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How to be a fireball leader without getting singed

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Presentation on theme: "How to be a fireball leader without getting singed"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to be a fireball leader without getting singed
Dr. David B. Ross & Dr. Robert Rahamin National Charter School Conference Washington DC June 23, 2009

2 Why Are We Here? Share thoughts on leading a charter school
What are the stressors of leading a charter school Unique differences in charter schools What can we do about it – Possible Solutions

3 Unique Differences & Stressors
Multi-tasking Meetings (e.g., board, authorizers/sponsors, finance, curriculum, clubs) Beginning teacher programs Report to the board and authorizers Different ideas and direction Doing more with less (e.g., personnel, funding) Parental and public expectations (e.g., public image, level of school) Different needs based on your school culture

4 A Whack On The Side Of The Head
Look at yourself Your leadership style Ability to communicate effectively Ability to organize time Know your limitations – do not be afraid to ask Need a balance in your life (e.g., personal, professional) Power of influence: Sharing the process Information Expertise Legitimate Theory Fastball & the Millwright Died

5 Futuring: Outlooks and Goals
Reflection You already know where you have been so reflect to move forward The Extreme Future Some Super Trends Increasing Mobility: Movement of people and information Technological Progress: To achieve our purposes more effectively Increasing Deculturation: Due to high mobility, rapid change, economic growth

6 Mindsets – john naisbitt
Many things change, most things remain constant Future imbedded in the present See the future as a picture puzzle Focus on the score of the game Understanding how powerful it is not to have to be right Don’t get so far ahead of the parade that people don’t know you’re in it

7 Mindsets – john naisbitt
Resistance to change falls if benefits are real Things that we expect to happen always happen more slowly You don’t get results by solving problems but by exploiting opportunities Don’t add unless you subtract Don’t forget the ecology of technology

8 Solutions Be proactive Build trust Share power Accountability
Become a “Futurist” Pat on the back

9 Share your thoughts and comments!
The beginning Share your thoughts and comments!

10 references Canton, J. (2006). The extreme future: The top trends that will reshape the world for the next 5, 10 and 20 years. New York: The Penguin Group. Cornish, E. (2004). Futuring: The exploration of the future. Bethesda, MD: World Future Society. De Pree, M. (1989). Leadership is an art. New York: Dell Publishing. Naisbitt, J. (2006). Mind sets. New York: Harper Collins Publishing.

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