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Interreg IIIB Tacis Phare

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1 Interreg IIIB Tacis Phare
How to bring Interreg, Phare and Tacis funding together? Interreg IIIB Tacis Phare

2 Interreg IIIB projects
Interreg IIIB programme (2001 – 2006): deadline for submission: 1st Oct. 2002 base for Interreg IIIB projects: Community Initiative Programme – CIP  strategy of the porgramme, eligible actions, priorities and measures eligible areas: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, New German Länder, Norway Poland & Baltic States: joint Phare projects Russia: joint Tacis projects project duration: max. 3 years project size: between – 2 MEUR ERDF funding (envisaged) Interreg IIIB projects

3 Interreg IIIB projects
CIP priorities and measures Priority 1: Promotion of spatial development approaches and actions for specific territories and sectors Measure 1.1: Supporting joint strategies and implementation actions for macro-regions Measure 1.2: Promoting sustainable spatial development of specific sectors  tourism sector! Measure 1.3: Strengthening integrated development of coastal zones, islands and other specific areas Finances for measure 1.2: total costs: 10,949 EUR (all projects, complete period until 2006…) Interreg IIIB projects

4 Interreg IIIB projects
CIP priorities and measures Priority 2: Promotion of territorial structures supporting sustainable BSR development Measure 2.1: Promoting balanced polycentric settlement structures Measure 2.2: Creating sustainable communication links for improved spatial integration Measure 2.3: Enhancing good management of cultural and natural heritage and of natural resources Priority 3: Transnational promotion of institution building, strengthening the capacity for spatial development activities Finances for measure 2.3: total costs: 18,250 EUR (all projects, complete period until 2006…) Interreg IIIB projects

5 Interreg IIIB projects
Partnership partners from at least 3 countries, of which 2 at least are financial contributors, 1 at least from a member state integrated projects: Tacis and Phare projects (joint projects to Interreg IIIB) must be applied for and reported separately according to the respective programmes! lead partner: responsible for project management and implementation (from EU member state or Norway)  financial liability! Norwegian partners: involved on equal terms as EU partners (same reporting & monitoring) Co-financing statement: statement of financial contribution per partner (in cash and in kind)  non-EU Letter of commitment: all partners that do not contribute financially Interreg IIIB projects

6 Interreg IIIB projects
Project coordination / administration lead partner principle: responsibility for entire project and all partners, ONE project budget only project should appoint one coordinator responsible for overall activities of the project / administration project should appoint one financial manager responsible for: accounts, internal handling of national co-financing and ERDF funds 6 months budget follow-ups Interreg IIIB projects

7 Interreg IIIB projects
Finances / administration ERDF co-financing rates: 50% co-financing of total costs Partners from objective 1 areas: up to 75% National co-financing: from public authorities at national, regional, sub- regional and local level, foundations, NGO’s, non-profit-making organisations Public-like money: co-financing from semi-public and private non-profit organisations if: The project lead partner is a public authority The semi-public and private non-profit organisations should support the cooperation  e.g. non profit local and regional development agencies, non-profit enterprises / organisations dealing with local and regional development, tourism, culture etc. Private money: cannot generate funding, but are not excluded from financial contribution Interreg IIIB projects

8 Joint Phare projects Phare Small Project Fund (SPF): supports small-scale co-operation projects in the Baltic Sea Region: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland  to help the border regions to overcome specific development problems to support the establishment and development of co-operative networks within the Baltic Sea Region. Priority sectors (SPF 2000): Economic Development Local Democracy Training and Employment Cultural exchanges Planning and development studies Environment Tourism Health Social affairs Information and communication Joint Phare projects

9 Phare Small Project Fund
Only non-profit local organisations can receive funding (e.g. Municipalities, local and regional authorities, NGOs, associations) number of partners: minimum 2 including 1 foreign eligible partner from the Baltic Sea Region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden)  then further partners may join from bordering regions (Russia, Belarus, Norway)  not funded by Phare but by Tacis or Interreg! Maximum project duration: 18 months. Amount of funding:   total of 1 million euro per country per call Minimum grant size EUR Maximum grant size EUR 20% local co-financing is required (in kind or in cash).  Joint Phare projects

10 Phare Small Project Fund
deadline for submission of applications: should be announced in the second half of 2002 SPF finances technical assistance or 'soft' projects type of eligible activities: Documentation, publications, information provision and dissemination Events, publicity, fairs, promotion, exhibitions, camps Meetings, conferences, seminars, training Study visits, distance learning, exchanges and secondment training Studies, research programmes, strategies, planning, analysis, audits Provision of expertise or specialised equipment Construction of small-scale infrastructure (environment sector and tourism) Establishment and development of networks, partnerships, links, databases Technology and know-how transfer, pilot actions, joint follow-up activities Project preparation, feasibility studies for investment projects for possible financing from Phare CBC 2001 and 2002 grants Joint Phare projects

11 Joint Tacis projects Tacis Small Project Fund (SPF): offers scope for regional and local authorities to participate directly in cross-border cooperation (small-scale co-operation projects in the Baltic Sea Region) Project partners: Local and regional authorities, association of local/regional authorities, and Institutions closely linked to the local/regional authorities (Regional Development Agencies) Sectors of interest: Administrative reforms Local Economic Development: SME-support and development, economic planning, tourism strategies, strategies for tackling unemployment, rural diversification Social Affairs Environment and Energy Efficiency Joint Tacis projects

12 Tacis Small Project Fund
Eligible regions: St.Petersburg, Leningrad Oblast, Pskov Oblast, Murmansk Oblast, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Kaliningrad Oblast, Republic of Karelia. Arkhangelsk Oblast in exceptional cases. Belarus Eligible partners: Projects between Russia and EU must share a land or maritime border. Projects between Russia and CEEC must share a border additional EU partners can be from all of EU territory. Projects with Belarus have to involve one bordering country from CEEC Size of grant: EUR Duration of project: months Deadline for applications: next call is expected in March 2003 Joint Tacis projects

13 Tacis Small Project Fund
Eligible activities: Training, study visits establishment of best practices and procedures system analyses and transfer of knowledge establishment of advisory and development functions work placements sectoral/regional studies environmental management thematic information seminars, fairs and exhibitions development of info material human and institutional capacity building. Joint Tacis projects

14 Interreg IIIB projects
How to bring all this together? Practical steps: Project idea / partner search (according to programme and eligibility) Planning of objectives / milestones / activities for each project (according to Interreg, Phare & Tacis priorities) -> plan local activities & trans-national cooperation activities Meeting of all partners / discussions of time schedule, goals, activities, planning of application preparation according to deadlines Adaptation of planned activities to EU programmes priorities Budgeting of project activities per partner (according to EU rules  different budgets for different programmes demanded! Check eligibility of costs and actions!) Compilation of project budgets for:  Tacis project  Phare project  Interreg IIIB project Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

15 Interreg IIIB projects
How to bring all this together? Note: It is possible that an Interreg IIIB partner even co-finances the joint Phare and Tacis projects. On the other hand it is not a must for linking the Phare or Tacis application to Interreg! Start preparation of applications in due time (advise: already before the call for submission opens)  only 1 month time to deliver all documents! Depending on different dates for call for submissions: Submission of Interreg IIIB application Submission of Phare SPF application Submission of Tacis SPF application Approval of projects at different times  start project work as soon as approved, other joint projects join later! Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

16 Interreg IIIB projects
How to bring all this together? What to submit when applying for Interreg IIIB: Filled Application form including detailed description of milestones in different work packages (max. 5 work packages) Details of ALL partners (address, responsible person, tel…) Overall budget (for all Interreg partners) divided into Work Packages and years Detailed specification of investment and other costs Letters of commitments and co-financing statements from ALL partners (originals, signed and stamped by an authorised person) If already known: contribution from Phare and Tacis partners Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

17 Interreg IIIB projects
How to bring all this together? What to submit when applying for Phare / Tacis: Filled Application form including: Detailed description of all activities planned (more than work packages…) Detailed Action plan (activity / location / implementation) Detailed description of the applicant, resources & capacities for project management… (experiences with similar projects and themes) Information about other grants etc. obtained from the EU in the last 3 years Description of all partners Original Partnership Statements from all partners (Note: it is enough if one partner from the Interreg IIIB project signs a partnership statement to link both projects together) Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

18 Interreg IIIB projects
How to bring all this together? What to submit when applying for Phare / Tacis: Very detailed budget according to given format The statutes or articles of associations of the applicant The statutes or articles of associations or certificates of legal status and certificate of registration of tax payer of each of the partners Most recent annual reports and accounts of the applicant CV’s of applicant’s and partner’s staff involved in the project Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

19 Interreg IIIB projects
Practical project work Local and international activities according to time schedules (Interreg: up to 3 years; Phare /Tacis: months) If one of the joint projects has expired earlier: This partner can be included with the status as “observer”, taking part in all trans-national activities without EU funding Interreg IIIB partners are allowed to use their funds to finance travel and accommodation costs for Phare/Tacis partners 2nd Phare / Tacis application for follow-up project could be applied for (new activities! Application in due time before the expiration!) Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

20 Interreg IIIB projects
Tacis Phare Interreg Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

21 Interreg IIIB projects
Tacis Phare Interreg Interreg IIIB projects Joint Phare projects Joint Tacis projects

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