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Douglas County Community Foundation Business Plan

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1 Douglas County Community Foundation Business Plan

2 Who We Are: Mission Statement Description Tagline
The Douglas County Community Foundation provides leadership and responsible stewardship of philanthropic resources to enhance the quality of life in Douglas County. Description DCCF is a catalyst to connect donors, nonprofits and community leaders to strengthen the County through generosity. DCCF provides quality services to donors, support for community nonprofit organizations and innovative leadership on community issues. Please visit the Foundation’s website at for more information. Tagline Inspiring generosity in Douglas County

3 Market Opportunity Douglas County is the 8th wealthiest county in the nation and the second wealthiest county west of the Mississippi River. However, local donors in the county have not been inspired to support local nonprofit organizations sufficiently to address the county’s pressing needs. Philanthropists may perceive that Douglas County does not have the same level of community needs of those of its surrounding counties. During the 2015 Colorado Gives Day, Douglas County donors contributed 8.5 percent of the total dollars raised, but only 2 percent was directed to County nonprofits. Unfortunately, however, Douglas County has serious, persistent, and increasing needs, including those for mental health treatment, senior support, environmental and open space protection and historic preservation.

4 Market Opportunity - Needs
Douglas County has a top-flight education system – holding the highest accreditation from the Colorado Department of Education –and unparalleled open spaces. These require support to be maintained and enhanced to meet the needs of future generations. Right now in the Douglas County School system, there are over 900 students in grades pre K-12 who are registered as homeless (and probably many more who are hidden), including seniors in each of the public high schools in the county. In 2013, 3.2% of the Douglas County population - that’s 10,000 people - lived below the federal poverty level of $23,624, to support a family of four % of Douglas County residents - which is more than 32,000 people - lived below 2 times the poverty level - $47,248, to support a family of four. To serve these families and others, there are at least 10 food banks in Douglas County. By 2030 it is estimated that one in four residents of Douglas County will be age 60 or older. There are thousands of veterans, thousands of people with physical and mental disabilities in the County, as well as environmental and land use challenges.

5 Market Opportunity - Position
DCCF is the only central, county-wide resource to highlight needs in the County, work to identify and inspire local donors, support the needs of local nonprofit organizations, and match donors with effective local nonprofits – all to improve the quality of life for everyone living in Douglas County.

6 DCCF Assets Strong, committed well-connected Board of Directors with deep ties across Douglas County representing businesses, government agencies and nonprofits. Corporate relations and communications committees comprised of local experts. Well-established programs, including Douglas County Gives, a coalition of established local nonprofits, Dames who Give a Damn, a “giving circle” of local residents who gather to learn about and support Douglas County nonprofits, and the Tour d’Ladies, an annual bike ride benefitting local charities. Current partnership an established regional foundation which acts as a fiscal sponsor, with the goal of bringing this role in-house, since DCCF holds its own 501(c)(3) designation.

7 What DCCF needs to achieve its potential
Permanent staff to support operations Executive Director (initially ½ time) Administrative Support Increased awareness of DCCF and its role among: Potential Community Donors Financial, Tax and Estate Planning Professional Advisors Local Foundations County-based businesses Nonprofit organizations serving Douglas County residents Office Space and technology  Comprehensive marketing and communications plan

8 DCCF Strategic Priorities
Champion awareness of the needs of the citizens of Douglas County. Inspire thoughtful philanthropic action in Douglas County by Douglas County residents and businesses. Support nonprofit organizations serving Douglas County.

9 Champion Awareness Create broader awareness of the needs in the County – human services, environmental, education, historic preservation and other – through regular communications, including traditional and social media channels. Educate a broad range of community members on generosity through seminars, programs and other forms of community outreach on how to create impact with their philanthropy. Serve as a resource for local donors to learn how to create significant, targeted, local impact in Douglas County. Increase the number of donor advised funds under management and help the fund’s creators learn how to generate greater positive impact in Douglas County.

10 Action Items: Champion Awareness
Increase communication and awareness of needs within the county. Regularly publicize stories of local needs and philanthropic opportunities through traditional and social media. Engage professional advertising firm to provide services on either a pro- bono or fee basis to increase the awareness of: issues and needs in Douglas County, the role of DCCF, and the nonprofit organizations that are effectively providing solutions. Create a brand amplification and awareness campaign for DCCF, including refining the website and developing a strong social media presence. Create a Board Member and volunteer speakers’ bureau for local community organizations. Develop a targeted messaging campaign for key audiences, including: Foundations located in Douglas County; Corporations and local employers based in Douglas County; Financial planners, tax and legal advisors based in Douglas County; Community leaders; and Nonprofit organizations

11 Action Items: Champion Awareness
Develop and execute regular programs for community members on how to use their resources to effectively impact needs in the County. Create a strong donor advised fund offering for individuals seeking to invest their community funds in a local entity and educate them on investing strategically in the County. Offer a range of donor options to allow younger philanthropists to build their funds over time. Create tools for owners of donor advised funds under management to help them invest wisely in local opportunities that support their passions and values. Enhance educational and networking opportunities for donors to donor advised funds.

12 Inspire Generosity Work with the residents, foundations and businesses in Douglas County to identify opportunities for generosity in the county and create pathways for investing their time, talent and treasure in the County. Be the hub for philanthropic activity in Douglas County – serving as a resource for connecting donors and volunteers with local nonprofit organizations. Provide tools and resources for local donors to help them invest strategically and effectively in meeting County needs.

13 Action Items: Inspire philanthropic action
Corporate: Develop a menu of corporate sponsorship opportunities and make presentations to corporate executives. Develop avenues to regularly educate employers about how they can make an impact in Douglas County through charitable giving and employee volunteering, including volunteer fairs and promotion of Douglas County Gives Day. Foundations and Key Individuals: Meet with county-based Foundations and philanthropic individuals to determine their needs and focus areas and the role DCCF can play in helping them invest in the County. Community Leaders Host regular stakeholders’ breakfast and other meetings on Philanthropy in Douglas County to continue expanding connections and commitment. Professional Advisors Design programs for financial, legal and tax advisors in Douglas County to build expertise and awareness of Douglas County philanthropic opportunities.

14 Support nonprofit organizations serving Douglas County
Convene and connect Douglas County nonprofits to encourage increased collaboration and training. Support Douglas County nonprofits through Douglas County Gives by providing tools to create more operational strength and effective program delivery. Work through Douglas County Gives and other programs to increase resources available to member nonprofit organizations. Help local nonprofits communicate the needs in the County, and the value that nonprofits bring in addressing these needs. Educate local donors about local nonprofits that match their passions and can benefit from their time, talent and treasure.

15 Action Items: Support nonprofit organizations serving Douglas County
Douglas County Gives Increase the number of nonprofits that qualify for Colorado Gives day participation. Create training opportunities for nonprofits across the County to learn about how to increase their fundraising results while participating in Colorado Gives Day. Create a tier of membership in Douglas County Gives for nonprofits that have not yet qualified for Colorado Gives Day and provide training to that cohort of organizations. Training and Education Identify and/or present regular training opportunities for nonprofits on social media, board development, technical assistance, capacity building, program development and management, collaboration and other areas to help strengthen their operations and program delivery. Match potential funders with existing organizations Connect potential funders and supporters with a database of nonprofit opportunities. Work with existing County volunteer connection resources to encourage Douglas County residents and employees to volunteer for Douglas County nonprofits.

16 2016 Goals – Board of Directors
Increase board size and influence. Recruit and train qualified members with demographic, expertise and geographic diversity. Create strong pool of expertise on committees. Conduct a fourth quarter strategic planning retreat. Create job descriptions for Executive Director, Program Coordinator and appropriate support staff positions. Determine and select donor advised fund offerings and vehicles. Research office space options for 2017 implementation. Continue to execute on existing and new opportunities, including Rock after Dark and Tour d’Ladies.

17 2016 Goals – Corporate and Foundation
Identify key corporations, employers and foundations in Douglas County. Develop a menu of sponsorship and support opportunities, as well as support materials, including: Financial support; Volunteer awareness and engagement; Regular communications vehicles; and In-kind support; Hold meetings with targeted corporations and Foundations to develop long-term partnerships. Plan and execute an annual stakeholder meeting.

18 2016-2017 Operating Budget * Assumes no dedicated office space in 2016-2017
Program Related Staffing for program operation $ 75,000 Direct Program Expenses $ 40,000 Program Marketing $ 15,000 Program related events $ 10,000 Operating Expenses Staffing for fundraising and other administrative $ 60,000 Fundraising events $ 5,000 Organizational Marketing Accounting Support Total $ 225,000

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