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Prokaryotes and Origin of Metabolic Diversity

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1 Prokaryotes and Origin of Metabolic Diversity
AP Biology Crosby High School

2 A World of Prokaryotes Your mouth They are more infamous than famous
Two types Archaea: Origin from the first cell Bacteria: More recent Differ in structural, biochemical, and physiological Carl Woese

3 Cell Shapes Cocci Bacillus Spirilla and Spirochetes Size range
Spherical Bacillus Rod Spirilla and Spirochetes Size range 1-5 µm Largest is .75 mm

4 Bacterial Cell Walls Composed of peptidoglycans
Form a capsule to protect from host defenses Gram stains Gram-positive (Purple) Simpler walls Large amt. Peptidoglycans Gram-negative (Pink) Contain lipopolysaccharides Generally more threatening

5 Prokaryotic Motility Flagella Spirochetes Slime Secretions
1/10 width of Eu. Not covered by membranous extension Spirochetes Flagella-like connected to basal motor Corkscrew motion Slime Secretions Taxis: Movement toward or away from stimulus

6 Cellular and Genomic Organization
Lack Compartmentalization 1/1000 as much DNA as Eu. May contain Plasmids Can survive w/o Plasmids Give resistance to antibiotics Replicate independently of genophore

7 Prokaryotic Reproduction
Binary Fission Gene transfer Transduction: Viruses transfer genes Conjugation: Direct transfer of genes Transformation: Takes genes from surrounding environment Generations take minutes – hours

8 Growth and Protection Geometric “Growth” Limitations of growth
Nutrient exhaustion Metabolic waste Endospore Cell Replicates its chromosomes One copy is surrounded by a durable wall Autoclaves needed to kill endospores

9 Prokaryotic Nutrition
Photoautotrophs Light and Carbon Dioxide Cyanobacteria Chemoautotrophs (Pro. Only) Carbon dioxide for Carbon source H2S, NH3, Fe2+ Photoheterotrophs (Pro. Only) Light for ATP, but needs a Carbon source Chemoheterotrophs Consume organic molecules for both energy and carbon source

10 Nutritional Diversity
Saprobes: Decomposers Parasites: Absord nutrients from living host body fluid Specificity Lactobacillus: Require all 20 a.a. Several vitamins E. coli: Glucose or some other substitute

11 Nitrogen Metabolism Nitrosomes: convert NH4+ to NO2-
Pseudomonas: “Denitrify” NO2- or NO3- to N2 for atmosphere Cyanobacteria: use atmospheric nitrogen directly Nitrogen Fixation: N2  NH4+ Nitrogen – fixing cyanobacteria are most self-sufficient form of life

12 Oxygen and Metabolism Obligate Aerobes Obligate Anaerobes
Use O2 for cellular respiration Obligate Anaerobes Poisoned by O2 Live mostly by fermentation Partly by Anaerobic respiration Facultative Anaerobes Use O2 if present Fermentation if no O2

13 Photosynthesis Evolved Early
Glycolysis was probably among the first metabolic pathways Photosynthesis likely evolved only once and very early Cyanobacteria are the only prokaryotic photoautotrophs that release O2 by splitting H2O

14 Archaea Kingdoms Most sorted into Euryarchaeota or Crenarchaeota
Extremophiles Methanogens (Eury) CO2 + H2  CH4 Strictest anaerobes live in swamps Extreme Halophiles (Eury) Purple-red scum due to bacteriorhodopsin Extreme Thermophiles (Cren) Generally °C but up to 105 °C in deep sea vents Sulfolobus in Yellowstone

15 Bacteria Kingdoms Proteobacteria Alpha Beta Gamma
Closely associated with Eukarya i.e. Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, Rickettsias, Mitochondria Beta Nitrosomonas: NH4+  NO2- Gamma i.e. Chromatium, Legionella, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia coli

16 Bacterial Kingdoms (cont.)
Proteobacteria (cont.) Delta Myxobacteria Secretes a slimy substratum to glide along When soil is dry it produces “fruiting” bodies Releases spores to form new colonies Bdellovibrio Charges prey at 100 µm/sec Drills by spinning at 100 rps Epsilon Helicobacter pylori: stomach ulcers

17 Bacterial Kingdom (cont. cont.)
Chlamydias Gram-negative w/o peptidoglycans Chlamydia trachomatis: causes blindness and nongonococcal urethritis Spirochetes Treponema pallidum: Syphilis Borrelia burgdorferi: Lyme disease

18 Bacteria Kingdoms (will they ever end?)
Gram-Positive Bacteria Actinomycetes Tuberculosis and leprosy Spore formers Bacillus anthracis Clostridium botulinum Staphylococcus and Streptococcus Mycoplasmas Smallest of all living cells and lack cell walls Cyanobacteria: only bacterium with plantlike oxygenic photosynthesis

19 Prokaryotes and Our World
Decomposers: release C, N, and other elements back into the ecosystem Producers: Provide the base for many food chains Symbiosis Mutualistic: Both members benefit Commensalistic: One member benefits Parasitic: Parasite benefits while host suffers

20 Human Diseases as a Result of Prokaryotes
Opportunistic Koch’s Postulate Find the same pathogen in every diseased individual Isolate same pathogen and grow microbe in pure culture Induce disease in experimental animal from culture Isolate same pathogen from infected animal

21 Toxins Exotoxins: Proteins secreted by pro. Endotoxins Antibiotics
1g of Botulism can kill a million people Endotoxins Components of outer membrane of gram-neg. bacteria Antibiotics Biological Warfare

22 Human Uses Bioremediation: Mass Production
Organisms are used to remove pollutants from the air, water and soil Sewage treatment facilities Mass Production Insulin production

23 Cyanobacteria

24 Streptomyces and Mycoplasmas

25 Leptospira

26 Chlamydias

27 Helicobacter pylori

28 Myxobacteria and Bdellovibrio

29 Chromatium

30 Rhizobium

31 Photosynthetic Parsimony

32 Gram Stains

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