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Livestock and Environment – cluster 1

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1 Livestock and Environment – cluster 1
Assess the environmental sustainability and adaptability of livestock production technologies  6th June 2017, Nairobi, Kenya

2 Rationale Livestock Environment
Cluster 1 is about ASSESSING this 2-way interaction Environmental sustainability of livestock development Adaptability/robustness/GEC sensitivities of livestock development  Link to technology flagships!! forage/grazing land based crop-livestock systems represent 70% of agricultural land use in the tropics as feed, green manure, soil improvement, erosion control, and biodiversity;

3 Overview Impact of GEC on livestock development (risks and opportunities) 4.1.1 (ILRI – Mark): HH-type specific GEC sensitivities 4.1.1 (CIAT – An): technology specific GEC sensitivities Impact of livestock on environment – how to assess? 4.1.2 (ILRI – Randall): water – review key livestock water interactions and issues 4.1.2 (CIAT – An): framework, tools and training Impact of livestock development on environment – quantification 4.1.3 (ILRI – Francesco): Digital data collection toolbox/platform 4.1.3 (CIAT- Birthe): assessments (E-Africa, LAC, Asia) 4.1.3 (ICARDA – Mounir): rangeland monitoring and assessment (tools and protocols) CIAT

4 Household-specific GEC sensitivities

5 Technology-specific GEC sensitivities
Discussions (mail and follow-up face 2 face) with flagship leaders and VC coordinators Identification of case studies Climate change and livestock breeds (poultry, dairy, small ruminants) Migrate "targeting tools" to web: consultant to be hired Add relevant country-level data: through interns Work with Philip on training approach Conduct trainings (based on case studies) Forages and CC  Initial discussions incl. CCAFS – towards joint proposal Pigs and heat stress in Uganda (shared with 4.1.3) CIAT

6 Pigs and heat stress So far: Student from UoN recruited
Monthly maps produced Scoping trip June Next steps: Improve index Check current heat stress signs and adaptation options Map future heat stress Recommendations for further adaptation options

7 Technology-specific GEC sensitivities
Progress reporting Suitability and feasibility maps for selected technological interventions made accessible (current and under GEC scenarios) - Gender norm included in production of feasibility maps Tool exists but being made more accessible. We’ll build capacity internally and externally to apply and make a range of suitability/feasibility maps. Internal report identifying GEC risks and opportunities on selected technological interventions We’ll work with trainees on their own case studies. One master student report On Uganda - heat stress. CIAT

8 How to assess impact ILRI/Water CIAT

9 Framework, tools and training
Output progress reporting Milestone – framework tested: “CLEANED+” – to be agreed how to document/publish Towards outcomes: presentations at e.g Maziwa Zaidi and GASL; capacity building One journal paper on combining spatial and household-level data for Sustainable Intensification Agreed with Mark and Todd but no dates fixed Excel- (and R-based) tools refined, documented and shared New version of excel tool ready; Still to check if we can include water dimension One journal article on the application of environmental ex-ante assessment Writing weeks blocked Training modules for assessment tools responding to identified training needs Follow up with Philip needed CIAT

10 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -

11 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -
East Africa Uganda pig VC Student to work on climate change adaptation as well as mitigation in the pig VC in Uganda (shared with activity ) Tanzania dairy VC Manuscript on agro-environmental trade-offs (nutrient balances, GHG) across smallholder livestock systems in Babati, Northern Tanzania in prep – journal submission expected in July Manuscript on “climate-smartness” of dairy VC development in Lushoto to be submitted in August Maziwa Zaidi policy forum, poster on rapid environmental ex-ante IA presented ( ) Kenya dairy Student from ETH Zurich identified to lead a study in W Kenya in collaboration with Send a Cow to quantify land needs of various forage integration scenarios for dairy production Rwanda livestock Paper published (Agricultural Systems) on impacts of livestock policies on trade-offs between food availability and GHG emissions; associated CIAT blog post; article in WUR journal Resource ( project-in-Rwanda-loont-met-beter-veevoer-.htm) Working paper in prep on impacts and trade-offs of pasture intensification (led by RAB), finalization expected in July

12 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -
LAC Nicaragua case study to be refined with the new CLEANED-X tool; training and outreach planned for 4-8 September SEA Training in FarmDESIGN and household modeling in Phnom Penh, Cambodia – NARS planning studies on nutrient cycling CIAT Working Paper published on livestock intensification options and environmental impacts in the Central highlands of Vietnam Two students from ETH conducting their MSc theses in Cambodia and Laos respectively, quantifying nutrient cycling in different farming systems

13 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -
Progress reporting 3 journal papers (Tanzania, Rwanda, meta-analysis) 2 Tanzania papers to be submitted by July/August 1 Rwanda paper published in Agricultural Systems Meta-analysis in prep Working Papers (Vietnam and Nicaragua) 1 Vietnam WP published 1 Nicaragua WP to be taken up again in June 1 Rwanda WP to be finalized by August 1 MSc student report Internship report ETH student W-Kenya Cambodia and Laos to be finalized in August 2 conference presentations Abstract submitted to Global Food Security conference IPCC expert meeting 1 policy/stakeholder outreach meeting Contributiosn to Maziwa Zaidi policy forum Stakeholder outreach meeting to be organized in Nicaragua in September 2 training workshops for multiple stakeholders 1 training workshop conducted in Cambodia in May 1 training workshop to be conducted in Nicaragua in September Targeted communication products To be drafted later in the year Project proposal TBD

14 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -
Towards outcomes? 3 journal papers (Tanzania, Rwanda, meta-analysis) 2 Tanzania papers to be submitted by July/August 1 Rwanda paper published in Agricultural Systems Meta-analysis in prep Working Papers (Vietnam and Nicaragua) 1 Vietnam WP published 1 Nicaragua WP to be taken up again in June 1 Rwanda WP to be finalized by August 1 MSc student report Internship report ETH student W-Kenya Cambodia and Laos to be finalized in August 2 conference presentations Abstract submitted to Global Food Security conference IPCC expert meeting 1 policy/stakeholder outreach meeting Contributions to Maziwa Zaidi policy forum Stakeholder outreach meeting to be organized in Nicaragua in September 2 training workshops for multiple stakeholders 1 training workshop conducted in Cambodia in May 1 training workshop to be conducted in Nicaragua in September Targeted communication products To be drafted later in the year Project proposal TBD

15 Impact of livestock on the environment - quantification -

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