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European Early Childhood Education Research Association

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1 European Early Childhood Education Research Association
7-10 September 2014 Crete Does participation in child care affect problem behavior in primary school Dr. Maša Vidmar Educational Research Institute, Slovenia

2 BACKGROUND Effect of child care on child socio-emotional development
Contradictory results Quality is important (structural and process) Child characteristics & family factors are important Sociopolitical context is important Statistical tools are important

3 BACKGROUND ECEC system in Slovenia Public centre-based child care
Single-phased setting Regulated quality standards and professional development Subsidized service High participation rates  Age 2013/14 1 42.1 % 2 65.4 % 3 83.8 % 4 87.8 % 5 94.3 % 6 5.4 % % of children enrolled Year

4 Other sociopolitical characteristics
Length of parental leave Female workforce participation Variability in number of months (years) children spend in child care

5 BACKGROUND Problem behavior Internalizing behavior
Externalizing behavior

6 AIMS To examine link between attending public centre- based child care and internalizing and externalizing behavior in school in specific sociopolitical context To examine if the association changes as a function of maternal education – is effect of child care stronger for children with low-educated mothers Months in child care IB/EB Grade 1 Grade 2 ?

7 METHOD: Participants 39 Slovene basic schools Students:
T1 = Start 1st grade : N = 328, M = 6;3 T2 = End 1st grade: N = 325, M = 6;11 T4 = End 2nd grade: N = 323, M = 7;10 49% girls Child care enrolment: between 0 and 40 months: M = 16,5 (SD = 15,1) Mothers: M=12,5 years (SD = 3,1), 62,2 % with high school or less Assistant teachers, home teachers

8 METHOD: Instruments Problem behavior Parental Q
Social competence and behavior evaluation, Preschool edition (SCBE, LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995) 80 items: SC, IB, EB Internalizing behavior: depressive, anxiuos, isolated, dependent Externalizing behavior: angry, aggressive, egotistical, oppositional Teacher reports Parental Q Length of child care attendance Maternal education

9 METHOD: Procedure T1: mom-reported questionnaires
T2: assistant teacher-reported questionnaires SCBE T4: home teacher-reported questionnaire

10 RESULTS: internalizing behavior
n.s. Internalizing behavior Grade 2 Internalizing behavior Grade 1 Months in child care .18 .61 depressive anxious isolated dependent depressive anxious dependent isolated CFI = .96 RMSEA(CI) = .07( ) SRMR = 0,05 χ2(28) = 79.79***. Longitudinal invariance.

11 RESULTS: internalizing behavior
Covariates on IB1 and IB2: Gender: n.s. Age: on IB1 and IB2 Maternal education: on IB1 and IB2 Child care remains significant for IB1

12 Results: externalizing behavior
n.s. Externalizing behavior Grade 2 Externalizing behavior Grade 1 Months in child care n.s. .68 angry aggressive egotisical oppoistional angry aggressive oppositional egotistical CFI = .96 RMSEA(CI) = .09( ) SRMR = 0,05 χ2(28) = 94.37***. Partial longitudinal invariance.

13 Results: externalizing behavior
Covariates on EB 1 and EB2: Gender: boys higher on EB1 Age: EB1 Maternal education: n.s. Child care remains n.s. for EB1 Child care is significant for EB2

14 Effect of maternal education
Education as moderator: Is the effect of child care stronger for children with low- educated mothers Multiple groups CFA and SEM: problem with model not identified / standard errors could not be computed Separate models for two groups: Children of mothers with high school or less (≤ 12 years) Children of mothers with more than high school (> 13 years)

15 SEM by maternal education
Months in child care Internalizing Grade 1 Grade 2 .15 .61 .23 .70 Months in child care Externalizing Grade 1 Grade 2 .74 .67

16 CONCLUSIONS Early child care does not pose a developmental risk in a specific sociopolitical context

17 PROS AND CONS Structural equation modeling Longitudinal design
Large sample of children from randomly selected schools Errors: same reporter, hallo effect, different assessment criteria Generalizability Other predictors

18 FUTURE STUDIES Follow-up on problem behavior in later grades


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