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NAEYC Membership: The Year Ahead

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Presentation on theme: "NAEYC Membership: The Year Ahead"— Presentation transcript:

1 NAEYC Membership: The Year Ahead

2 Today’s Presenters Nicole Joerres Marketing Specialist
Stephanie Morris Deputy Executive Director Nicole Joerres Marketing Specialist Brian Wachur Director of Marketing and Membership

3 Today’s Agenda 1 2 3 2017 Communications Plan Overview & Timeline
Back-to-School Campaign Recap Group Planning 1 2 3

4 2017 Communications Plan Overview & Timeline
There are more than 1 million potential NAEYC members in the United States. Our communication and recruitment efforts will determine our ability to recruit them to become members.

5 2017 Communications Plan Overview & Timeline
Two key components: External Audiences (current members, lapsed members etc.) Goals: Promote new categories in order to recruit new members and generate excitement, understanding and buy-in among current members. Internal Audiences (Affiliates) Goal: Share information and provide maximum support in order to enable stakeholders to work collaboratively on communication to external audiences.

6 2017 Communications Plan Overview: External Audiences

7 2017 Communications Plan Overview: External Audiences
Key Messages: WHAT: This fall, NAEYC is launching a brand new membership structure for all members. This structure will feature four membership options: Entry Level, Standard, Premium and Family Membership. WHY: NAEYC is committed to advancing the early childhood profession and offering robust, affordable membership options for all audiences. The new membership structure provides “something for everyone” – from students and young professionals to parents to established leaders in the field. WHEN: The new membership structure will launch on September 15, 2017. HOW: All current members will automatically be converted to the new structure. Student and Regular members will be moved into the Standard category, and Comprehensive members will be moved into the Premium category. Members’ join and renew dates will not be affected by this change.

8 2017 Communications Plan Overview: External Audiences
Timeline: January-May 2017: Internal development of materials and communications vehicles in preparation for launch of new categories. June 2017: Initial public announcement to NAEYC members July & August 2017: Targeted communication and outreach to members September 2017 (Launch!): Transition for current members, launch of recruitment campaigns for prospective members October 2017+: Ongoing recruitment campaigns, engagement of current members

9 2017 Communications Plan Overview: External Audiences
Key points to remember: Many specifics are dependent on the new AMS, so we need to get further into that project before finalizing certain details of the transition. We realize in certain states, the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) is currently promoting a low cost membership of $30 and it can feel worrisome that we will not be promoting NAEYC’s $30 membership until Summer 2017. In the meantime, it is critical that we NOT talk publicly about the new membership categories and that we remain committed to actively promoting existing membership opportunities so as not to lose important ground in this effort. We are committed to keeping Affiliates in the loop throughout this process.

10 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences

11 NAEYC Affiliates are critical to our success.
2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences Strategy: Regular, ongoing communication with Affiliates in a variety of formats in order to provide the maximum amount of support in order to ensure a successful launch in September 2017. NAEYC Affiliates are critical to our success. We cannot do it without YOU!

12 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences
Key Components: Materials Develop and share a suite of materials, including how-to guides and templates, to help Affiliate recruit, retain and engage members. Now available! Member Communications and Recruitment Toolkit. More than 10 one-pager guides to help with things like event planning, marketing, branding, member recruitment and more. All toolkit pieces available here: Current pieces available include: Member Recruitment 101 Event Planning 101 Marketing 101 Social Media 101

13 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences
Key Components: Materials Develop and share a suite of materials, including how-to guides and templates, to help Affiliate recruit, retain and engage members. Coming in 2017: Customizable template materials to help plan for the launch of new membership categories in This will include a postcard mailer, brochures, templates, social media graphics, PowerPoint templates and more.

14 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences
Key Components: Online Hangouts Throughout 2017, we will host online meetings or hangouts for Affiliates to provide updates and assistance leading up to the September 2017 launch of the new membership categories. The first such hangout will take place in January 2017 and will serve as an introduction and overview of what’s to come in the year ahead. Beginning in March 2017, we will host monthly collaborative online hangouts for Affiliates. While each session will feature a general update on key items, these events will be an opportunity to focus on different specific areas each month. Likely topics include collateral material, communication overview, recruitment ideas, retention strategies, database changes and more. All sessions will be recorded and archived for future reference.

15 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences
Key Components: Communication NAEYC’s Marketing and Membership team will provide regular communication to Affiliates. This will be in the form of updates in the Affiliate Connections newsletter, as well as dedicated s for specific updates. In addition, Affiliates may to submit questions at any time. We want to hear from you! Key Components: In-person Support 2016 Annual Conference (Los Angeles, CA) 2017 Professional Learning Institute (San Francisco, CA) 2017 Annual Conference (Atlanta, GA)

16 2017 Communications Plan Overview: Internal Audiences
Key Components: One-on-one Support As in the months leading up to the finalization of the new member categories, members of the NAEYC Marketing and Membership team will be available via phone, Google Hangout or in person (when opportunities arise) for customized, one-on-one conversations with Affiliates to talk through specific plans leading up to the launch of the new categories. Key Components: Post-launch Support Our collaborative effort won’t end on September 15, Communication and support will continue into 2018 and beyond!

17 Back-to-School Campaign Recap


19 Back-to-School Campaign Recap
Campaign Overview: Goal: Double student member recruitment in August and September (compared to the same period in 2015) Promote student membership via /social media marketing to target audiences. Offer incentives for new student members (e.g. $10 Amazon gift card) Develop templates and tools to help Affiliates support the campaign locally.

20 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Examples of National Campaign Outreach
Blog Post by YPAC member Jenifer Fuller Welcome Recruitment s to students, faculty, and current members

21 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Examples of National Campaign Outreach
Affiliate Resources Social Media Posts

22 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Examples of Affiliate Support

23 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Examples of Affiliate Support

24 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Examples of Affiliate Support

25 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Results and Lessons Learned
Recruited 915 new student members in August and September 2016—the exact same number of student members recruited in 2015. This represented flat recruitment following a continuous 10-year average decline in new student member recruitment—most most recently a 6.9 percent decline in 2014, and a 16.9 percent decline in 2015.

26 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: Results and Lessons Learned
Strong support from Affiliates drove student recruitment. Examples: Ohio AEYC leaders developed a full suite of complimentary materials, including s and flyers for students, faculty, and current members, in addition to engaging with their Facebook audience. As a result, they increased local student member recruitment by nearly 45 percent compared to 2015! In Rhode Island, state AEYC leaders developed their own suite of materials, including s and social media posts. Additionally, they visited four different college campuses to speak directly with potential student members in ECE classes. Rhode Island AEYC quadrupled their recruitment from 2015 using these tactics! In Arizona, Valley of the Sun AEYC was particularly successful with on-campus recruitment, utilizing flyers and in-person meet-ups to discuss and promote membership. Local recruitment jumped from only 1 new student member in 2015 to 13 new recruits in a 1,200 percent jump!

27 Back-to-School Campaign Recap: A Foundation for Future Success
This campaign provides an example of the type of national-Affiliate collaboration that must take place to ensure success in 2017 and beyond. On-the-ground support is critical. We are committed to providing the maximum level of support, guidance and tools to our Affiliates. But we rely on YOU to develop and implement your own customized strategies! We want to hear from you! Tell us how we can be helpful by ing

28 Group Planning Session

29 It’s time for some group projects
It’s time for some group projects! Please arrange into groups of 4-6, with representation from multiple Affiliates

30 Group Planning Session
Take 10 minutes to discuss the lessons learned today and look ahead to Some things to discuss: What are your membership goals for the next two years (target recruitment/retention numbers)? What resources are available (financial, people, partners etc.)? What barriers exist and are there ways to overcome those barriers? RECRUITMENT: Think about potential members and target audiences. Which ones are your top priorities for recruitment? What are the top three things you will do to boost member recruitment in 2017? RETENTION: What are the top three things you will commit to doing to boost member retention in 2017?

31 Discussion & Conclusion

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