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Brain/CNS Cancer and Rehabilitation

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Presentation on theme: "Brain/CNS Cancer and Rehabilitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brain/CNS Cancer and Rehabilitation
Report to Brain/CNS NSSG Sally Donaghey Macmillan AHP Lead, Ang CN

2 Brain/CNS and Rehabilitation
Variable survivorship – timing of rehabilitation Frequency and severity of disablement arising from surgery, oncological treatment and disease itself Setting of rehabilitation – specialist neuro in-patient rehab; community; self-management.

3 Complications in Brain Tumour Patients
Cognitive deficits 80% Weakness 78% Visual perceptual deficit 53% Sensory loss 38% Bowel/bladder 37% Cranial nerve palsy 29% Dysarthria 27% Dysphagia 26% Aphasia 24% Ataxia 20% Diplopia 10% Mukand et. al. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (5),

4 Issues and Initiatives in Rehabilitation
Cancer rehabilitation nationally is poorly developed, evidenced and under recognised/utilised. Publication of National Cancer Rehabilitation pathways and evidence guide. Development of tumour specific local rehabilitation pathways Need for pathways to be integrated into main care pathway and practice.

5 Workforce Mapping

6 Workforce Mapping cont..

7 Workforce Mapping cont..

8 Findings Relatively low numbers of AHP’s for population against national average Unmet need or Need provided by generalist workforce? Variablity in specialist service provision between localities Consider referral pathways Setting - 53% Acute figures indicate slightly higher then national average cancer rehab services in community Care closer to home?

9 Workforce Modelling – Brain/CNS ANG CN Incidence 2008 = 227

10 Rehabilitation Triggers

11 Rehabilitation Triggers ..
Physiotherapy – Difficulties with function, movement and symptom control, neurological rehab, muscle tone, fatigue, exercise advise and information. OT – Difficulties with ADL, leisure and work, functional assessment, equipment needs Dietietics – Nutrition, appetite, nausea, weight loss/gain, fatigue, swallowing SLT – Communication strategies, swallowing, impaired speech, intraoperative communication assessment for awake craniotomy, language skills/cognitive impairment Lymphoedema – Skin/tissue assessment

12 Barriers AHP attendance at MDT/clinics
Equity of service in acute and community setting Awareness of rehabilitation needs Co-ordination of rehabilitation needs Lack of resources Engagement with Cancer Network MDT

13 What Can the NSSG Do? NSSG Workplan
Brain/CNS Care pathway – specific reference to rehab Locality/clinician engagement Audit of referrals/interventions/patient surveys

14 Useful Links National Brain/CNS Rehabilitation Pathway: Local Colorectal Rehabilitation Pathway: NCAT. Supporting and Improving Commissioning of Cancer Rehabilitation Services Guidelines: NCAT. Cancer Rehabilitation Services Evidence Review:

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