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10 steps to improving your union’s equality and diversity practice

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1 10 steps to improving your union’s equality and diversity practice
Mandeep Rupra-Daine – NUS Equality & Diversity Consultant Laura Pearsons – General Manager, Chester Students’ Union

2 Session objectives To explore the key findings from the Diversity Survey Explore 10 key areas in equality and diversity Identify practical strategies and ideas to improve your unions’ equality and diversity practice Hear about NUS projects aimed at supporting SUs in promoting equality and diversity.

3 Diversity Survey Results – 2011/12
Areas we’re doing well in: - Sexual orientation & disability - ‘I think that we are a really strong Union at appreciating and valuing equality and diversity, not only in our student population but amongst our staff as well - it is one of the reasons I feel that I have such a good employer.’ Areas that need attention: - Gender & ethnicity - Improving equality & diversity practice: ‘staff frequently make comments which make me feel uncomfortable. It is not malicious, but there is a lack of understanding.’

4 10 Key Areas – 1. Equality Act
Protected characteristics: age disability gender reassignment marriage and civil partnership pregnancy and maternity race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins) religion or belief (including lack of belief) sex sexual orientation Equality Act 2010: implications for students’ unions – ECU (Equality Challenge Unit)

5 10 Key Areas – 2. Improving workforce diversity
Broad advertising spectrum – don’t just put a poster up in the bar! Diversity monitoring form with every application Anonymise applicants Ask “diverse” existing staff where they might look for jobs Can the role be a job share or part-time? Look at the language on the job description Provide E&D info for applicants ‘what we offer’ Consider times and dates of interview setting Ask if applicants have any access needs (students/staff)

6 10 Key Areas – 3. Creating a diverse friendly atmosphere
Don’t be scared of the subject – ASK! Respond positively to the diversity survey Staff survey to establish current perceptions ‘Putting the YOU in GCU” equality and diversity survey Have 20 minutes at a staff meeting to talk about an E & D issue Clear reporting procedures - what discrimination is and where to report it Gender neutral toilets v toilets labelled men & women

7 10 Key Areas – 3. Creating a diverse friendly atmosphere
Meeting religious observance needs Provision of reasonable adjustments for disabled staff Alcohol free zones High chairs in café Manchester Students’ Union - awarded Silver Status from Attitude Is Everything, comprehensive access guide

8 10 Key Areas – 4. Developing an Equality & Diversity Policy
There’s no ‘one-size-fits all’ It will be more meaningful if you localise it and use the words that reflect your union’s aspirations and input from your stakeholders Stakeholders – include diverse perspectives: What your SU does well on E&D and areas to improve? Whether the SU has a diversity-friendly atmosphere Experiences of exclusion and discrimination in your SU To what extent E&D aims / policy are put into day-to-day practice How your SU can show that it is really committed to E&D

9 10 Key Areas – 5. NUS Support Equality & Diversity Online Hub – November Aspire webinars for women - 50% discount for women in students’ unions Women of the Movement Conference – 28th November - ‘Best conference I've attended, every woman should have the opportunity to attend and make use of the experiences of other women’ - ‘I thought the event was fantastic. I really feel motivated to further my career now’ Mentoring for women Black staff survey Work on diversifying elections – Emma Green Liberation campaigns Jiscmails: diversity jiscmail & inspiring women jiscmails

10 10 Key Areas – 6. Student engagement
Outside the work of liberation officers… Diversity quota on student council/trustee boards? Have a list of local disability sport providers Develop close links with University support provisions including representation on relevant committees/working groups Orientation in wheelchairs – red cross Times of elections

11 10 Key Areas – 7.Celebrating diversity
International food events – halal, kosher etc World food in shops Taster sessions on wheelchair basketball Inviting Paralympic stars to sports awards evening Celebrating cultural and religious events NUS events calendar Black History Month, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Refugee day etc – involve the respective societies to get involved e.g. Chinese society

12 10 Key Areas – 8. External Support
Investors in Diversity – 10% off for students’ unions ‘really assisted in pushing us to consider how we could further embed EDI into our everyday practices and structures.’ Kent Union Network for Black Professionals – NUS membership Package – 1 day free HR health check or diversity data overview. Stonewall’s Diversity Champions’ Programme Jobcentre Plus - 2 ticks positive about disability symbol

13 ‘All our staff have undertaken equality and diversity training and
10 Key Areas – 9. Training Training was highlighted by survey respondents: ‘All our staff have undertaken equality and diversity training and understand the need for equality and diversity in our students’ union.’ ‘Staff at the union could be trained better to understand equality and diversity - as far as I am aware, this type of training isn't given to staff, however I believe it is necessary in order for staff to be inclusive with their words and actions towards colleagues and students.’ Mandatory (?) E & D training for staff & officers Utilise societies for a more personal training session

14 10 Key Areas – 10.Over to you! Equality Impact assessments
Have a conversation about terminology Ensure your welcome week doesn’t segregate international students Tedex – a great platform to raise awareness Recognise your campus demographics Investors in Diversity accreditation is helpful to embed equality and diversity More training for part-time officers Talk about equality and diversity when training clubs and societies and call it ‘inclusion’ or ‘respect’

15 Questions?

16 Thank you Mandeep Rupra-Daine Equality and Diversity Consultant

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