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Climate change interview

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Presentation on theme: "Climate change interview"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate change interview
Composition of the panel interviewed: Men 63 Women 109 Age: 14/16 58 17/20 113

2 The set of recurring meteorological phenomena in a specified region for a long period of time.
The daily evolution of meteorological phenomena of a region. The atmospheric state at a given time and in a particular place.

3 The natural greenhouse gases absorb the heat of the sun or the heat released from the ground into the atmosphere, resulting in an increase of the Earth's surface temperature. Human activities usually result in polluting our atmosphere. Recurring climate effect during normal geological evolution of the Earth planet.

4 "Most scientists agree with the warming is due to rising concentrations of greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the atmosphere, a process caused by human activities and not only by natural causes" .

5 Yes - The solar rays are absorbed by the earth's surface, the temperature increases and a part of the heat is returned to the atmosphere. No - It 's a phenomenon caused by human activities

6 Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Oxygen

7 Oxygen Aerosol Artificial Pollutant

8 Ultraviolet Rays Gamma rays X-ray

9 Emissions from industrial processes
Emissions caused by energy production Emissions caused by agricultural production

10 Which among these is NOT a predicted effect of climate change?
The increase in the frequency and violence of natural disasters such as droughts, floods, hurricanes and heat waves The rise in sea level, which will endanger the lives of millions of inhabitants of coastal areas The reversal of the seasonal evolution on a global scale.

11 Of all the energy consumed in the EU, what percentage comes from renewable sources?
a. Il 6% b. Il 17% c. Il 34%

12 Which household appliance, on average, is responsible for the greatest amount of CO2 emissions per hour of use?

13 What kind of meteorological phenomena can be expected in Europe in the future?
In the northern European countries temperatures will increase, but to a lesser extent, and the rains will be more frequent. In southern European countries it will rain less and the temperatures will be higher. On the coasts you will observe a rise in sea level

14 Which of these actions can help to further reduce the progressive effects of climate change?
Reduce: lower the heating, use low-power devices Turn off: turn off lights, appliances, TV, computer Recycle: differentiated waste, reusing packaging, reduce waste Walk: take the bus or bicycle, practice car pooling

15 True False

16 The use of petroleum products
The methane emitted from waste Natural gas

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