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Berkshire Hills Regional

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1 Berkshire Hills Regional
School District FY Proposed Budget February 16, 2017

2 Mission To ensure all students are challenged through a wide range of experiences to become engaged, curious learners and problem solvers who effectively communicate, respect diversity, and improve themselves and their community.

3 SC Budget Policy “ achieve the greatest educational returns and contributions to the educational program in relation to dollars expended”. Establish levels of funding that will provide high quality education for all our students. Use the best available techniques for budget development and management.

4 Budget Establish levels of funding that will provide high quality education for all our students. While evaluating programs to provide the greatest educational return.

5 Budget Process Step #1 Administrators Review Programs and Align with Student Needs. All Accounts Reviewed.

6 Health Insurance Move to Deductible Plans Only by BHG
Rate Increase of 9.3% Net Increase to BHRSD of 2.19%

7 Transportation New 5-Year Contract
Negotiated rate increase from 37% down to 17.14% for FY18 Budget Increase - Net of 9.09% to 17.14%

8 Personnel All Contracts Expire June 30, 2017.
Funds for settlements held in contingency.


10 Budget By Department Considerations Benefits Allocated Proportionally
Transportation Allocated to Schools – 1/3 Each Salary Contingency – Proportionally across Departments (by existing salary allocations)

11 Muddy Brook

12 Monument Valley

13 Monument Mountain

14 (Special Education + ELL)
Student Services (Special Education + ELL)

15 Facilities & Maintenance

16 School Committee & Administration

17 Technology & Food Service
District-Wide Technology & Food Service

18 District-Wide ALL OTHER

19 Summary Elementary School 22.04% Middle School 19.74%
High School % Student Services (+ ELL) % 80.21%

20 Summary District-Wide – All Other 10.73%
School Committee & Administration % Facilities & Maintenance % District-Wide – Tech. & Food Service 2.57%

21 FY 18 Proposed Budget District by Function

22 Operating Budget Expenditures Change $26,479,952 gross budget
$1,004, % $24,447,585 net operating budget $1,157, %

23 Operating Budget Difference between Gross Operating and Net Operating due to reduction by Choice & Tuition Revenue Choice down by $193,160. Tuition up by $40,938 after use of $100,000 in reserves.

24 Capital Budget

25 FY 18 Project Principal Interest Total ES & MS Construction Bond
$1,310,000 $ 469,000 $1,806,000 ST Borrowing $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 125,000 TOTAL $1,410,000 $ 494,000 $1,931,000

26 Revenue

27 Revenue $ 2,860,708 2.10% Chapter 70 Chapter 71 $ 650,000 12.25%
$ 2,860, % School Choice $ 1,050,000 (15.54%) Chapter 71 $ 650, % Tuition $ 982,367* % MSBA $ 1,120, % *Includes use of Fund Balance

28 Revenue Other Medicaid Reimbursement Interest Income
Miscellaneous Income All Other $ 40, %

29 Revenue Excess & Deficiency FY 18 Use $250,000
Represents 25.44% of E&D balance

30 Revenue - Sources


32 Assessments

33 Assessments to Member Towns
Three Considerations: Population Allocation Minimum Local Contribution Net Assessment

34 Assessments to Member Towns
Assessment change with no Enrollment or MLC Change FY 18 Great Barrington % Stockbridge % West Stockbridge %

35 Assessments to Member Towns
Population Allocation FY FY 18 Great Barrington % % Stockbridge % % West Stockbridge % %

36 Assessments to Member Towns
Minimum Local Contribution FY FY 18 Great Barrington $6,756,779 $6,895,406 Stockbridge $1,338,211 $1,350,322 West Stockbridge $1,399,875 $1,329,198

37 Assessments to Member Towns
Minimum Local Contribution “ . .. shall annually appropriate [an] amount equal to not less than the sum of the minimum required local contribution . . .” “The district may choose to spend additional amounts; charged to members according to the district’s required agreement.” MGL Ch. 70, § 6

38 Assessments to Member Towns
Net Assessment FY FY 18 Great Barrington $14,463, $15,401,529 Stockbridge $ 3,035, $ 3,085,520 West Stockbridge $ 3,006, $ 2,882,394

39 Assessments to Member Towns
Total Assessment % $21,369,443 Great Barrington 6.49% $15,401,529 Stockbridge % $ 3,085,520 W. Stockbridge (4.14)% $ 2,882,394

40 Assessments to Member Towns
Total Assessment % $21,369,443 Change: Great Barrington 6.49% $ 938,130 Stockbridge % $ 49,808 W. Stockbridge (4.14)% ($ 124,437)

41 Revenue & Enrollment

42 Questions?

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