl If the Transcript window is not visible: View > Transcript After msim_setup.tcl finishes executing, run ld_debug Compiles design files and elaborates with -novopt option

25 Modelsim – Example Simulation Flow
After ld_debug finishes executing, select the signals you wish to simulate In the Objects window, select the signals and then right-click and select Add Wave If the Objects window is not visible: View > Objects After selecting the signals for simulation, execute run –all in the Transcript window This will run the simulation until it finishes If the simulation is not visible: View > Wave

26 Modelsim – Example Simulation Flow
Alternatively, you can create your own .do file to run simulation using Modelsim Example file: Execute do in the Transcript window to run the simulation If {[file exsists msim_setup.tcl]} { source msim_setup.tcl dev_com com # elab_debug avoids optimizations which preserves signals so they can be added to the wave viewer elab_debug add wave “ed_sim/*” run –all } else { error “The msim_setup.tcl script does not exist.” }

27 Modelsim – Saving Simulation Data and Results
To store an entire log of the simulation, you can edit the msim_setup.tcl script and modify the vsim line to include –l ed_sim.log: # # Elaborate top level design alias elab { echo "\[exec\] elab“ eval vsim -t ps $ELAB_OPTIONS $USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS -L work -L work_lib –L altera_emif_tg_avl_170 -L } # Elaborate the top level design with novopt option alias elab_debug { echo "\[exec\] elab_debug" eval vsim -novopt -t ps –l ed_sim.log $ELAB_OPTIONS $USER_DEFINED_ELAB_OPTIONS -L work -L work_lib –L # Compile all the design files and elaborate the top level design alias ld " dev_com com elab "


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