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Middle Ages- Why does it matter to us?

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1 Middle Ages- Why does it matter to us?
Fall 2012 Mr. Levine Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)


xx The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE xx DATE 7th Grade Social Studies xx 2 Middle Ages- Islam LAST UNIT /Experience -Early Middle Ages- Europe CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 Rennaisance 8 UNIT SCHEDULE 5 UNIT MAP is about... 4/1 Pre-test Rome Review/ 4/ Barbarians 4/ Feudal System 4/ Feudal Writing1 4/ Feudal Writing 2 4/8 Making comparisons 4/9 Charlemagne 4/10 Religion 4/11 Jeopardy Review 4/12 Post- Test xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx How did the fall of Rome lead to the flourishing of the feudal system? Explain the feudal system, who was at the top, who was at the bottom and why? Compare the society of Ancient Rome to the society of the Middle Ages in Europe What did Charlemagne do to unify Europe and bring order following the fall of Rome? Cause and Effect 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Explanation Comparison RELATIONSHIPS UNIT Cause and Effect 7 Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

4 Unit questions/relationships
How did the fall of Rome lead to the flourishing of the feudal system? (Cause and Effect) Explain the feudal system, who was at the top, who was at the bottom and why? (Explanation) What similarities and differences did the society of Feudal Japan have with the society of the Europe in the Middle Ages? (Comparison) Who was Charlemagne and what effect did he have on the social structure and religious structure of Feudal Europe? (Cause and Effect) What changes in religion in Europe in the Middle Ages caused it to become a hierarchy similar to the social structure in place? Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

5 Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)
Unit Objectives Students will explain in writing, platform, or visual art why people chose to give up their autonomy to join a feudal system. Students will create a personal narrative of a member of the feudal system and how they interacted with the other members of the feudal system. (serf, vassal, knight, lord) Students will compare and contrast what life was like in Feudal Japan and in Europe in the Middle Age. Students will write, tell, draw, or act out the impact that Charlemagne had on society in the Middle Ages. Students will compare the feudal hierarchy to the religious hierarchy of Europe in the Middle Ages. Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

6 Standards & benchmarks
7.1. Describe and compare the beliefs, the spread, and the influence of religions throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, Islam, Crusades, Holy Roman Empire. 7.15. Determine and explain the interdependence of people around the world during significant eras or events. 7.16. Describe the role of citizens in various governments in the Eastern Hemisphere. 6.8.WHST.2   Write  informative/explanatory  texts,  including  the  narration  of  historical  events,  scientific   procedures/  experiments,  or  technical  processes. 6.8.RH3 Integrate  visual  information  (e.g.,  in  charts,  graphs,  photographs,  videos,  or  maps)  with   other  information  in  print  and  digital  texts. Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

7 Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)
Rationale The Middle Ages are an interesting time in Europe. The glorious time that was once Ancient Rome and Greece are mere shells of the civilizations they once were. Pillaging and violence are very much a part of everyday society. Europe is scraping the bottom while Islam flourishes. It will not be several centuries until Europe flourishes again during the Renaissance. Nonetheless, this is an important time in the history of Europe. It begs the question, what happens when great nation’s fall? How do everyday people cope when it seems that every day could be your last? Why do everyday people give up their autonomy and become subservient to others? What factors help nations transition out of violent brutish periods of time? This time period is critical to understanding how we operate in periods that are not so glorious. This unit allows people to understand the interdependence of people within the feudal system, contributing to 7th Grade Social Studies Standard Determine and explain the interdependence of people around the world during significant eras or events. This interrelation also happens to demonstrate how governments operate on the micro and macro level contributing to Describe the role of citizens in various governments in the Eastern Hemisphere. This will provide ample grounds to compare and contrast government systems in the Middle Ages to those of Ancient Rome. Further, It also helps students see the transition of world religions to a focus on Christianity and how that transformation comes about adding a piece to 7.1.Describe and compare the beliefs, the spread, and the influence of religions throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, Islam, Crusades, Holy Roman Empire. The engaging content of the Middle Ages provides ample opportunity for role play, collaborative work, and first person writing meeting 6-­‐8.WHST.2   Write  informative/explanatory  texts,  including  the  narration  of  historical  events,  scientific   procedures/  experiments,  or  technical  processes. The Middle Ages are so much more than a chaotic period bridging Ancient Rome to the Renaissance. They are a time when people had to sacrifice their freedoms in exchange for their lives, ultimately leading to regeneration of Europe’s glory. Secondary Dual Educator Program (SDEP)

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