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Contemplative Christianity

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1 Contemplative Christianity
Question of the Day: Why “contemplate”?

2 Definitions Contemplation 1a:  concentration on spiritual things as a form of private devotion b :  a state of mystical awareness of God's being 2:  to view or consider with continued attention study. made the decision after much contemplation 3:  the act of regarding steadily was lost in quiet contemplation of the scene

3 Culture Some of our assumptions about meditation (contemplation)?
… what about “secular” culture? …what about Church culture?

4 Scripture 2 Cor. 3:7-18 In this passage, what do you notice about the ministry of the Spirit? Quick aside: 1 Jn. 3:2 (present & future transformation)

5 Contemplate: (verb) to practice loving attentiveness to God
2 components: affection for God the way you experience everything “The pure loving gaze that finds God everywhere” -Brother Lawrence

6 5 Reasons to Learn about Contemplation
Prevent… spiritually hungry Christians from mixing other religions into their beliefs and practices. Reach Out… to the religious and non-religious, with a powerful bridge to other faiths and a balm to modern secularism. Worldview: seeing Life, the Universe, and Everything as centered on Christ, “charged with the grandeur of God”. Neuroscience: These practices change our moral choices. (Curt Thompson, Anatomy of the Soul). Christian Maturity: growth in intimacy with God and deepening moment-by-moment reliance upon Him.

7 Prayer Practice: Week 1 Remember to grab a Prayer Practice handout before you go! See you next week. If you have questions, we’ll be around after.

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