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Professor of Pathology

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1 Professor of Pathology
Hallmarks of Cancer (2) Neoplasia 6 Dr. Faten Ghazal Professor of Pathology

2 Intended Leaning Outcomes (ILOs)
By the end of this lecture YOU will be able to: Define tumour suppressor genes Describe the genetic properties of cancer cells (hallmarks of cancer) including insensitivity to growth inhibition signals, escaping cell death by apoptosis, DNA damage and defect in repair system, avoiding cellular aging, development of sustained angiogenesis and ability to invade & metastasize Define angiogenesis Explain how angiogenic switch occur in neoplasm

3 Hallmarks of Cancer (Major Genetic Properties)
Acquiring Excessive Autonomous Growth (Self Sufficiency in Growth Signals) Acquiring Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition Signals Escaping Cell Death by Apoptosis Avoiding Cellular Aging Developing Sustained Angiogenesis Acquiring Ability to invade & metastasize (- - = + )

4 Acquiring Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition
(Growth Suppressing Anti-Oncogenes)

5 The Regulatory Genes of Normal Cell Growth
Proto-oncogenes Tumour suppressor genes Apoptosis regulatory genes DNA repair genes Do you remember genes regulating cell division, growth and differentiation

6 Tumour Suppressor Genes
What is the function of the normal (non-mutated) tumour suppressor gene? They normally prevent uncontrolled growth by several ways and when mutated they lose their function thus allowing a transformed phenotype (mutated cell) to develop.

7 Tumour Suppressor Genes
Are these gene dominant or recessive? They are recessive (why?) Usually both normal alleles of tumour suppressor genes must be damaged for transformation to occur (recessive) They are placed into 2 general groups: “governors” as RB gene and “guardians” as p53.

8 Tumour Suppressor Genes
What is the function of the governors? Example Governors (as RB gene) stop the cell cycle at G1-S phase. They are classic tumour suppressor genes where their mutation leads to transformation of the cell by removing an important brake of cell proliferation.

9 RB Gene : Governor of the Cell Cycle
Active form: stops (blocks) cell cycle at G1-S phase Mutated or Inactive form with loss of function : loss of the brake (uncontrolled proliferation) Is it dominant or recessive? It is recessive i.e. both alleles must be deactivated (mutated) for retinoblastoma to occur. Normal RB Mutated RB

10 Retinoblastoma (RB) Gene Governor of the Cell Cycle
The function of RB gene can be lost in 2 different ways: Loss of function mutations involving both RB alleles as in patients developing retinoblastoma & other tumours A shift from active form to inactive form (functional inactivation) by: gain of function of mutations of CD Kinase/Cyclin D activity or loss of function mutations that stop the activity of CDK Inhibitor *High level of CD Kinase/cyclin D complexes & the low level of CDI Inhibitor transform the RB gene to the inactive form Why do patients with germline mutations preferentially develop few types of cancer as retinoblastoma & osteosarcoma?? Possible there are other family members of RB genes that complement the function of mutant RB in other cells other than the retinoblasts and osteoblasts. Why aren’t acquired mutations of RB gene present or found in all kinds of cancer? Because there are other mutations that can mimic the loss of function of RB gene as mutated gain of function of CD Kinase / Cyclin D that transform the active (normal) RB gene into an inactive form by hyperphosphorylation and also the loss of function of CD Kinase Inhibitor leads to inactivation of RB gene

11 Sporadic Form 60 % Retinoblastoma Familial Form 40 %
2nd Mutation 60 % 1st Mutation Retinoblastoma Familial Form One Mutation 40 % Normal RB Gene Mutant RB Gene

12 RB Gene : Governor of the Cell Cycle
In sporadic retinoblastoma 2 hits of mutations are acquired during life in both alleles after birth. (older age of children & unilateral) In inherited/familial retinoblastoma, children inherit one defective copy of RB gene while the other one is normal. During life one hit occurs leading to mutation of the 2nd allele. (younger age, bilateral & other tumours as osteosarcoma)

13 P53 The Guardian Genome

14 Tumour Suppressor Genes
What is the function of the guardians? Example Guardians (as p53) are responsible for: Sensing (Monitoring) genomic damage Arrest of Cell cycle (cessation of proliferation) Stimulate DNA Repair If the damage is too great to be repaired: Induction of Apoptosis by activating BAX Induction of Permanent Cell Arrest (cellular senescence/ Cellular Aging)

15 P53: Guardian Genome The p53 can be activated by hypoxia or DNA damage. Activated p53 controls the expression and activity of genes involved in cell cycle, DNA repair, cellular senescence & apoptosis. 70% of tumours demonstrate biallelic loss p53

16 Activation of normal p53 by DNA-damaging agents or by hypoxia leads to 1. cell cycle arrest in G1 (keeps RB active and 2. induction of DNA repair Successful repair of DNA allows cells to proceed with the cell cycle; if DNA repair fails, 3.p53 triggers apoptosis. In cells with Mutated p53, DNA damage does not induce cell cycle arrest or DNA repair, and genetically damaged cells proliferate, giving rise eventually to malignant neoplasms.

17 Some Tumour Suppressor Genes & their functions & associated cancer
Normal Function Mutation Cancer RB (Governor) Inhibits G1 to S phase Inherited or Acquired Retinoblastoma, osteogenic sarcoma, Breast, lung, colon cancers P53 (Guardian) .Inhibits G1 to S phase .Gives time to DNA Repair to occur .Inhibits BCL2 anti-apoptosis gene (initiates apoptosis),++BAX Inherited (Autosomal Dominant) Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Breast Carcinoma, Brain Tumour Most Human Cancers APC Regulates the destruction of B catenin thus prevents nuclear transcription Inherited (AD) Familial Polyposis colorectal carcinoma 70% of Sporadic colorectal carcinoma

18 Hallmarks of Cancer (Major Genetic Properties)
Self sufficiency in growth signals (Excessive & Autonomous Growth) Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition Escaping Cell Death by Apoptosis Avoiding Cellular Aging Development of Sustained Angiogenesis Ability to Invade & Metastasize

19 Quiz EGFR 1 EGFR 2 P53 RB RAS It blocks the cell cycle at G1-S phase
It blocks the cell cycle at G1-S phase, senses DNA damage & stimulates BAX and inhibits BCL2 Its increase in breast cancer indicates poor prognosis but Herceptin can be used in treatment Is considered the guardian of the genome Is mutated in most tumours Is increased in squamous cell carcinoma Is considered the governor of the genome Is increased in pancreatic & colonic carcinoma and is responsible by activating & increasing transduction signals Is one of the oncogenes which is overexpressed in mantle cell lymphoma 3 EGFR 1 EGFR 2 P53 Cyclin D1 RB RAS 2 3 3 1 5 6 4

20 Hallmarks of Cancer (Major Genetic Properties)
Acquiring Excessive Autonomous Growth (Self Sufficiency in Growth Signals) Acquiring Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition Signals Escaping Cell Death by Apoptosis Avoiding Cellular Aging Developing Sustained Angiogenesis Acquiring Ability to Invade & Metastasize (- - = + )

21 The regulatory genes involved in normal cell division:
Proto-oncogenes Tumour suppressor genes Apoptosis regulatory genes DNA repair genes

22 Apoptosis Another mechanism of tumour growth is:
escaping cell death by apoptosis. In normal cell, apoptosis is guided by: Pro-apoptotic factors (BAX, BAK) Anti apoptotic factors (BCL2, BCL-X). Cell death receptor CD95 (Fas) Normally p53 activates pro-apoptotic gene BAX, But with mutated p53 there is loss of this function and thus the apoptotic activity is reduced that allows cell proliferation. P53 Can you deduce (expect) the decrease or increase level of either of the BCL2 and CD95 to be present in cancer ?

23 Apoptosis Additionally in cancer cells the function of apoptosis is interfered by mutations in these genes. BCL2 gene (anti-apoptotic gene) (??): Mutation (over expression) the transformed tumour cells escape from apoptosis. Its mutant form was described in B cell lymphoma (t14;18) translocation. CD95 (Fas) receptors: are depleted in hepatocellular carcinoma, hence escaping apoptosis (cell death) ( ? Or ?): Since BCL2 is anti- apoptotic gene therefore, it is against the cell to be dead and against the command of p53, thus overexpression in some tumours as B cell lymphoma is detected. On the contrary the loss of CD 95 the receptor of apoptosis will lead to loss of apoptosis is seen in hepatocellular carcinoma

24 The different regulatory genes involved in normal cell division:
Proto-oncogenes Tumour suppressor genes Apoptosis regulatory genes DNA repair genes

25 DNA Repair Genes Normal cells during mitosis suffer from minor DNA damage which is detected & repaired before mitosis is completed. p53 (guardian of the cell) is responsible for monitoring & detection and giving time to repair such DNA damage. However, if this system is defective as in some inherited mutations (Mutator genes) the defect in unrepaired DNA is passed to the next progeny of cells & cancer results.

26 Family History of Breast & Ovarian Cancer
Angelina Jolie Family History of Breast & Ovarian Cancer Bilateral Mastectomy Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy

27 DNA Repair Genes Examples of Mutator genes in the inherited disorders:
BRCA1 & BRCA2 are mutated in 80% of familial breast cancer & ovarian cancer. Hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer Xeroderma Pigmentosum is an inherited disorder in which there is a defect in DNA repair mechanism. Upon exposure to sunlight, the UV radiation damage to DNA cannot be repaired. Such patients are more prone to skin cancers.

28 Hallmarks of Cancer (Major Genetic Properties)
Self sufficiency in growth signals (Excessive & Autonomous Growth) Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition Escaping Cell Death by Apoptosis Avoiding Cellular Aging Development of Sustained Angiogenesis Ability to Invade & Metastasize

29 Avoiding Cellular Aging
Telomere Complexes: Are repetitive sequences nontranscribed DNA at ends of chromosomes. They determine the longevity of a cell. They shorten with each round of replication & eventually when becoming unstable, signals for apoptosis occur. Telomerase: is an enzyme that helps to maintain normal length of telomere. It is active only in stem cells & inactive in normal somatic cells.

30 Avoiding Cellular Aging
Malignant tumours have upregulated telomerase activity which prevents the shortening of telomeres with cell replication. In 95% of cancers, the tumour cells avoid aging by activation of telomerase that maintains telomere length. Thus avoiding aging, leads to immortalizing the cancer cells. .

31 Hallmarks of Cancer (Major Genetic Properties)
Acquiring Excessive Autonomous Growth (Self Sufficiency in Growth Signals) Acquiring Insensitivity to Growth Inhibition Signals Escaping Cell Death by Apoptosis Avoiding Cellular Aging Developing Sustained Angiogenesis Acquiring Ability to invade & metastasize

32 Robbins Basic Pathology 9th Edition p. 191-192
Angiogenesis Please refer to Robbins Basic Pathology 9th Edition p

33 Angiogenic Inhibitors
Any tumour (benign or malignant) needs blood supply for oxygen and nutrients. Early there is a balance between angiogenic inducers and angiogenic inhibitors Angiogenic Switch Angiogenic Inducers Angiogenic Inhibitors HIF Mutated P53 ++ - - - ++++ Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF

34 Angiogenic Inhibitors
Angiogenic Switch Angiogenic Inducers Angiogenic Inhibitors HIF Mutated P53 ++ - - - ++++ Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF

35 Angiogenic Factors e.g. VEGF, bFGF & PDGF
= Angiogenic Factors Antiangiogenic Factors Tumour Cells Stromal Cells Inflammatory Cells Proteases Angiostatin Endostatin Vasculostatin Normal p53 induces synthesis of Thrombospondin-1 Extracellular Matrix Angiogenic Factors e.g. VEGF, bFGF & PDGF Proteolytic Cleavage Products: Antiangiogenic Products

36 Angiogenic Factors e.g. VEGF, bFGF & PDGF
= = Angiogenic Factors Antiangiogenic Factors Tumour Cells Stromal Cells Inflammatory Cells Proteases Angiostatin Endostatin Vasculostatin Normal p53 induces synthesis of Thrombospondin-1 Extracellular Matrix Angiogenic Factors e.g. VEGF, bFGF & PDGF Proteolytic Cleavage Products: Antiangiogenic Products

37 Synthesis of Angiogenic factors and antiangiogenic factors
Both the angiogenic and the antiangiogenic factors are synthesized by tumour cells, macrophages & other inflammatory cells and also stromal cells. Proteases secreted by tumour cells or stromal cells share in this balance by releasing angiogenic factors as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) stored in the stromal cells and other antiangiogenic factors as angiostatin, endostatin & vasculostatin. Normal p53 stimulate synthesis of antiangiogenic factor (thrombospondin-1) Role of Proteases Role of p53 (tumour suppressor gene)

38 Both the angiogenic and the antiangiogenic factors are synthesized by tumour cells, macrophages & other inflammatory cells and also stromal cells. Proteases secreted by tumour cells or stromal cells share in this balance by releasing angiogenic factors as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) stored in the stromal cells and other antiangiogenic factors as angiostatin, endostatin & vasculostatin. Normal p53 stimulate synthesis of antiangiogenic factor (thrombospondin-1)

39 Angiogenic Inhibitors
Angiogenic Switch Angiogenic Inducers Angiogenic Inhibitors HIF Mutated P53 ++ - - +++ Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF Thrombospondin 1 Angiostatin Endostatin VEGF Basic FGF PDGF -

40 Normoxic Hypoxia Nucleus VEGF vHL: von Hippel Lindau protein (gene)
HIF: Hypoxia Inducible Factor Normoxic HIF-1alpha vHL HIF-1alpha vHL Destructed Hypoxia vHL Transcription of VEGF Nucleus HIF-1alpha VEGF angiogenic factor

41 Normoxic Hypoxia Nucleus VEGF vHL: von Hippel Lindau protein (gene)
HIF: Hypoxia Inducible Factor Normoxic HIF-1alpha vHL HIF-1alpha vHL Destructed Hypoxia vHL Transcription of VEGF Nucleus HIF-1alpha VEGF angiogenic factor

42 Transcription of VEGF Von Hippel Lindau (vHL) gene binds to the Hypoxic Inducible Factor (HIF) in the presence of normal oxygen then it becomes destructed. In presence of hypoxia von Hippel Lindau will not be able to bind to HIF thus it will be free to give orders (stimulate) the nucleus to form vascular endothelial growth factor (transcription of VEGF).

43 The 3 Functions of Angiogenic Factors are:
1 3 2 Nutrients Metastases Growth of tumour The increase in angiogenic factors lead to migration & proliferation of endothelial cells then organization & canalization of the cords of endothelial cells to form new capillaries with lumena.

44 Proliferation Migration VBM Assembly Organization

45 To Revise and Summarize The Hallmarks of Cancer,
Genes Regulating Growth, & Carcinogenesis

46 Mutations in the Genome of Somatic Cells
Acquired (Environmental) DNA damaging agents as chemicals, radiation & Viruses Normal Cell DNA Damage Mutations in Genes Affecting DNA Repair, Genes affecting cell growth (protooncogene& tumour suppressor genes), or apoptosis BRCA1, BRCA2, HNPCC, XP DNA Repair Gene Failure of DNA Repair Mutations in the Genome of Somatic Cells GF GFR Transduction Transcription Cyclin D Activation of Growth Promoting Oncogenes Pro-apoptotic (BAX) Anti-apoptotic (BCL2) Receptor (CD95) Inactivation of Tumour Suppressor Genes Alteration in Genes Regulating Apoptosis RB,p53,APC Unregulated Cell Proliferation Decreased Apoptosis This is a BEAUTIFUL chart! Another way of understanding the development of malignancy in a logical way! P53 & HIF Angiogenic & antiangiogenic Fs Clonal Expansion Escape of aging by high expression of Telomerase Angiogenesis Tumour Progression Additional Mutations Escape from Immunity Malignant Neoplasm Invasion & Metastases

47 Suggested Textbook Robbin’s Basic Pathology 9th Edition p191-192
Textbook of Pathology Harsh Mohan 7th Edition pages

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