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Interdental Care Dentalelle Tutoring

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1 Interdental Care Dentalelle Tutoring
Dentalelle Tutoring -

2 Types of Gingival Embrasures
This is the most important! Depending on the size of that ‘space’ will depend on what interdental aids you will recommend Dentalelle Tutoring -

3 What is the col? Under the contact area between the lingual papilla and facial papilla DIFFERENT from the embrasure The epithelium covering the col is thin and non keratinized Dentalelle Tutoring -

4 Gingivitis STARTS in the interdental area (or at least has a greater chance of happening) because the col isn’t protected very well If bacteria from the plaque is left to sit there, it causes inflammation which is gingivitis Concavities and grooves allow that plaque to hide in those areas a lot easier Dentalelle Tutoring -

5 Copyright @ Dentalelle Tutoring -

6 Assessment What type of anatomy does the patient have? What do the teeth look like and what does the gingiva look like? Does the patient have any crowns? Bridges? Implants? Do some plaque assessments – plaque free score for example, or using disclosing tabs Is the patient handicapped? A child? Do they need additional brushing instruction? **Keep it simple – suggest aids that are easy to use, help them increase their oral hygiene steps but don’t go overboard, etc Dentalelle Tutoring -

7 Review of Toothbrushing
Charters Fones Stillmans Bass Let’s talk , which is which? Dentalelle Tutoring -

8 Floss Waxed – stronger, easier to get through contacts
Thinner floss – helpful in very tight contacts. Special attention must be given to avoid trauma to tissue due to the thin nature Unwaxed – can be hard for the patient to use and can fray BEST TO USE FLOSS BEFORE BRUSHING GINGIVITIS AND PERIO BEGINS IN THE COL AREA WHICH IS WHY FLOSSING IS SO IMPORTANT! Dentalelle Tutoring -

9 When would a floss holder be used?
For someone who cant lift their arms Someone in a wheelchair Someone who has difficulty wrapping the floss around their fingers A teenager with braces Dentalelle Tutoring -

10 When would a floss holder be used?
For someone who cant lift their arms Someone in a wheelchair Someone who has difficulty wrapping the floss around their fingers A teenager with braces Dentalelle Tutoring -

11 What is Superfloss used for?
To aid in flossing For those who don’t like the string floss For elderly patients, it’s a thicker floss Under appliances Dentalelle Tutoring -

12 What is Superfloss used for?
To aid in flossing For those who don’t like the string floss For elderly patients, it’s a thicker floss Under appliances Dentalelle Tutoring -

13 What can knitting yarn be used for?
Small spaces Class I embrasures Larger spaces For implants only Dentalelle Tutoring -

14 What can knitting yarn be used for?
Small spaces Class I embrasures Larger spaces – often used with a floss threader to get under bridges and appliances For implants only Dentalelle Tutoring -

15 What is a gauze strip used for?
For wide spaces Teeth next to edentulous areas Next to abutment teeth All of the above Dentalelle Tutoring -

16 What is a gauze strip used for?
For wide spaces Teeth next to edentulous areas Next to abutment teeth All of the above Dentalelle Tutoring -

17 What are interdental brushes used for?
When spaces are in between the teeth When the teeth have no spaces When papilla is missing For cleaning dentures Dentalelle Tutoring -

18 What are interdental brushes used for?
When spaces are in between the teeth *can also be used to apply agents to the area (fluorides, desensitizing, antibacterial, etc) When the teeth have no spaces When papilla is missing For cleaning dentures Dentalelle Tutoring -

19 What is an end-tufted brush used for?
Any hard to reach area, space, and orthodontics Implants only Children’s teeth with the charters method In conjunction with an electric toothbrush Dentalelle Tutoring -

20 What is an end-tufted brush used for?
Any hard to reach area, space, and orthodontics = also bridges, partial dentures, implant abutments, etc. Implants only Children’s teeth with the charters method In conjunction with an electric toothbrush Dentalelle Tutoring -

21 Interdental tip, what is this?
Smaller bristles attached to the end of a handle Attachment on an electric toothbrush A flexible rubber tip attached to a handle None of the above Dentalelle Tutoring -

22 Interdental tip, what is this?
Smaller bristles attached to the end of a handle Attachment on an electric toothbrush A flexible rubber tip attached to a handle None of the above Dentalelle Tutoring -

23 What can a toothpick in a holder be used for?
Furcation areas Recessions Denture cleaning Tight spaces Dentalelle Tutoring -

24 What can a toothpick in a holder be used for?
Furcation areas Recessions Denture cleaning Tight spaces Dentalelle Tutoring -

25 What can be used if the interdental papilla is missing?
Floss Small interproximal brush Rubber tip brush Wooden interdental cleaner Dentalelle Tutoring -

26 What can be used if the interdental papilla is missing?
Floss Small interproximal brush Rubber tip brush Wooden interdental cleaner Dentalelle Tutoring -

27 Saliva + Dentifrices Dentalelle Tutoring -

28 Toothpastes Reduce biofilm formation Reduce gingivitis
Prevention of caries Remineralization of early caries Reduction of dentin hypersensitivity Reduction of supragingival calculus Dentalelle Tutoring -

29 Toothpastes cannot: Reduce subgingival calculus
Promote remineralization Prevent caries Reduce gingivitis Dentalelle Tutoring -

30 Toothpastes cannot: Reduce subgingival calculus
Promote remineralization Prevent caries Reduce gingivitis Dentalelle Tutoring -

31 What are the two agents that reduce biofilm formation?
Triclosan and zinc citrate Irrigation and triclosan Humectant and astringent Zinc citrate and humectant Dentalelle Tutoring -

32 What are the two agents that reduce biofilm formation?
Triclosan and zinc citrate (triclosan is the primary agent shown to reduce gingivitis) Irrigation and triclosan Humectant and astringent Zinc citrate and humectant Dentalelle Tutoring -

33 What is the most common agent used to reduce dentin hypersensitivity?
Zinc citrate Triclosan Sodium hexametaphosphate Potassium nitrate Dentalelle Tutoring -

34 What is the most common agent used to reduce dentin hypersensitivity?
Zinc citrate Triclosan Sodium hexametaphosphate Potassium nitrate Dentalelle Tutoring -

35 What is NOT an agent found in toothpaste to reduce supracalculus formation?
Pyrophosphate salts Zinc salts Hydroxide Triclosan Dentalelle Tutoring -

36 What is NOT an agent found in toothpaste to reduce supracalculus formation?
Pyrophosphate salts Zinc salts Hydroxide Triclosan ..and sodium hexametaphosphate is also shown to reduce supracalculus formation Dentalelle Tutoring -

37 In toothpastes: Detergent (foaming agent) – 1-2%
Binder (thickener) 102% Cleaning and polishing agent (abrasive) – 20-40% Humectant – 20-40% Preservative – 2-3% Flavouring (sweetener) – 1-1.5% Water – 20-40% Therapeutic agent – 1-2% Dentalelle Tutoring -

38 Joe has come to you for his regular 6 month cleaning and he wants to try a new toothpaste. Which one do you recommend? Selection depends on what the client needs Anything approved by the dental association Anything with fluoride Anything that inhibits inflammation Dentalelle Tutoring -

39 Joe has come to you for his regular 6 month cleaning and he wants to try a new toothpaste. Which one do you recommend? Selection depends on what the client needs – is caries a concern (fluoride), dentin hypersensitivity, inflammation, calculus, etc. Anything approved by the dental association Anything with fluoride Anything that inhibits inflammation Dentalelle Tutoring -

40 Mouth rinses are used to:
Inhibit intraoral microorganisms Reduce intraoral microorganisms To increase aerosol production of the ultrasonic scaler To increase aerosol production of the high speed handpiece Dentalelle Tutoring -

41 Mouth rinses are used to:
Inhibit intraoral microorganisms Reduce intraoral microorganisms To increase aerosol production of the ultrasonic scaler To increase aerosol production of the high speed handpiece Dentalelle Tutoring -

42 What does an astringent do in chemotherapeutic agents?
Neutralizes odor Alleviates pain Shrinks tissues Reduction of gingivitis Dentalelle Tutoring -

43 What does an astringent do in chemotherapeutic agents?
Neutralizes odor - deodorizing Alleviates pain - anodyne Shrinks tissues - astringent Reduction of gingivitis – gingival health Dentalelle Tutoring -

44 What is cariostatic? Inhibits demineralization
Deposits fluoride ions on enamel Deposits fluoride ions in carious lesions Interferes with cell metabolism Dentalelle Tutoring -

45 What is cariostatic? Inhibits demineralization AND enhances remineralization Deposits fluoride ions on enamel Deposits fluoride ions in carious lesions Interferes with cell metabolism Dentalelle Tutoring -

46 Chlorhexidine Broad antibacterial activity
Binds to oral and soft tissues Attaches to the bacterial cell membrane, thereby damaging the cytoplasm causing lysis Binds to pellicle preventing biofilm accumulation Bactericidal (kills) AND bacteriostatic (interferes) Lasts 8-12 hours!! Antimicrobial and anti gingivitis agent Dentalelle Tutoring -

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