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Lecture 1: Getting Ready

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1 Lecture 1: Getting Ready
Topics: IoT background, trend, course overview Date: Aug 26, 2016

2 About the course Friday: 9:30 am - 12 pm, FB 008 and AEL (2nd Floor)
Course page: Activity Description Lecture By me; Slides will be uploaded after the class. Labs Basic circuits (e.g. Arduino), Instructions will be uploaded/given before class; may have pre-lab activities. Spot Review Reviewing an unseen paper within a time (e.g. 20 min) Presentation A conference paper + background; assigned 2 weeks before the presentation day; date’s finalized over ; Synopsis Review a paper (home assignment); Submit printed copy of the review at the end of the class. Exam On papers and labs; Open Internet. Project A “cool” IoT system: design, implement, evaluate; video; written report; (more on Exams and Projects as they approach)

3 Schedule First half (before fall break) is posted. Date Class 1
Class 2 (AEL) 08/26 Lec 1: IoT Background and Trend Lab 1: Arduino - Getting Started 09/02 Lec 2: Two IoT Devices Lab 2: Arduino - Sensors 09/09 Presentation(s) Lab 3: Soldering basics 09/16 Lab 4: Making Your Own Arduino 09/23 Lab 5: Making Your Own Arduino 09/30 Lec 3: Eagle Lab 6: PCB Design 10/07 Project: Idea Presentation Exam: Mid-Term (schedule may change and you will be notified if so)

4 Grading Class Participation/Synopsis (10%)
Labs/Spot-Review/Activity (30%) Exam (15%) Presentation (20%) Project (25%)

5 The Internet of Things A fabric that (is going to) connects every object in the world

6 Two Views or Ends We need research on both of these (and jointly)
IoT Devices & Networks IoT Data Analytics

7 IoT Devices An electronic device that augments lifeless objects with the capability of sensing, intelligence, and communication. IoT devices are often called “smart” devices, but we should not

8 Smart* - the most misused term
“Smart” devices should contain an OS that runs Apps. smart IoT

9 Why IoT is happening now?
Advancements in: (1) sensor technology, (2) miniature computers, (3) low-power wireless communication, (4) mobile devices, and (5) cloud. Accelerometer Pulse Sensor Intel Joule 570X (1.7 GHz, Quad-Core, 4 GB RAM, 16 GB storage) Bluetooth LE (up to 2 years lifetime on a single coin-cell battery) (2) (3) Force Sensor VGA Camera (1)

10 Devices Device Processor Mem Storage Connectivity Laptop (Macbook Pro)
2.80 GHz 16 GB 512 GB WiFi Smartphone (Nexus 6P) 1.55 GHz 3 GB 128 GB WiFi, Cellular, BLE, NFC Wearables (Gear S) 1 GHz 512 MB 4 GB WiFi, BLE, NFC Raspberry Pi 3 1.2 GHz 1 GB microSD Ethernet, WLAN, BLE Arduino UNO (ATmega328P) 16 MHz 2 KB 32 KB Various shields Intel Joule 1.7 GHz WiFi, BLE

11 Wireless Networks Network Type Speed Range Power Common Use WLAN
600 Mbps 45 m – 90 m 100 mW Internet. LTE 5-12 Mbps 35km 120 – 300 mW Mobile Internet 3G 2 Mbps 3 mW Bluetooth 1 – 3 Mbps 100 m 1 W Headsets, audio streaming. Bluetooth LE 300 Kbps 100+ m .01–.5 W Wearables, fitness. Zigbee 100 Kbps 0.45 mW WSN (The numbers are not that simple to estimate exactly, but should give you an idea)

12 IoT Analytics (Examples)
Categories of applications include: (1) push notifications, (2) predictive maintenance, and (2) real-time stream analysis. beacons ‘nearables’

13 IoT Analytics (Examples)
Categories of applications include: (1) push notifications, (2) predictive maintenance, and (2) real-time stream analysis. US Air Force saved $1.5M through real-time vehicle tracking. ThyssenKrupp predicts when to repair elevators

14 IoT Analytics (Examples)
Categories of applications include: (1) push notifications, (2) predictive maintenance, and (2) real-time stream analysis.

15 Putting them together We will learn how to develop an IoT system – consisting of {sensors, mobile devices, computers, and the cloud} who will talk to each other over {BLE and WiFi} as appropriate.

16 Course Topics Research papers on: applications, devices and platforms, wireless networks, and data analytics. Labs on: Arduino programming, soldering, making your own Arduino, PCB design, wireless communication, mobile apps, analytics and visualization. Project ideas: start thinking early (now); we’ll see some examples next week.

17 Next Class in AEL: Lab 1 The goal is to make sure everyone is ready with their Arduino development environment. Install Arduino Software IDE Be familiar with the Arduino Kit. Build and test a sample “sketch”.

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