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Published byRosanna Chapman Modified over 7 years ago
Tie regional summits 3rd of 5 Setting direction and leading the way
By: Dr. Pam Lange Melanie Hurley Jennifer Tschetter
Agenda Morning: 8:00 - 11:45 Lunch: 11:45 – 12:30
Welcome World Café (Sharing Ideas) Where are you now, where are you headed? DOE Updates Readiness Tool: SLO Lunch: 11:45 – 12:30 Afternoon: 12:30 - 4:00 Readiness Tool: SLO Continued Action Planning/Work Time Exit Card Closure
Resources Binders Handout Packets (Insert into binder)
Chart Paper/Markers
outcomes To continue dialogue about the South Dakota Accountability/ Waiver System and how it aligns with current major shifts in education. To analyze the progress of district’s Common Core State Standards implementation and accountability of action planning items. To continue analyzing a readiness tool aligned to all components of the South Dakota Teacher Effectiveness project – specifically SLO. To continue development of an action planning tool for the school year and beyond.
Readiness Tools and Action Planning Document were ed last night
World cafe Let’s share some of our thoughts and ideas around our CCSS implementation Please find a poster where you are with people from other schools Each poster group should have roughly the same amount of people At your poster, identify a “poster host” (Person to write and make sure everyone has had a chance to share) Also identify a time keeper- you will only have 4 minutes per poster! Talk fast! When the time begins, share your thoughts around the poster question- everyone should have a chance to share. Once the 4 minutes is complete, the whole group should move to the next poster and repeat the process. (Same host and time keeper) After 4 rotations, your group should be back to it’s starting poster.
World cafe You will have 5 minutes to complete the following:
Identify a “spokesperson”: This person, with the help of the group, will synthesize the thoughts that were shared by all groups on that poster. Each group spokesperson will then share their groups’ synthesis to the whole group. At the conclusion of the poster group share-outs, all participants will return to their district group and share what they learned and heard in their poster group discussions. (5 minutes) Did your district hear anything that interested you? Is there anything from these poster group discussions that you want to add to your own planning or discussion? This may be discussion that you will want to carry on to the afternoon planning time, as well.
Major Shifts in South Dakota
Accountability System: Waiver to The Foundation Common Core State Standards Since 2011 Smarter Balanced Assessment Many changes in the works including a new report card look (which isn’t part of this graphic. SD-STARS 2013 Educator Effectiveness
DOE updates All DOE Trainings Refer to DOE website
Click on calendar of events (left hand corner) New registration system – need to create an account
DOE updates
DOE updates Teacher Effectiveness: Administrator Trainings
March 18, Pierre; April 1, Sioux Falls; April 2, Aberdeen; April 9, Rapid City Free Coaching Day Stoplight Survey Data Teacher Effectiveness: Plan or Implement Student Learning Objectives Part of TE – summer trainings (Handout)
DOE updates Free Professional Development Days
The 111 small districts are provided 7 days Medium districts are provided 14 days: Belle Fourche, Beresford, Canton, Chamberlain, Custer, Dakota Valley Dell Rapids, Elk Point Jefferson, Flandreau, Hamlin, Hot Springs LeadDeadwood, Lennox, Madison Central, Milbank, Mobridge, Redfield Shannon County, Sisseton, Tea Area, TriValley, Vermillion, Wagner, West Central, Winner Medium/Large districts are provided 21 days: Aberdeen, Brandon Valley, Brookings, Douglas, Harrisburg, Huron, Meade, Mitchell, Pierre , Spearfish, Todd County, Watertown, Yankton Large districts are provided 28 days: Rapid City and Sioux Falls
DOE updates Free Professional Development Days Refer to Handout
Regional Trainings Does not count against days Onsite Trainings You have the choice of days and agencies to provide trainings
DOE updates Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia
Still waiting for waiver approval – no DakotaSTEP SNE Team (creating units of study) SLT Team (creating formative and interim assessments) To be ready by May (timeline) Cycle of Standards Revisions View Handout
DOE updates Waiver Changes SPI Changes
Take out Teacher Effectiveness Take out Climate Changes to focus and priority designations Changes to dates in accountability reporting Changes to attendance calculations Change to college and career readiness tracks
DOE updates DOE Supported Trainings Standards Based Report Cards
Registration now open: Science Academies Dates Set Math Academies Dates to be determined
Where are you now? Where are you headed?
Where are you now?
Revisit CCSS Readiness Tool
Quickly re-analyze the readiness level (Right Column of Readiness Tool) Where are you now? Where have you improved? Star no more than 3 areas that are the priority focus areas between now and the fall? (Think about implementation planning this afternoon) 15 Minutes
Where are you now?
Revisit Teacher Effectiveness Readiness Tool
Quickly re-analyze the readiness level (Right Column of Readiness Tool) Where are you now? Where have you improved? Star no more than 3 areas that are the priority focus areas between now and the fall? (Think about implementation planning this afternoon) 15 Minutes
Teacher Effectiveness Focus on Slo component
Determining Teacher Effectiveness
Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning South Dakota Framework for Teaching Student Growth Domain 1 Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice Components from Each of the 4 Domains At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities SLOs State Assessments (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments Professional Practice Rating Growth Rating Review with teachers the Teacher Effectiveness System. This slide takes you through the 2 parts of the system – piece by piece. Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Differentiated Performance Categories
A minimum of One SLO per teacher
is required (a) Provides instruction to any grade, kindergarten through grade twelve, or ungraded class or who teaches in an environment other than a classroom setting; (b) Maintains daily student records; (c) Has completed an approved teacher education program at an accredited institution or completed an alternative certification program; (d) Has been issued a South Dakota certificate; and (e) Is not serving as a principal, assistant principal, superintendent, or assistant superintendent.
SLO Process Guide
SLO Quality Checklist
The Big Picture Flexible Timeline, amount of growth, type, assessment
Between Teacher and Evaluator Collaborative Reflect Best Practice Focused
Process Timeline SLO Development Aug.-Oct SLO Approval Fall
Progress Update End of SLO year/semester mtg with evaluator Remember – “End of SLO” doesn’t have to be before April (personnel decision)
The SLO Process SLO Development SLO Approval Ongoing Communication
SLO Process Guide Prioritize Learning Content What do I want my students to be able to know and do? SLO Approval Analyze data and develop baselines Where are my students starting? Ongoing Communication Select or develop an assessment What assessments are available? This shows the SLO development has multiple steps that we’re going to walk through in a bit. This graphic gives you an overview of the steps. The next slides break down each one of the steps. The SLO development answers 4 questions –and we address those in chunk #3. Write growth goal What can I expect my students to achieve? Prepare for Summative
Summative Scoring Matrix
You can see in this grid that both parts of your evaluation come together to determine one score. (Go through a scenario – Proficient in professional practice and expected in student growth rating and where that falls into meets expectation. Summative Teacher Effectiveness Rating Categories Judgment Rating Subject to Review ✪ Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Determining Teacher Effectiveness
Using multiple measures of professional practice and student learning Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Classroom Observations and Evidence of Effective Practice Components from Each of the 4 Domains At Least 8 Components Chosen Based on District or School Priorities South Dakota Framework for Teaching Professional Practice Rating Student Growth SLOs Growth Rating State Assessments (as one measure if available) District Assessments Evaluator-Approved Assessments This slide singles out the SLO (Student Growth) process that we’ll be talking about today. Summative Rating Matrix Professional Oversight: Is the rating fair and accurate based on the evidence and data shared by the teacher Differentiated Performance Categories Below Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Teacher Student Growth Rating
PERFORMANCE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Low Less than 65% goal attainment Expected 65% to 85% goal attainment High 86% to 100% percent attainment
Readiness Tool: student learning Objectives
Readiness Tool: student learning Objectives
As a team complete all three sections of the Student Learning Outcomes Readiness Tool At least one person should complete electronically Read each statement and come to a consensus about: Level of Importance Readiness Level of Staff Readiness Level of Admin/Evaluator
Readiness Tool: Teacher effectiveness
What big “ah-ha’s” surfaced? What conversations need to happen back “home”?
Action planning
Action planning Refer to completed Readiness Tool documents
Both CCSS and Teacher Effectiveness What needs to happen between now and May of 2014 What needs to happen during the summer of 2014 Where does your district need to be by August 2014?
Action planning
Exit card The most valuable part of today …
One topic I suggest for the spring summit is …. I would really like to see ….
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