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Principles of qualification and validation which are applicable to the manufacture of medicinal products. Analytical Method אנליזה מעבדתית Medical Devices אביזרים ומכשור רפואי (אמ"ר) Cleaning and Sterilization ניקוי ועיקור Process: Development, Analysis, and Control. פיתוח ניתוח ובקרת תהליך Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

2 Objective The objective of validation of an analytical
procedure is to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

3 Laboratory Method Flow
APPROVED Method Development Method Validation Method Transfer פיתוח ואלידציה העברה Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

4 Analytical Method Development
Prerequisites for analytical method Validation - Six “M”s Quality of Analytical Method Man Machine qualified calibrated robust Methods suitable characterised documented Milieu Material Management Quality Reference standards Tempe- rature Analysts´ support skilled Humidity Vibrations Time Supplies Irradi- ations Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

5 Why Validate Method validation is completed to ensure that an analytical methodology is accurate, reproducible and rugged over specific range that an analyte will be analyzed. Provides assurance of reliability אמינות FDA Compliance התאמה מתועדת לשיטת הבדיקה The process of providing documented evidence that something does what it is indented to do Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

6 World Health Organization
Validation World Health Organization 27 January, 2018 To discuss various aspects of analytical method validation including: Principles of analytical method validation Pharmacopoeia methods Non-pharmacopoeia methods Approaches to analytical method validation Characteristics of analytical procedures Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

7 Validation Principles
World Health Organization 27 January, 2018 Guideline presents information on the characteristics to be considered Manufacturers to demonstrate - analytical procedure is suitable for its intended purpose (validation) Validate analytical methods - whether they indicate stability or not Validated by R&D before being transferred to the quality control unit when appropriate 1. Principle 1.1 This appendix presents some information on the characteristics that should be considered during validation of analytical methods. Approaches other than those specifi ed in this appendix may be followed and may be acceptable. Manufacturers should choose the validation protocol and procedures most suitable for testing of their product. 1.2 The manufacturer should demonstrate (through validation) that the analytical procedure is suitable for its intended purpose. 1.3 Analytical methods, whether or not they indicate stability, should be validated. 1.4 The analytical method should be validated by research and development before being transferred to the quality control unit when appropriate. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

8 Validation Principles (Cont’)
World Health Organization Validation Principles (Cont’) 27 January, 2018 Specifications for materials and products, with standard test methods Manufacturer to use “pharmacopoeial specifications and methods”, or suitably developed “non-pharmacopoeial specifications and methods” as approved by the national drug regulatory authority Use well-characterized reference materials, with documented purity, in the validation study 2. General 2.1 There should be specifi cations for both, materials and products. The tests to be performed should be described in the documentation on standard test methods. 2.2 Specifi cations and standard test methods in pharmacopoeias (“pharmacopoeial methods”), or suitably developed specifi cations or test methods (“non-pharmacopoeial methods”) as approved by the national drug regulatory authority may be used. 2.3 Well-characterized reference materials, with documented purity, should be used in the validation study. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

9 World Health Organization
Validation World Health Organization 27 January, 2018 Pharmacopoeial / Non-pharmacopoeial methods Pharmacopoeial methods: prove that the methods are suitable for routine use in the laboratory (verification) for determination of content or impurities in products, demonstrate that method is specific for the substance under consideration (no placebo interference) Non-pharmacopoeial methods: Should be appropriately validated 3. Pharmacopoeial methods 3.1 When pharmacopoeial methods are used, evidence should be available to prove that such methods are suitable for routine use in the laboratory (verifi cation). 3.2 Pharmacopoeial methods used for determination of content or impurities in pharmaceutical products should also have been demonstrated to be specifi c with respect to the substance under consideration (no placebo interference). 4. Non-pharmacopoeial methods 4.1 Non-pharmacopoeial methods should be appropriately validated. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

10 World Health Organization
Validation 27 January, 2018 Tests include: Identification tests Assay of drug substances and pharmaceutical products Content of impurities and limit tests for impurities Dissolution testing and determination of particle size Results should be reliable, accurate and reproducible 2.4 The most common analytical procedures include identifi cation tests, assay of drug substances and pharmaceutical products, quantitative tests for content of impurities and limit tests for impurities. Other analytical procedures include dissolution testing and determination of particle size. 2.5 The results of analytical procedures should be reliable, accurate and reproducible. The characteristics that should be considered during validation of analytical methods are discussed in paragraph 6. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

11 World Health Organization
Validation 27 January, 2018 When should verification or revalidation be done ? changes in the process for synthesis of the drug substance changes in the composition of the finished product changes in the analytical procedure transfer of methods from one laboratory to another changes in major pieces of equipment instruments Validation extent depends on the nature of the change(s) Evidence of “analyst proficiency” 2.6 Verifi cation or revalidation should be performed when relevant, for example, when there are changes in the process for synthesis of the drug substance; changes in the composition of the fi nished product; changes in the analytical procedure; when analytical methods are transferred from one laboratory to another; or when major pieces of equipment instruments change. 2.7 The verifi cation or degree of revalidation depend on the nature of the change(s). 2.8 There should be evidence that the analysts, who are responsible for certain tests, are appropriately qualifi ed to perform those analyses (“analyst profi ciency”). Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

12 USP – Analytical Method Validation (In Details)

13 Precision Definition דיק -
The closeness of agreement between the values obtained in an assay. When the method is applied repeatedly to multiple sampling of a homogenous sample Expressed as % SD for a statistically significant number of samples Should be performed at 3 levels. Repeatability (הדירות) Intermediate Precision (דיק ביניים) Reproducibility (שעתוק) Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

14 Precisionדיק - Explanation and Enlargement
Repeatability: -הדירות (USP analytical Procedure Criterion) Same operating condition, short time interval. Inter-assay Precision Within-lab variations: Different days, analysts, equipment. Multiple determinations of a single sample, controls and reagents analyzed in several runs, same lab. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

15 Precisionדיק - Explanation and Enlargement
Minimum of 9 determinations covering specified range of procedure (3 levels 3 replica. each), or Minimum of 6 determination at 100% test conc. (expressed as % CV) Reproducibility ( (שעתוק Precision between labs. Collaborative studies, (not relevant in manufacturing facility) Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

16 Accuracy Definitionדיוק -
The closeness of agreement between the actual values (ערך אמיתי)of the drug and the measured value (ערך נמדד) Spiked (known added amount) and Recovery studies are performed to measure accuracy Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

17 Accuracy Definitionדיוק – (Cont’)
Expressed as % error between the observed value and the true value (Observed value – True Value)x100 True value Good accuracy means minimum Bias Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

18 Accuracy vs Precision Accuracy Precision
Closeness of agreement between true value and the mean of observed value obtained over large number of observations. This can be quantitatively expressed as Bias (סטיה/נטיה) Observed value – True value Good accuracy means minimum Bias. Precision Precision is closeness of results with each other of a large number of successive observations in a measurement process, under prescribed conditions. This can be quantitatively expressed as percentage of coefficient of variation ( % CV). Good precision means minimum % CV. It can be calculated using a formula Precision can be demonstrated through repeatability and reproducibility. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

19 Repeatability vs Reproducibility
(a) Repeatability : Closeness of the agreement between the successive measurements of the same specimen and with the following conditions: § The same measurement procedure § The same analyst § The same measurement systems used under the same conditions § The same location (b) Reproducibility : Closeness of the agreement between the results of successive measurements of the same specimen and with the following conditions: § Different analysts § Different measuring systems § Different locations and at different times Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

20 Accuracy Determination קביעת דיוק
(Cont’) Drug Substance Analysis of Reference material Compare results to a second, well characterized method Impurities (Quantification) Analysis of Samples (Drug substances) spiked, with known amounts of impurities Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

21 Analytical Method Development
Accuracy vs. Precision Accurate & Precise Accurate & imprecise Inaccurate & precise Inaccurate & imprecise Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

22 Limit of Detection (LOD) Definition
גבול זיהוי Lowest Concentration of Analyte in a Sample that can be detected (not necessarily quantitated) Limit Test: Above or Below a Certain Level – Pass / Fail results Expressed as Concentration (%, ppb, mg/ml) Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

23 Limit of Detection (LOD) Definition (Cont’)
Almost never necessary to be determined May be based on standard deviation (STD) of the response and slope DL=(3.3) STD / S STD = Standard Deviation of the response S = Slope of calibration curve Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

24 Limit of Quantification (LOQ) Definition
Lowest concentration of Analyte in a sample that can be determined with acceptable precision and accuracy under stated operational conditions Expressed in Concentration of Analyte Signal To Noise Ratio (10:1 is typical) Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

25 Limit of Quantification (LOQ) Explanation and Enlargement
QL = (10) STD / S STD = Standard Deviation of the response S = Slope of Calibration curve DL and QL are validated by analyzing a suitable number of samples Method should be documented !!! Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

26 World Health Organization
27 January, 2018 LOQ, LOD and SNR Limit of Quantification Limit of Detection Signal to Noise Ratio Peak B LOQ There are no specific criteria set for the Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) and Limit of Detection (LOD) but guidance is available from specifications and pharmacopeias. The noise is measured by running the instrument at maximum gain with no test being processed. The ripple generated is noise due to the instrument’s electronics, etc. The peak is measured relative to this noise and the ratio is calculated. This is known as the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Generally: LOD SNR should be greater than 2:1. Peak A is acceptable for LOD but not for quantitation; The LOD can be calculated if the standard deviation (SD) of the response (which is standard deviation of the blank) and the slope is determined: LOD = 3.3 x SD slope Similarly LOQ = 10 x SD The LOQ SNR should generally be above 10:1. Peak B is suitable for quantitation; Precision as a percentage relative standard deviation should be % at the limit for LOQ. Peak A LOD noise Baseline Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

27 Specificity (Selectivity) Definition
The ability to measure accurately and specifically the Analyte in the presence of components that may be expected to be present in the product The Degree of Interference Active Ingredients Excipients Impurities Degradation Products Placebo Ingredients Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

28 Specificity Determination
Qualitative Identification Test Demonstrate ability to select between compounds of closely related structure Confirm Positive and Negative results Assay Demonstrate that the results are unaffected by spiked impurities or excipients Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

29 Linearity and Range ליניאריות ותחום
The ability of the method to elicit test results that are directly proportional to concentration within a given range - Expressed as the Variance of the Slope of the Regression Line Range Interval between upper and lower levels of Analyte demonstrated by the method Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

30 World Health Organization
Linearity and Range 27 January, 2018 Table of values (x,y) x y  # Reference material mg/ml Calculated mg/ml 1 0.0100 0.0101 2 0.0150 0.0145 3 0.0200 0.0210 4 0.0250 0.0260 5 0.0300 0.0294 6 0.0400 0.0410 This is a typical plot of raw data to check for linearity and range. The table of raw data on the right hand side has been plotted using linear regression to obtain a line of best fit. The x axis is the reference material that was weighed out and the y axis the calculated values from the instrument readings. These are plotted (the blue line with the points as a yellow box and error bars) and a linear regression analysis is performed. The two yellow lines are the 2-sided 95% confidence limits. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

31 Prepare Minimum 5 Concentrations
Linearity Evaluation Prepare Minimum 5 Concentrations (Preferable 6-8 sample dilutions across the range) Test each dilution in triplicates for 3 runs. (5x3x3=45) Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

32 Linearity Evaluation Record expected values, actual values,
and % recovery for each one. Analyze each set of dilutions for statistical methods: Regression, Correlation Coefficient, y-intercept, Slop, Plot. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

33 Ruggedness "קשיחות"or Robustness "חוסן"
Degree of Reproducibility of Test Results under a Variety of Conditions Different: Laboratories, Analysts, Instruments, Reagents, Days Expressed as % RSD Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

34 Ruggedness "קשיחות"or Robustness "חוסן"
Measure The Capacity to Remain Unaffected by Small Variation in Method Parameters. Indication or Reliability During Normal Use. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

35 Why is Method Validation Considered a Bottleneck צוואר בקבוק -
Every Method validation Process Consists About Analyses Each of Them Produce About 4 specific Results; These results in a total of about Numbers Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

36 Why is Method Validation Considered a Bottleneck (Cont’)
All of These Numbers Need to be mathematically Processed: Manual (Calculator, Excel Macro) Dedicated Method Validation Program Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

37 Evaluation of analytical validation data Data provided by applicant
The objective of the analytical procedure The analytical technique Item Data provided by applicant (very briefly) Acceptable or not? (add comments if necessary, & reasons if unacceptable) Is a chromatogram, spectrum or similar provided? Specificity Linearity Range Accuracy Precision: Repeatability Precision: Intermediate Precision: Reproducibility Detection limit Quantitation limit Robustness System suitability (if necessary) Data on the reference standard Other evaluator comments: Lect. No. 7 Eli. S M.Sc,

38 - Cost / Benefit Economic Exercise
Why Revalidate To Take Advantage of a New Technology - Cost / Benefit Economic Exercise - Instrumentation, Methods Formulation Changes Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

39 Why Revalidate (cont’)
Manufacturing Batch Changes Changes in Incoming Raw Material Changes in Method Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

40 CONCLUSION סיכום Defined Validation and its Importance
Examined The steps of Method Validation Learned How each Step is Documented and Measured: (System Suitability, USP/ICH) Protocol and Pitfalls: Revalidation Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

41 Kinetic LAL System Principles
Btoforum 2007 Kinetic LAL System Principles O.D. Change Over Time (Onset OD) Bioforum 2007 E. Solomon M.Sc, Eli Solomon M.Sc, כל הזכויות שמורות

42 Kinetic LAL System Principles
Btoforum 2007 R > 0.98 R > 0.98 Bioforum 2007 E. Solomon M.Sc, Eli Solomon M.Sc, כל הזכויות שמורות

43 Bioforum 2007 E. Solomon M.Sc,

44 Bioforum 2007 E. Solomon M.Sc,

Initial Method Validation Guidance -1987 Guidance for submitting samples and analytical data for methods validation. FDA, February US Government Printing office: :20818. Analytical Procedures and Method Validation Fed.Reg ), 52,776-52,777, 30 August 2000 All Guidance are on FDA Web site: Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7

Pharmaceutical Process Validation, edited by: R. A. Nash; Alfred H. Wachter, An International Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong (2003). Marjo-Riitta Helle et al.: A literature review of pharmaceutical process validation, 52 references, Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, August 2003. Eli. S M.Sc, Lect. No. 7


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