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27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18

2 Uses of Python shell tools extension-language work
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Uses of Python shell tools system admin tools, command line programs extension-language work rapid prototyping and development language-based modules instead of special-purpose parsers graphical user interfaces database access distributed programming Internet scripting

3 Using python /usr/bin/python (Installed place)
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Using python /usr/bin/python (Installed place) #! /usr/bin/python (use for scripts) interactive use

4 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Assignment >>> text = ('Put several strings within parentheses ' ... 'to have them joined together.') >>> text 'Put several strings within parentheses to have them joined together.' >>> x = 1.23 >>> x = x + 20 >>> x 1.23

5 Use as a Script #!/usr/bin/python total = 0 count = 0 while ( True ) :
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Use as a Script #!/usr/bin/python total = 0 count = 0 while ( True ) : inp = input('Enter a number: ') if inp == 'done' : break value = float(inp) total = total + value count = count + 1 average = total / count print 'Average:', average

6 Number Input >>> x = int(input("Please enter an integer: "))
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Number Input >>> x = int(input("Please enter an integer: ")) Please enter an integer: 42 >>> if x < 0: x = 0 print('Negative changed to zero') ... elif x == 0: print('Zero') ... elif x == 1: print('Single') ... else: print('More') ... More

7 Printing print("""\ Usage: thingy [OPTIONS]
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Printing print("""\ Usage: thingy [OPTIONS] -h Display this usage message -H hostname Hostname to connect to """) shows the following output (note that the initial newline is not included):

8 Python structure modules: Python source files or C extensions
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Python structure modules: Python source files or C extensions import, top-level via from, reload statements control flow create objects indentation matters – instead of {} objects everything is an object automatically reclaimed when no longer needed

9 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Basic operations Assignment: size = 40 a = b = c = 3 Numbers integer, float complex numbers: 1j+3, abs(z) >>> 2 + 2 4 >>> *6 20 >>> (50 - 5*6) / 4 5.0 >>> 8 / 5 # division always returns a floating point number 1.6 Strings 'hello world', 'it\'s hot' "bye world" continuation via \ or use """ long text """"

10 String (List) operations
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 String (List) operations concatenate with + or neighbors word = 'Help' + x word = 'Help' 'a' subscripting of strings 'Hello'[2]  'l' slice: 'Hello'[1:2]  'el' word[-1]  last character len(word)  5 immutable: cannot assign to subscript

11 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
More Strings

12 Strings can be indexed (subscripted)
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Strings can be indexed (subscripted)

13 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Built-in Functions abs() dict() help() min() setattr() all() dir() hex() next() slice() any() divmod() id() object() sorted() ascii() enumerate() input() oct() staticmethod() bin() eval() int() open() str() bool() exec() isinstance() ord() sum() bytearray() filter() issubclass() pow() super() bytes() float() iter() print() tuple() callable() format() len() property() type() chr() frozenset() list() range() vars() classmethod() getattr() locals() repr() zip() compile() globals() map() reversed() __import__() complex() hasattr() max() round() delattr() hash() memoryview() set()

14 More Lists lists can be heterogeneous Lists can be indexed and sliced:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 More Lists lists can be heterogeneous a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234, 2*2] Lists can be indexed and sliced: a[0]  spam a[:2]  ['spam', 'eggs'] Lists can be manipulated a[2] = a[2] + 23 a[0:2] = [1,12] a[0:0] = [] len(a)  5

15 List methods V = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 'sanane'] V.append(1000)
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 List methods V = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 'sanane'] V.append(1000) V.extend(L) append all items in list (like Tcl lappend) V.insert(index,’hello’) V.remove(x) pop([i]), pop() create stack (FIFO), or queue (LIFO)  pop(0) index(x) return the index for value x

16 List methods count(x) sort() reverse()
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 List methods count(x) how many times x appears in list sort() sort items in place reverse() reverse list

17 List comprehensions >>> vec = [2,4,6]
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 List comprehensions >>> vec = [2,4,6] >>> [3*x for x in vec] [6, 12, 18] >>> [{x: x**2} for x in vec} [{2: 4}, {4: 16}, {6: 36}]

18 List comprehensions cross products: >>> vec1 = [2,4,6]
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 List comprehensions cross products: >>> vec1 = [2,4,6] >>> vec2 = [4,3,-9] >>> [x*y for x in vec1 for y in vec2] [8,6,-18, 16,12,-36, 24,18,-54] >>> [x+y for x in vec1 and y in vec2] [6,5,-7,8,7,-5,10,9,-3] >>> [vec1[i]*vec2[i] for i in range(len(vec1))] [8,12,-54]

19 List comprehensions >>> [3*x for x in vec if x > 3]
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 List comprehensions can also use if: >>> [3*x for x in vec if x > 3] [12, 18] >>> [3*x for x in vec if x < 2] []

20 Duplicate List Element
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Duplicate List Element >>> words = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] >>> for w in words: print(w, len(w)) ... cat 3 window 6 defenestrate 12 >>> for w in words[:]: # Loop over the entire list. if len(w) < 6: words.insert(0, w) >>> words [‘cat’,'defenestrate', 'cat', 'window']

21 del – removing list items
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 del – removing list items remove by index, not value remove slices from list (rather than by assigning an empty list) >>> a = [-1,1,66.6,333,333,1234.5] >>> del a[0] >>> a [1,66.6,333,333,1234.5] >>> del a[2:4] [1,66.6,1234.5]

22 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Parsing lines fhand = open('mbox-short.txt') for line in fhand: line = line.rstrip() if not line.startswith('From ') : continue words = line.split() print words[2]

23 Basic programming a,b = 0, 1 # non-zero = true while b < 10:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Basic programming a,b = 0, 1 # non-zero = true while b < 10: # formatted output, without \n print b, # multiple assignment a,b = b, a+b

24 Control flow: if x = int(input("Please enter #:")) if x < 0: x = 0
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Control flow: if x = int(input("Please enter #:")) if x < 0: x = 0 print 'Negative changed to zero' elif x == 0: print 'Zero' elif x == 1: print 'Single' else: print 'More' no case statement

25 Control flow: for no arithmetic progression, but
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Control flow: for a = ['cat', 'window', 'defenestrate'] for x in a: print x, len(x) no arithmetic progression, but range(10)  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] for i in range(len(a)): print i, a[i] 0 cat 1 window 2 defenestrate do not modify the sequence being iterated over

26 Loops: break, continue, else
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Loops: break, continue, else break and continue like C else after loop exhaustion for n in range(2,10): for x in range(2,n): if n % x == 0: print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x break else: # loop fell through without finding a factor print n, 'is prime'

27 Do nothing pass does nothing syntactic filler while 1: pass
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Do nothing pass does nothing syntactic filler while 1: pass

28 Defining functions First line is comment
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Defining functions def fib(n): """Print a Fibonacci series up to n.""" a, b = 0, 1 while b < n: print (b), a, b = b, a+b >>> fib(2000) First line is comment first look for variables in local, then global

29 Functions: default argument values
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Functions: default argument values def ask_ok(prompt, retries=4, complaint='Yes or no, please!'): while 1: ok = input(prompt) if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): return 1 if ok in ('n', 'no'): return 0 retries = retries - 1 if retries < 0: raise IOError, 'refusenik error' print complaint >>> ask_ok('Really?')

30 Keyword arguments last arguments can be given as keywords
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Keyword arguments last arguments can be given as keywords def parrot(voltage, state='a stiff', action='voom', type='Norwegian blue'): print ("-- This parrot wouldn't", action) print ("if you put", voltage, "Volts through it.“) print (“Lovely plumage, the ", type) print ("-- It's", state, "!“) parrot(1000) parrot(action='VOOOM', voltage=100000)

31 Lambda forms anonymous functions may not work in older versions
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Lambda forms anonymous functions may not work in older versions def make_incrementor(n): return lambda x: x + n f = make_incrementor(42) f(0) f(1)

32 Tuples and sequences >>> t = 123, 543, 'bar'
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Tuples and sequences lists, strings, tuples: examples of sequence type tuple = values separated by commas >>> t = 123, 543, 'bar' >>> t[0] 123 >>> t (123, 543, 'bar')

33 Tuples Tuples may be nested >>> u = t, (1,2) >>> u
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Tuples Tuples may be nested >>> u = t, (1,2) >>> u ((123, 542, 'bar'), (1,2)) kind of like structs, but no element names: (x,y) coordinates database records like strings, immutable  can't assign to individual items

34 Tuples >>> empty = () >>> len(empty)
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Tuples Empty tuples: () >>> empty = () >>> len(empty) one item  trailing comma >>> singleton = 'foo',

35 Tuples >>> t = 123, 543, 'bar' >>> x, y, z = t
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Tuples sequence unpacking  distribute elements across variables >>> t = 123, 543, 'bar' >>> x, y, z = t >>> x 123 packing always creates tuple unpacking works for any sequence

36 Dictionaries like Tcl or awk associative arrays indexed by keys
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Dictionaries like Tcl or awk associative arrays indexed by keys keys are any immutable type: e.g., tuples but not lists (mutable!) uses 'key: value' notation >>> tel = {'hgs' : 7042, 'lennox': 7018} >>> tel['cs'] = 7000 >>> tel

37 Dictionaries >>> del tel['foo'] >>> tel.keys()
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Dictionaries no particular order delete elements with del >>> del tel['foo'] keys() method  unsorted list of keys >>> tel.keys() ['cs', 'lennox', 'hgs'] use has_key() to check for existence >>> tel.has_key('foo')

38 Conditions can check for sequence membership with is and is not:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Conditions can check for sequence membership with is and is not: >>> if (4 in vec): ... print '4 is' chained comparisons: a less than b AND b equals c: a < b == c and and or are short-circuit operators: evaluated from left to right stop evaluation as soon as outcome clear

39 Conditions Can assign comparison to variable:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Conditions Can assign comparison to variable: >>> s1,s2,s3='', 'foo', 'bar' >>> non_null = s1 or s2 or s3 >>> non_null foo Unlike C, no assignment within expression

40 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Comparing sequences unlike C, can compare sequences (lists, tuples, ...) lexicographical comparison: compare first; if different  outcome continue recursively subsequences are smaller strings use ASCII comparison can compare objects of different type, but by type name (list < string < tuple)

41 Comparing sequences (1,2,3) < (1,2,4) [1,2,3] < [1,2,4]
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Comparing sequences (1,2,3) < (1,2,4) [1,2,3] < [1,2,4] 'ABC' < 'C' < 'Pascal' < 'Python' (1,2,3) == (1.0,2.0,3.0) (1,2) < (1,2,-1)

42 Files

43 Reading Files name = open("filename")
opens the given file for reading, and returns a file object - file's entire contents as a string name.readline() - next line from file as a string name.readlines() - file's contents as a list of lines the lines from a file object can also be read using a for loop >>> f = open("hours.txt") >>> '123 Susan \n 456 Brad \n 789 Jenn \n'

44 File Input Template A template for reading files in Python:
name = open("filename") for line in name: statements >>> input = open("hours.txt") >>> for line in input: print(line.strip()) # strip() removes \n 123 Susan 456 Brad 789 Jenn

45 Exercise Write a function input_stats that accepts a file name as a parameter and that reports the longest line in the file. example input file, carroll.txt: Beware the Jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch, Beware the JubJub bird and shun the frumious bandersnatch. expected output: >>> input_stats("carroll.txt") longest line = 42 characters the jaws that bite, the claws that catch,

46 Exercise Solution def input_stats(filename): input = open(filename)
longest = "" for line in input: if len(line) > len(longest): longest = line print("Longest line =", len(longest)) print(longest)

47 Recall: String Methods
Java Python length len(str) startsWith, endsWith startswith, endswith toLowerCase, toUpperCase upper, lower, isupper, islower, capitalize, swapcase indexOf find trim strip ord, chr >>> name = "Martin Douglas Stepp" >>> name.upper() 'MARTIN DOUGLAS STEPP' >>> name.lower().startswith("martin") True >>> len(name) 20

48 String Splitting split breaks a string into tokens that you can loop over. name.split() # break by whitespace name.split(delimiter) # break by delimiter join performs the opposite of a split delimiter.join(list of tokens) >>> name = "Brave Sir Robin" >>> for word in name.split(): print(word) Brave Sir Robin >>> "LL".join(name.split("r")) 'BLLave SiLL Robin

49 Splitting into Variables
If you know the number of tokens, you can split them directly into a sequence of variables. var1, var2, ..., varN = string.split() may want to convert type of some tokens: type(value) >>> s = "Jessica " >>> name, age, money = s.split() >>> name 'Jessica' >>> int(age) 31 >>> float(money) 647.28

50 Exercise Suppose we have this hours.txt data:
123 Suzy 456 Brad 789 Jenn Compute each worker's total hours and hours/day. Assume each worker works exactly five days. Suzy ID 123 worked 31.4 hours: 6.3 / day Brad ID 456 worked 36.8 hours: 7.36 / day Jenn ID 789 worked 39.5 hours: 7.9 / day

51 Exercise Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
input = open("hours.txt") for line in input: id, name, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri = line.split() # cumulative sum of this employee's hours hours = float(mon) + float(tue) + float(wed) + \ float(thu) + float(fri) print(name, "ID", id, "worked", \ hours, "hours: ", hours/5, "/ day"

52 File Modes

53 Writing Files name = open("filename", "w")
name = open("filename", "a") opens file for write (deletes previous contents), or opens file for append (new data goes after previous data) name.write(str) - writes the given string to the file name.close() - saves file once writing is done >>> out = open("output.txt", "w") >>> out.write("Hello, world!\n") >>> out.write("How are you?") >>> out.close() >>> open("output.txt").read() 'Hello, world!\nHow are you?'

54 Exercise Write code to read a file of gas prices in USA and Belgium:
/21/11 /28/11 /4/11 ... Output the average gas price for each country to an output file named gasout.txt.

55 lst= [ x for x in open("text.txt","r").readlines() ]
['Chen Lin\n', 'Volen 110\n', 'Office Hour: Thurs. 3-5\n', '\n', 'Yaqin Yang\n', 'Volen 110\n', 'Offiche Hour: Tues. 3-5\n']

56 Using dictionaries to count occurrences
>>> for line in open('names.txt'): name = line.strip() name_count[name] = name_count.get(name,0)+ 1 ... >>> for (name, count) in name_count.items(): print name, count Chen 3 Ben 3 Yaqin 3

57 File Output input_file = open(“in.txt")
output_file = open(“out.txt", "w") for line in input_file: output_file.write(line) “w” = “write mode” “a” = “append mode” “wb” = “write in binary” “r” = “read mode” (default) “rb” = “read in binary” “U” = “read files with Unix or Windows line endings”

58 Modules

59 Modules collection of functions and variables, typically in scripts
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Modules collection of functions and variables, typically in scripts definitions can be imported file name is module name + .py e.g., create module def fib(n): # write Fib. series up to n ... def fib2(n): # return Fib. series up to n

60 Modules import module: Use modules via "name space":
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Modules import module: import fibo Use modules via "name space": >>> fibo.fib(1000) >>> fibo.__name__ 'fibo' can give it a local name: >>> fib = fibo.fib >>> fib(500)

61 Modules function definition + executable statements
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Modules function definition + executable statements executed only when module is imported modules have private symbol tables avoids name clash for global variables accessible as module.globalname can import into name space: >>> from fibo import fib, fib2 >>> fib(500) can import all names defined by module: >>> from fibo import *

62 Module search path current directory
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Module search path current directory list of directories specified in PYTHONPATH environment variable uses installation-default if not defined, e.g., .:/usr/local/lib/python uses sys.path >>> import sys >>> sys.path ['', 'C:\\PROGRA~1\\Python2.2', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python2.2\\DLLs', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python2.2\\lib', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python2.2\\lib\\lib-tk', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python2.2', 'C:\\Program Files\\Python2.2\\lib\\site-packages']

63 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Compiled Python files include byte-compiled version of module if there exists fibo.pyc in same directory as only if creation time of fibo.pyc matches automatically write compiled file, if possible platform independent doesn't run any faster, but loads faster can have only .pyc file  hide source

64 Standard modules system-dependent list always sys module
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Standard modules system-dependent list always sys module >>> import sys >>> sys.p1 '>>> ' >>> sys.p2 '... ' >>> sys.path.append('/some/directory')

65 Module listing use dir() for each module >>> dir(fibo)
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Module listing use dir() for each module >>> dir(fibo) ['___name___', 'fib', 'fib2'] >>> dir(sys) ['__displayhook__', '__doc__', '__excepthook__', '__name__', '__stderr__', '__st din__', '__stdout__', '_getframe', 'argv', 'builtin_module_names', 'byteorder', 'copyright', 'displayhook', 'dllhandle', 'exc_info', 'exc_type', 'excepthook', ' exec_prefix', 'executable', 'exit', 'getdefaultencoding', 'getrecursionlimit', ' getrefcount', 'hexversion', 'last_type', 'last_value', 'maxint', 'maxunicode', ' modules', 'path', 'platform', 'prefix', 'ps1', 'ps2', 'setcheckinterval', 'setpr ofile', 'setrecursionlimit', 'settrace', 'stderr', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'version', 'version_info', 'warnoptions', 'winver']

66 Classes mixture of C++ and Modula-3 multiple base classes
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Classes mixture of C++ and Modula-3 multiple base classes derived class can override any methods of its base class(es) method can call the method of a base class with the same name objects have private data C++ terms: all class members are public all member functions are virtual no constructors or destructors (not needed)

67 Classes classes (and data types) are objects
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Classes classes (and data types) are objects built-in types cannot be used as base classes by user arithmetic operators, subscripting can be redefined for class instances (like C++, unlike Java)

68 Class definitions Class ClassName: <statement-1> ...
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Class definitions Class ClassName: <statement-1> ... <statement-N> must be executed can be executed conditionally (see Tcl) creates new namespace

69 Namespaces mapping from name to object:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Namespaces mapping from name to object: built-in names (abs()) global names in module local names in function invocation attributes = any following a dot z.real, z.imag attributes read-only or writable module attributes are writeable

70 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Namespaces scope = textual region of Python program where a namespace is directly accessible (without dot) innermost scope (first) = local names middle scope = current module's global names outermost scope (last) = built-in names assignments always affect innermost scope don't copy, just create name bindings to objects global indicates name is in global scope

71 Class objects references (plus module!):
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Class objects references (plus module!): class MyClass: "A simple example class" i = 123 def f(self): return 'hello world' >>> MyClass.i 123 MyClass.f is method object

72 Class objects class instantiation: creates new instance of class
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Class objects class instantiation: >>> x = MyClass() >>> x.f() 'hello world' creates new instance of class note x = MyClass vs. x = MyClass() ___init__() special method for initialization of object def __init__(self,realpart,imagpart): self.r = realpart self.i = imagpart

73 Instance objects attribute references
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Instance objects attribute references data attributes (C++/Java data members) created dynamically x.counter = 1 while x.counter < 10: x.counter = x.counter * 2 print x.counter del x.counter

74 Method objects Called immediately: can be referenced:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Method objects Called immediately: x.f() can be referenced: xf = x.f while 1: print xf() object is passed as first argument of function  'self' x.f() is equivalent to MyClass.f(x)

75 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Notes on classes Data attributes override method attributes with the same name no real hiding  not usable to implement pure abstract data types clients (users) of an object can add data attributes first argument of method usually called self 'self' has no special meaning (cf. Java)

76 Another example class Bag: def __init__(self): = []
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Another example class Bag: def __init__(self): = [] def add(self, x): def addtwice(self,x): self.add(x)

77 Another example, cont'd. invoke: >>> from bag import *
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Another example, cont'd. invoke: >>> from bag import * >>> a = Bag() >>> a.add('first') >>> a.add('second') >>> ['first', 'second']

78 Inheritance class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName) <statement-1>
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Inheritance class DerivedClassName(BaseClassName) <statement-1> ... <statement-N> search class attribute, descending chain of base classes may override methods in the base class call directly via BaseClassName.method

79 Multiple inheritance class DerivedClass(Base1,Base2,Base3):
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Multiple inheritance class DerivedClass(Base1,Base2,Base3): <statement> depth-first, left-to-right problem: class derived from two classes with a common base class

80 27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18
Private variables No real support, but textual replacement (name mangling) __var is replaced by _classname_var prevents only accidental modification, not true protection

81 ~ C structs Empty class definition: class Employee: pass
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 ~ C structs Empty class definition: class Employee: pass john = Employee() = 'John Doe' john.dept = 'CS' john.salary = 1000

82 Exceptions syntax (parsing) errors while 1 print 'Hello World'
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Exceptions syntax (parsing) errors while 1 print 'Hello World' File "<stdin>", line 1 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax exceptions run-time errors e.g., ZeroDivisionError, NameError, TypeError

83 Handling exceptions First, execute try clause
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Handling exceptions while 1: try: x = int(input("Please enter a number: ")) break except ValueError: print "Not a valid number" First, execute try clause if no exception, skip except clause if exception, skip rest of try clause and use except clause if no matching exception, attempt outer try statement

84 Handling exceptions import sys for arg in sys.argv[1:]: try:
27-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-1827-Jan-18 Handling exceptions import sys for arg in sys.argv[1:]: try: f = open(arg, 'r') except IOError: print 'cannot open', arg else: print arg, 'lines:', len(f.readlines()) f.close e.g., as python *.py

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