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United Way of Central Iowa
Income: Creating Financial Stability for Central Iowans Request for Proposal Overview and Q&A January 12, 2017 United Way of Central Iowa
United Way of Central Iowa
In 2009, UWCI assembled teams of local experts and organizations to address central Iowa's most pressing issues in the areas of Education, Income and Health. We then set community goals to be achieved by the year 2020 in each of these impact areas. The community goals are: EDUCATION: To increase the percentage of central Iowa students who graduate from high school to 95 percent by the year INCOME: To increase the percentage of central Iowans who are financially self-sufficient to 75 percent by the year HEALTH: To increase the Central Iowa Gallup Healthways Well-Being Index score to 64.5 by the year 2020. January 12, 2017
United Way of Central Iowa - INCOME
Request for Proposals – focused on advancing the community goal of Income in both Result Areas – 1 and 2. INCOME: To increase the percentage of central Iowans who are financially self-sufficient to 75 percent by the year Result 1: Increase income through access to education and employment. Result 2: Individuals/Families build financial stability through inclusion, capability and asset development. Strategic Focus Area – Result 1 Secondary Focus Area – Result 2 January 12, 2017
Current State – INCOME Result 2: 4.5% Households are Unbanked
INCOME: 65.2% of Central Iowans are financially self-sufficient Result 1: 34,000 (8%) Central Iowans (18+) without a High School Diploma or Equivalent 30.9% of Central Iowans (25+) have some post-secondary education up to an Associate’s degree Result 2: 4.5% Households are Unbanked 14.4% Households are Underbanked 21.8% Asset Poverty Rate (percentage of households without sufficient net worth to subsist at the poverty level for three months in the absence of income) 26.2% Liquid Asset Poverty Rate (percentage of households without sufficient liquid assets to subsist at the poverty level for three months in the absence of income) 77.2% Households with Savings Accounts Overall progress on goal – steep decline during the recession, flattened past two years, but still work to do to improve the financial stability of central Iowans - strategic funding to propel us Green Numbers – we want to see increase Red Numbers – we want to see decrease January 12, 2017
United Way of Central Iowa - INCOME
Request for Proposals – focused on Target Populations in both Result Areas – 1 and 2. TARGET POPULATIONS to be served – Result 1 Single Mothers African American Latino Refugees Offenders Older Youth (ages 18-24) TARGET POPULATIONS to be served – Result 2 Youth Target Populations – prove to have the greatest inequity in our community as it relates to poverty, education and financial inclusion January 12, 2017
United Way of Central Iowa - INCOME
Result 1: Increase income through access to education and employment. Strategy 1.1 Reengagement in Education (Adult Basic Education, back to high school or HISET attainment) Strategy 1.2 Postsecondary education (apprenticeship, credential, certification, 2-year degree) Strategy 1.3 Strengthen skills for workforce preparation for individuals Strategy 1.4 Increase income through job placement, retention and advancement Result 2: Individuals/Families build financial stability through inclusion, capability and asset development. Strategy 2.1 Working, low-income individuals/families maximize use of tax credits Strategy 2.2 Low-income individuals/families have access to, knowledge of, and use mainstream financial products and services Strategy Data Development: System Change - Maximize knowledge within the financial services industry (banking institutions, credit unions, educators, non- profit professionals, etc.) of the financial services needs of low-to-moderate income families Strategic Focus Area – Result 1 - Strategies Secondary Focus Area – Result 2 – Strategies Refer to Strategy Map to determine alignment, strategy and examples of performance measures that demonstrate impact under each strategy. January 12, 2017
RFP Requirements Applicant organization must be currently incorporated in the State of Iowa as a non- profit corporation and designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization; or have a fiscal agent that meets these requirements. Project or program must be delivered in or serve identified target populations in Polk, Dallas or Warren county(ies) only. Project or program must begin operation by June 30, 2017. Disbursement of grant funding will take place between March 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017. Reporting period for awards will be March 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Applicants must use the grant application form and follow the word limit requirements. If awarded, programs will be required to comply with all policies outlined in the contractual agreement with United Way of Central Iowa including data collection and reporting. January 12, 2017
RFP Overview Priority will be placed on applications that:
Identify a clear plan for a program or project that aligns with the Income Goal for 2020: Increase the percentage of central Iowans who are financially self-sufficient to 75%. Identify clear strategies that will ensure identified target populations are impacted. Provide evidence that the project or program has community support. This should be demonstrated in multiple ways – diversification of resources, community input, partner involvement, planning efforts, prior outcomes, etc. Provide clear information regarding diversification of funding including sources and amounts. Demonstrate impact and clearly describe how outcomes will be measured to evaluate the effectiveness of the project or program. January 12, 2017
RFP Overview Important Notes:
Submission of proposal does not guarantee funding. Awarded funding does not guarantee ongoing funding. United Way of Central Iowa may request additional information regarding your proposal before making a final decision on funding. Multiple applications from the same organization are permitted. Programs currently funded by United Way of Central Iowa under Results 1 or 2 may apply for funding to expand or enhance an existing program or project or a new initiative. However, if an organization seeks to expand or enhance a currently funded program under these results – you must clearly demonstrate how funds will be used to build capacity and create greater impact in alignment with the Income Goal. You must not simply increase the numbers served We have recently updated our Strategy Map – so if you are currently funded by UWCI under Income and are unsure what result/strategy you are funded under, please let us know. In the prior strategy map (before advent of Essential Needs) January 12, 2017
Submission Process Proposals must include:
Proposed project or program – key activities, partners, geographic area, and target population to be served Number of people intended to be impacted and demographics – if existing program, how does this build capacity? Evidenced-based/promising practices that will be or are currently incorporated into the project/program. Theory of Change – how/why a desired change is expected to happen. How will you measure success? Refer to Income Strategy Map and program-specific measures Historical outcomes you have achieved that demonstrate ability to meet proposed outcomes. Timeline of implementation (must begin operations by June 30, 2017) Contingent upon approval or permitting by government or other agency? Budget & Other Funding Sources Sustainability Plan January 12, 2017
Proposals & Awards Competitive grant process with awards between the amounts of $10, $125,000 Programs and/or projects will be scored by volunteer Income Cabinet members through a pre-established scoring system Amount of program funding award will be at the discretion of the reviewers for the highest quality submissions. Some, but not necessarily all available, funding will be released depending upon the overall quality of the proposals submitted. Submission of a funding proposal in no way guarantees an award of funds. Awards to not guarantee ongoing funding. January 12, 2017
Timeline Request for Proposals - Competitive grant notice released
January 9, 2017 Overview of Grant Opportunity/ Question and Answer Session January 12, 2017 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. United Way of Central Iowa 1111 Ninth St, Suite 100 Conference Room B-C Or by phone: Meeting ID: , followed by # Grant Submissions Due – no exceptions will be made January 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Award Notification On or before February 24, 2017 Contract Period Begins March 1, 2017 with reporting required between March 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 January 12, 2017
Questions? January 12, 2017
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