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Development Officers ACM Presentation 2015/16

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1 Development Officers ACM Presentation 2015/16
17th September 2016

2 Workforce Development Water Polo Club Network
Clubs from across the North East Region who have well established links through the beacon programme and local/district/divisional competition networks. Why needed? To support and develop the collective needs of the various clubs who operate on a variety of levels from local to national and junior to master. Focus of Work: To establish the club network priorities which link to the North East Region development objectives that have focused on workforce within clubs. Challenges: To find an appropriate mechanism by which clubs can share their views from the wide geographical area which they are located. It’s a minority sport with a limited number of volunteers, access to suitable facilities, limited financial reserves to reinvest. The well established competition structure needs to adapt to meet current playing interests.

3 Workforce Development Water Polo Club Network
Impact Delivered various volunteer workforce development opportunities including: Table Officials course. Team Manager training. 17 Coaches from 7 clubs completed a Level 1 Coaching qualification with £2k grant funding from Yorkshire Sport. The impact of Grant funded coaches being monitored with support of club coach mentors. Carried out surveys to obtain club views on: The club competition opportunities and structure. Growing club participation levels. Next Steps Review and feedback results of surveys and take appropriate action. Deliver referees course. Report on the impact of the Level 1 grant funded coaches. Deliver Level 2 coaching course.

4 Northumberland and Durham
Swimming Coach Forum Northumberland and Durham A constituted network of swimming coaches from within Northumberland and Durham (N&D) with a Chairman and Secretary. Why needed? To provide a formal method of communication between the club coaches, the Northumberland and Durham Swimming Association (NDSA) board, the Beacon Programme and the swimming hubs. Focus of Work: To provide an opportunity for coaches to voice their opinions on shared topics and issues. To develop relationships between clubs and coaches in the county. To establish links with the NDSA management board and to encourage collaborative working in the area. Challenges: Different coach / club philosophies and agendas. Getting by in from all clubs within the county. Convenient meeting times and locations.

5 Northumberland and Durham
Swimming Coach Forum Northumberland and Durham Impact Good working relationships and lines of communication. Influenced the format of the County Swimming Championships. Re-established the County Team Championships. Overnight stays for inter-counties team. Development of the county swimming competition calendar. Support for the development of four swimming hubs. Formalisation of County swimming records. Northumberland and Durham Beacon programme won ASA Performance Programme of the year 2015 Next Steps More clubs join the forum. Hold joint forum meetings with Yorkshire Coach Forum.


7 Leeds Diving Club Network
Coach Development Leeds Diving Club Network Comprising of City of Leeds DC, Harrogate DC, City of Bradford Esprit DC, Darlington SC (Diving Section) and Halifax SC (Diving Section) Why needed? To provide development support to the both the coaching and administrative/management sides of the clubs. Focus of Work: Undertake a TNA process every year to generate demand for courses and CPDs The group meets 3-4 times a year but communicates continually outside these times. Ady Hinchliffe (Leeds Training Scheme Manager, British Diving Coach, Olympic Gold Medal Coach) facilities the running of CPDs and other development opportunities for coaches, acting as a mentor for a number of the coaches in and around the network.

8 Coach Development Leeds Diving Network Challenges:
Funding was an issues for clubs and candidates. With CDO support, the network were able to secure generous contribution of 40% from both the ASANER and the West Yorkshire/North Yorkshire County Sports Partnerships, leaving candidates with only 20% of the course cost to pay. Impact: Increased the coaching workforce in the region by 12 Level 1 Diving Coaches, including a number of young coaches.   This project increased the effectiveness of clubs by providing them with more coaches to ensure higher standards and a stable coaching pathway for their clubs. Next Steps: To up skill these coaches to levels 2’s Provide a programme of locally delivered CPDs to upskill existing level 2’s whilst a programme of nationally recognised CPDs are being developed.

9 Key Work Areas 2016/17 Clubs Networks Themes:
Clubs, Talent, Workforce, Participation Interventions: Coach Education Competition Dry Land training Pool operator relationships Swimmer Pathway Official training Volunteer support Young Volunteers Workforce CPD Swim21 Accreditation Links to Beacon Programmes Hub programmes Coach Forums Development plans Regional Communication Funding and impact monitoring

10 Any Questions?

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