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Name: Abdullah ALghamdi

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Presentation on theme: "Name: Abdullah ALghamdi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: Abdullah ALghamdi
Blu Ray Name: Abdullah ALghamdi ID: Name: Hossam Tarek ID: Instructor: Abul Bashar

2 outline What is Blu Ray. The Name. Blu-ray Disc better than DVD.
Blu-Ray vs. DVD Capacity. Blu-Ray vs. DVD Construction. Comparison of all optical discs. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLU-RAY AND DVD. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLU-RAY AND HD DVD. Blu-Ray Advantages. Summary.

3 What is Blu Ray? Blu-Ray is the next generation digital video disc.
A single-layer Blu-ray disc has the same physical size as a DVD. A double-layer Blu-ray disc can store up to 50 GB.

4 The Name "Blu" stand for the color "blue“.
The "e" in "blue" was intentionally left off. "ray" stand for "Optical Ray“.

5 Blu-ray Disc better than DVD
Next revolution in optical storage solutions for High Definition TV/ pre-packaged video PC data storage/archival Next generation HD video gaming Huge capacity 25GB (single layer) / 50GB (double layer) Compelling interactivity Best picture and sound quality bit rates up to 6 times higher than HD broadcast Lossless compressed 192/24 audio

6 Blu-Ray vs. DVD Capacity

7 Blu-Ray vs. DVD Construction

8 Comparison of all optical discs

Storage capacity 25GB (single-layer) 50GB (dual-layer) 4.7GB (single-layer) 8.5GB (dual-layer) Laser wavelength 405nm (blue laser) 650nm (red laser) Numerical aperture (NA) 0.85 0.60 Disc diameter Disc thickness 120mm 1.2mm Protection layer Hard coating 0.1mm Yes 0.6mm No Track pitch 0.32µm 0.74µm

Storage capacity 25GB (single-layer) 50GB (dual-layer) 15GB (single-layer) 30GB (dual-layer) Laser wavelength 405nm (blue laser) Numerical aperture (NA) 0.85 0.65 Disc diameter Disc thickness 120mm 1.2mm Protection layer Hard coating 0.1mm Yes 0.6mm No Track pitch 0.32µm 0.40µm

11 Blu-Ray Advantages record high-definition television (HDTV) without any quality loss. instantly skip to any spot on the disc. record one program while watching another on the disc. create play lists. edit or reorder programs recorded on the disc . automatically search for an empty space on the disc to avoid recording over a program . access the Web to download subtitles and other extra features.

12 Thank you

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