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Accommodations Duncanville Independent School District

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1 Accommodations Duncanville Independent School District
Instructional: Set Clear expectations Addressing Lesson Objectives Including a Language Objective Create a print rich environment Word Walls Classroom Labeling Content Boards Student Generated Alphabet Use visuals, realia, and manipulatives Use graphic organizers/Thinking Maps Introduce Key Vocabulary before lessons Post key vocabulary words on content boards Provide highlighted text or key concepts Provide summaries or outlines of texts Record lesson digitally for review Divide information into smaller chunks Focus on oral language as a basis for learning content Have bilingual dictionaries available Use Academic Pairing/Buddies Allow for collaboration among students Frequent Checks for Understanding Allow extended time Provide sentence stems for writing and structured academic conversation. Contact Us Erica Reyes Director of Language Acquisition Rosie Sandoval Bilingual/ESL Coordinator Jose Pinter ELL Instructional Specialist (Secondary) Claudia Galvan ELL Instructional Specialist (Elementary) ~ Duncanville Independent School District Assessments: Oral/Signed Administration Content Supports Language and Vocabulary Supports Extra Time Dictionary Basic Transcribing Large Print Amplification Devices Manipulating test Materials Mathematics Manipulatives Projection Devices Individualized Structured Reminders Supplemental Aids Best Practices for the Sheltered Instruction Classroom Duncanville Education Plaza 710 S. Cedar Ridge Dr. Duncanville, TX (972)

2 Instructional Strategy Design: CITW
Second Language Acquisition Strategies A good lesson for ELLs will target the use of second language acquisition strategies intended to prompt, build, clarify, and extend language prior to and during a lesson. Cause & Effect Organizers (Thinking Maps) Comparing, contrasting, classifying Demonstrating meaning of word/passage Dramatizations Elaborating/Extending Explanations of U.S customs/cultures Front Load Key Vocabulary Giving antonyms/synonyms Giving examples/non examples Guided questions/cues Hands-on, peer interactive learning Homophone/Homograph sort Modeling Non-Linguistic representations (pictures, realia, visualizations) Paraphrasing Pointing out prefixes./suffixes, other structures, conventions Previewing/summarizing key words/ideas Print Rich environment Recounting, recapping, retelling Reduce/eliminate/explain Rephrasing/restating Sentence Stems (aligned to objective) clearly displayed Simplifying (words/sentences) Terms are explicitly explained, clarified or emphasized Use of Vocabulary building graphics Prompting Grading Guidelines & Considerations Federal Law States that no LEP child should be retained where language is the reason for retention. Retention of LEP students shall not be based solely upon the level of English Language Proficiency (Section I, Part G, guidelines to satisfy legal requirements of Lau v. Nichols). State Law Interactive Learning Strategies Classroom teachers are required to accommodate materials, instruction, and pacing based on students’ English Language Proficiencies {TAC (A)}. A good lesson for ELLs should promote interaction between students/teachers; students and content subject matter; critical thinking; and integration of the four perceptual modes (listening-speaking- reading-writing). Advance Organizers (Anticipatory Guide) Close reading strategies Cloze Passages Compare/Contrast matrix Concept/Mind/Semantic Word Maps Cooperative/Paired Learning Four Corners Frayer Model Thinking maps Inquiry Charts Jigsaw Reading K-W-L Strategies Kagan Structures List/Sort/Label Note Taking (Cornell; T-chart) Purposeful Talk Questions/Answer Relationship Reflective Journaling Summarization Survey, Questions, Read, Recite, Review Think aloud Word Walls Verbal Visual word association Total Physical Response Local Policy DISD Policy states in assessing students of limited English proficiency for mastery of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the District shall make every effort to allow students to demonstrate knowledge or competency independent of their English language skills. These efforts shall include, but not be limited to, 15 assessments in the primary language within their respective bilingual program grade levels, assessment using ELL methodologies. Grading guidelines that apply for all students include students receiving English as a Second Language services. Any exception in grading standards for a student receiving support must be determined individually by the Language Proficiency Advisory Committee (LPAC).

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