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Pharm (Mrs). Uche Sonny-Afoekelu,

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1 Pharm (Mrs). Uche Sonny-Afoekelu,
APPLICATION OF QUALITY RISK MANAGEMENT IN PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING (ICH Q9) Pharm (Mrs). Uche Sonny-Afoekelu, M.Sc.(PH), MPCPharm Assistant Director, Compliance Division Drug Evaluation and Research Directorate, NAFDAC US-A

2 OUTLINE Regulatory requirements Definition
Introduction to Quality Risk Management (QRM) Concept of QRM Principles of QRM Proactive and Reactive QRM QRM Process Risk Management Methodology Potential Applications of QRM US-A

3 Regulatory requirements
Quality Risk Management should be an integral element of the Pharmaceutical Quality System (NAFDAC cGMP guidelines ) ICH Q9

4 Definition: Quality Risk Management (QRM) is a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of a drug product across the product lifecycle It can be applied both proactively and reactively (retrospectively). US-A

5 Introduction QRM is an enabler-
Together with knowledge management, it enables a company to implement ICH Q10 effectively and successfully. These enablers will facilitate the achievement of the quality objectives by providing the means for science and risk based decisions related to product quality. US-A

Companies may use informal risk management approaches eg internal procedures, empirical tools eg from observation, trends etc that are not formal QRM tools. Appropriate use of QRM can facilitate , but does not obviate industry’s obligation to comply with regulatory requirements. example US-A

7 NO, QRM is not a new concept
QRM is not a new concept for manufacturers and Regulatory Authorities. Informal QRM-related activities have been taking place for many years. Change control, self-inspection, supplier approvals, temperature mapping, ..… are informal QRM-related activities.

8 NO, QRM is not a new concept
GMP requirements are designed to address risks eg: The specific GMP requirements for sterile products are designed to mitigate the risk of sterility failure In some cases GMP specifies a risk based approach eg “ a risk assessment approach should be used to determine the scope and extent of validation required”(WHO Annex 4, )

9 NO, QRM is not a new concept
Specifications in Pharmacopoeial monographs include tests for known potential contaminants From a GMP point of view, we are only concerned with risks associated with quality, safety, and efficacy-Quality risk management. Some organizations use risk approaches in other areas eg to ensure resources are utilized in the most efficient way. This is also applicable to inspectorates Risk management is also applied in the medical, telecom, aviation, aerospace and car industries

10 So what is new? A deliberate effort to formally and systematically apply QRM Principles

11 CONCEPT OF QRM Effective QRM can facilitate better and more informed decisions It can provide regulators with greater assurance of the company’s ability to deal with potential risks It can beneficially affect the level of direct regulatory oversight. US-A

12 DANGER! The principles of QRM can be incorrectly applied in pharmaceutical operations example QRM is not an excuse to violate cGMPs Release of a contaminated lot because of a low QRM score Use of QRM to replace root cause analysis I don’t need an SOP for that because of the QRM score US-A

13 DANGER…2 QRM is NOT a shortcut for avoiding the hard work of cGMP compliance Use of QRM to inappropriately reduce process validation studies Use of QRM to justify minimal on-the-job training Use of QRM to justify cGMP compliance failures US-A

14 DANGER..3 There is a desired outcome and risk management is used to justify it Invalid assumptions- suit the desired outcome Cost reduction (increased profits) is often the real reason why many risk assessments are done Cost reduction may be a secondary outcome Variable tolerance of risk (risk appetite)

15 QRM- From an inspector’s perspective
Be prepared so that the process is understood Have sufficient knowledge to understand what has been done and challenge assumptions, omissions etc Be clear about when QRM is not appropriate Be flexible and accept the outcome of a scientifically sound QRM exercise If done properly, there should be increased assurance of quality (and possibly cost savings)

16 PRINCIPLES OF QRM Two primary principles of QRM are:
The evaluation of the risk to quality should be based on scientific knowledge and ultimately link to the protection of the patient. The level of effort , formality and documentation of the quality risk management process should be commensurate with the level of risk US-A

17 PRINCIPLES OF QRM…2 QRM is a tool to facilitate cGMP compliance, not replace it. QRM can be a strong documented ally in demonstrating that we operate in a state of control US-A

18 PRINCIPLES OF QRM…3 Why is the management of risk important in today’s world of Pharmaceutical manufacturing? Not all risks can be eliminated- thus we must manage and mitigate those risks that do exist Not all risks deserve equal attention-by having a process that ranks and prioritizes risks, we can better utilize our resources and efforts Not all risks are readily apparent- a hidden risk can often pose a greater threat to our business than those we know and can manage US-A

REACTIVE- QRM can be used as a reactive tool to assess potential quality issues that have already occurred eg Assessment of post marketing issues Complaints Stability issues Assessment of manufacturing issues Potential contamination issue Incorrect label US-A

Assessment of proposed changes Line speed change Addition of a third shift Assessment of new operations New tablet press Additional automated inspection system US-A

21 Proactive uses of QRM -contd
Assessment of adverse trends Water results Environmental results Assess the breadth of an investigation- Extend to other batches or products

22 Proactive QRM contd; Assessment of regulatory actions of experience of others on your own operation Warning letter from another regulatory body Proposed new regulatory requirements or expectations Tool for continuous improvement Lab flow re-design Batch record review/release processes US-A

23 Tips- proactive and reactive QRM
In reactive events, containment of the issue becomes a key component of the risk assessment. The less contained the issue, the higher the risk potential. Thus, there is greater need for mitigation A comprehensive proactive use of QRM always includes the open-ended question: ‘what can possibly go wrong?’ Each possibility represents a risk that must be listed, assessed, and mitigated if needed. US-A



26 RISK ASSESSMENT Risk assessment consists of: Hazard identification
Risk analysis Evaluation of risk associated with exposure to those hazards Three fundamental questions are often helpful… US-A

27 RISK ASSESSMENT…2 Hazard- Any potential source of harm
Harm- Anything that can cause damage to health including loss of product quality or availability Risk-The combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm US-A

For Risk (Hazard) Identification – What might go wrong or has gone wrong? (O) For Risk Analysis- What is the likelihood or probability that it will go wrong and what is the detectability? (D) For Risk Evaluation- What are the consequences (severity?) (S) US-A

29 RISK ASSESSMENT…4 Hazard (Risk) Identification:
It is a systematic use of information to identify hazards. Information can include historical data, theoretical analysis, informed opinion, concerns from stakeholders, expert opinion and brainstorming.- This underscores the need for a multidisciplinary QRM Team It answers the “what might go wrong?” question including identifying possible consequences Provides the basis for further steps in the QRM process US-A

30 RISK ASSESSMENT…5 Risk Analysis
This is the estimation of the risk associated with the identified hazard. qualitative or quantitative links the likelihood of occurrence (probability) with severity In some risk management tools, it includes detectability US-A

31 Risk analysis- probability: A simple qualitative tool
P- Probability of occurrence interpretation High Medium Low Remote Likely to occur May occur Unlikely to occur Very unlikely to occur

32 Risk analysis- Severity: A simple qualitative tool
S- Severity level if event occurs interpretation Critical Moderate Minor Serious GMP non-compliance. Patient injury possible Significant GMP non-compliance; impact on patient possible Minor GMP non-compliance No patient impact

33 Risk Analysis Detectability:
High- The control is likely to detect the negative event or its effect Medium- The control may detect the negative event or its effects Low- the control is not likely to detect the negative event or its effects Zero- no detection control in place

34 Risk Evaluation This compares the identified and analyzed risk against given risk criteria. Risk evaluations consider the strength of evidence for all three of the fundamental questions (probability, severity and detectability) US-A

35 Output/result of Risk Assessment
Output can be qualitative (high, medium, low) Output can be quantitative (probability x severity x detectability) Quantitative provides a relative ranking- prioritizes risk US-A

36 Simple risk table with risk acceptability criteria
Risk= P X S SEVERITY PROBABILITY Minor Moderate Critical High Unacceptable risk Intolerable risk Medium Acceptable risk Low Remote

37 Risk definitions Intolerable- action to eliminate the negative event or introduce detection controls is required as a priority Unacceptable- action to reduce the risk or control the risk to an acceptable level is required Acceptable-the risk is acceptable and no risk reduction or detection controls are required

38 Quality risk assessment – using FMEA
The identify critical manufacturing steps that will require validation: Acceptance criteria: RPN= 3X3X3= 27 (JUST AN EXAMPLE!) Assessment Category 1 2 3 4 5 Probability of occurrence (O) Low High Severity (S) Minor Critical Detectability (D)

39 Quality risk assessment – using FMEA
An RPN value below 27 indicates that this parameter/process step is not critical and does not require validation whereas as one with an RPN value of 27 and above require validation/investigation. Only a risk with no significant impact on product quality shall be accepted.

40 Caution! Scale can be from 1 to 5 or from 1 to 10 as long as it remains proportional. Assessing Risk Some words of caution when using the RPN value to assess risk - RPNs have no value or meaning in themselves. Although it is true that larger RPN values normally  indicate more critical failure modes, this is not always the case. For example, below we have three cases where the RPNs are identical, but clearly the second case would warrant the most attention. WHY? US-A

41 Same RPN CASE 1: US-A

42 Points to note As a general rule, any failure mode that has an effect resulting in a severity value of 4 or 5 (on a scale of 1-5) or 9 or 10 (on a scale of 1-10) would have top priority. Severity is given the most weight when assessing risk. Why? Next the severity and occurrence (SXO) combination would be considered, since this in effect, represents the criticality. US-A

43 caution Below is another RPN example reminding us that we need to be careful not to assess risk purely based on the RPN values. Here, the failure modes with the lowest RPN values are actually the most critical. Be careful not to just establish “threshold values” for RPNs when assessing risks as this could lead you to making costly mistakes. Below we see that No 1 is the most critical even though it has the lowest RPN, then no 2, and then no 3. . US-A

44 Lowest RPN? Case 2: US-A

45 CAUTION In summary, always address high severity failure modes regardless of their overall RPN values. US-A

46 Risk Control Risk control includes decision making to either reduce or accept risks. The purpose of risk control is to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. The amount of effort used in risk control should be proportional to the significance of the risk US-A

47 Risk control…2 Questions Is the risk above an acceptable level?
What can be done to reduce risks? What is the appropriate balance among benefits, risks, and resources? Are new risks introduced as a result of the identified risk being controlled? US-A

48 Risk control…3 Risk Reduction (If applicable)
Actions taken to lessen the probability of occurrence of harm and severity of that harm Typically CAPA and Change control Processes that improve the detectability of hazards and quality risks might also be used as part of a risk control strategy US-A

49 Risk control…4 Risk reduction
The implementation of risk reduction measures can introduce new risks into the system or increase the significance of other existing risks. It might be appropriate to revisit the risk assessment to identify and evaluate any possible change in risk after implementing a risk reduction process US-A

50 Risk control…5 Risk acceptance Is a decision to accept risk.
It can be a formal decision to accept the residual risk. The best risk management principles may not be able to entirely eliminate risk The acceptable (specified) level will depend on many parameters and will be decided on a case by case basis US-A

51 Risk Communication Is the sharing of information about risk and Risk Management between the decision makers and others. Parties can communicate at any stage of the Risk Management process The output/result of a RM process should be appropriately communicated and documented US-A

52 Risk Communication…2 Communication might include those among interested parties example: Regulators and industry Industry and patient Within a company Within an industry Within a regulatory body US-A

53 Risk communication…3 The communication might have information on
The existence Nature Form Probability Severity Acceptability Control Treatment Detectability Or Other aspects of risk to quality US-A

54 Risk review Risk management should be an on-going part of the quality management process. A mechanism to review or monitor events should be implemented. The output of the RM process should be reviewed to take into account new knowledge and experience The frequency of any review should be based on level of risk Risk review might include reconsideration of risk acceptance decisions US-A

55 Risk management methodology
QRM supports a scientific and practical approach to decision making QRM tools include: Flow charts Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)- RPN Fault Tree Analysis HACCP Hazard Operability analysis (HAZOP) Pareto diagrams(80/20 Rule)- vital few , trivial many Cause and effect diagrams (Ishikawa or fishbone diagram)or Fishikawa? US-A

56 US-A

57 Integration of QRM into industry and Regulatory operations
Example for industry and regulatory operations Quality Management Example for industry operations and activities Development Facility, equipment, and utilities Materials management Production Laboratory control and stability testing Packaging and labeling Example s for regulatory operation Inspection and assessment activities US-A

58 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of integrated Quality Management Documentation: To review current interpretations and application of regulatory expectation To determine the desirability of and/or develop the content for SOPs, guidelines etc Training and Education To determine the appropriateness of initial and/or on-going training sessions based on education, experience, and working habits of staff as well as periodic assessments of previous training (Effectiveness) To identify training, experience, qualification, and physical abilities that allow personnel to perform an operation reliably without any adverse impact on the quality of the product US-A

59 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of integrated Quality Management Quality Defects To provide the basis for identifying, evaluating, and communicating the potential quality impact of a suspected quality defect, complaint, trend, deviation, investigation, OOS result etc US-A

60 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of integrated Quality Management Auditing/inspection To define the frequency and scope of audits, both internal and external taking into account factors such as : Existing legal requirements Overall compliance status and history of company or facility Complexity of the site Complexity of manufacturing process Results of previous audits/ inspections Major changes of buildings, equipment, processes, key personnel Number and significance of quality defects US-A

61 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of integrated Quality Management Periodic review To select, evaluate, and interpret trend results of data within the product quality review (PQR) to interpret monitoring data (eg . To support an assessment of the appropriateness of revalidation or changes in sampling) US-A

62 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of integrated Quality Management change management/change control to manage changes based on knowledge and information accumulated in pharmaceutical development and during manufacturing To evaluate the impact of the change on the availability of the final product To evaluate the impact on product quality of changes to the facility, equipment, material, manufacturing process, or technology transfers To determine appropriate actions preceding the implementation of a change eg additional testing, requalification, revalidation, or communication with regulators US-A

63 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Regulatory Operations Inspection and assessment activities To assist with resource allocations eg inspection planning and frequency, To evaluate the significance of quality defects, inspectional findings (like categorization of deficiencies to critical, major, others) To determine the appropriateness and type of post inspection regulatory follow up To evaluate impact of proposed variations or changes To identify risks that should be communicated between inspectors and assessors to facilitate better understanding of how risks can be or are controlled (eg PAT, Parametric release) US-A

64 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Development To design a quality product and its manufacturing process to consistently deliver the intended performance of the product (ICH Q8) To assess the critical attributes of raw materials, solvents, API starting materials, APIs, excipients or packaging materials US-A

65 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Development …2 To enhance knowledge of product performance over a wide range of material attributes eg particle size distribution, moisture content, flow properties) To establish appropriate specifications , identify critical process parameters and establish manufacturing controls US-A

66 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Development…3 To decrease variability of quality attributes Reduce product and material defects Reduce manufacturing defects To assess the need for additional studies (eg bioequivalence, stability) relating to the scale up and technology transfer To make use of the design space concept (ICH Q8) US-A

67 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities Design of facility/equipment To determine appropriate zones when designing buildings and facilities eg Flow of material and personnel Minimize contamination/cross contamination Pest control measures Prevention of mix ups Open versus closed equipment Clean rooms versus isolator technologies Dedicated or segregated facilities/equipment US-A

68 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities To determine appropriate product contact materials for equipment and containers (eg selection of stainless steel grade, lubricants etc) To determine appropriate utilities (eg steam, gases, power source, compressed air, HVAC, water To determine appropriate preventive maintenance for associated equipment (eg inventory of necessary spare parts) US-A

69 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities Hygiene aspects in facilities To protect the products from environmental hazards, including chemical, microbiological and physical hazards (eg determining appropriate clothing and gowning, hygiene concerns To protect personnel and environment from hazards related to the product being manufactured US-A

70 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities Qualification of facility/equipment/utilities To determine the scope and extent of qualification of facilities, buildings, and production equipment and/or laboratory instruments (including proper calibration methods) US-A

71 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities Cleaning of equipment and environmental control To determine acceptable(specified) cleaning validation limits Calibration/preventive maintenance To set appropriate calibration and maintenance schedules US-A

72 Potential applications for QRM
QRM for Facilities, Equipment and utilities Computer systems and computer controlled equipment To select the design of computer hardware and software (eg modular, structured, fault tolerance) To determine the extent of validation US-A

73 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of materials management Assessment and evaluation of suppliers and contract manufacturers To provide a comprehensive evaluation of suppliers and contract manufacturers (eg auditing, supplier quality agreements) Starting materials To assess differences and possible quality risks associated with variability in starting materials(eg age, route of synthesis) Use of material To determine appropriateness of reprocessing, use of returned goods US-A

74 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of materials management Storage, logistics and distribution conditions To assess the adequacy of arrangements to ensure maintenance of appropriate storage and transport conditions (eg temp, humidity, container design) To determine the effect on product quality of discrepancies in storage or transport (eg cold chain management) US-A

75 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Production Validation To identify the scope and extent of verification, qualification, and validation activities (eg analytical methods, processes, equipment, and cleaning methods) To distinguish between critical and non critical process steps to facilitate design of a validation study To determine the extent for follow up activities (eg sampling, monitoring and re-validation) US-A

76 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of Production In-process sampling and testing To evaluate the frequency and extent of in-process control testing (eg to justify reduced testing under conditions of proven control) Production planning To determine appropriate production planning (eg dedicated, campaign) US-A

77 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of laboratory control and stability studies Out Of Specification (OOS) Results To identify potential root causes and corrective actions during the investigation of OOS results retest period/expiration date to evaluate adequacy of storage and testing of intermediates, excipients, and starting materials US-A

78 Potential applications for QRM
QRM as part of packaging and Labeling Design of packers To design the secondary package for the protection of primary packaged products (eg to ensure product authenticity, label integrity) Selection of container closure system To determine the critical parameters of the container closure system Label controls To design label control procedures based on the potential for mix ups involving different product labels, including different versions of the same label US-A

79 References NAFDAC cGMP for Medicinal Products draft Regulations 2009
NAFDAC cGMP for Medicinal Products Guidelines 2016 ICH Q8, ICH Q9, ICH Q10 ISO/IEC Guide 73:2002- Risk Management USFDA Guidance for Industry on Quality Risk Management Tony Gould, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION US-A

80 Thank you QUESTIONS ????????????? US-A

81 Case study… 1 XYZ Pharmaceutical company based in Lagos is authorized to manufacture OSD products. On November 3rd 2016, the outcome of Laboratory evaluation for Product T tablets. was found to be unsatisfactory. Reason: Product failed Dissolution Test. Using the Cause and effect Diagram, what steps would you take to determine the root cause. US-A

82 Case study ..2 Describe how you will use Quality Risk Management principles to determine the scope and extent of Process validation.

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