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Pilot Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience for 1st-Year Student Success curriculum Regina Williams Davis Asst. Provost for Student Success &

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1 Pilot Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience for 1st-Year Student Success curriculum
Regina Williams Davis Asst. Provost for Student Success & Academic Support

2 Goals Goals: Redesign the required student success course within the general education curriculum to become a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience Ensure the required student learning outcomes for the student success course are met Integrate the framework used to teach skills that promote personal and academic success Consider the XXX-101 freshman/first-year skill-level Course will be taught during the Fall 2018

3 Course Description Course Description: To meet two overall content objectives through applied inquiry: “What constitutes student success at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University”; and “What is the relationship between student success and the research process?”

4 Course Description: (cont.)
To demonstrate use of research practices and methods. These skills are used to learn about the world; observing a wide range of occurrences and discerning (inducing) patterns; questioning; and, formulating testable deductive hypothesis. Engagement in authentic quantitative and qualitative research methods Discovery Relevancy Collaboration Iteration, and Presentation

5 Course Description: (cont.)
Authentic Qualitative and Quantitative Research Discovery Collaboration Iteration Presentation Relevancy Engagement in authentic quantitative and qualitative research methods Discovery Relevancy Collaboration Iteration, and Presentation “What is the relationship between student success and the research process?”

6 Grade Allocation Grade Allocation Assignment Maximum # of Points
% of Overall Grade Participation 100 10% Hypothesis 75 8% Project Design Scope & Limitations 35 4% Literature Review 50 5% Midterm Data Collection Results Results & Discussion Conclusions & Recommendations PowerPoint Presentation Peer Evaluations 15 2% Abstract & Introduction Complete Research Paper TOTAL 1000

7 Sample Course Schedule
FOUNDATIONS OF RESEARCH Class Research Topic: The practices and characteristics of a successful NC A&T 4-year graduate. DATE LESSON TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS 8/17 – 8/19 1 Research Methods/Scientific Method Introduction to course and review student learning objectives and outcomes 8/22 – 8/26 2 Hypothesis and the Null Hypothesis Each group composes a hypothesis completing the following sentence to be approved by the instructor. EXAMPLE: “The successful 4-year graduate of NC A&T (avoids procrastination).”

8 Sample Course Schedule
Student Success Course Sample Course Schedule HABIT 1: BE PROACTIVE DATE LESSON TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS Aug 29 – Sept. 2 3 Project Design Read XXX Write a short paper group description (1-2 pages) on how you plan to design your research project. Sep 5 – Labor Day 4

9 Sample Course Schedule
Student Success Course Sample Course Schedule HABIT 2: BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND DATE LESSON TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS Sept 12 – Sept 16 5 Discuss Scope, Limitations, and Literature Review Read XXX Define for your group project, the scope and limitations. Prepare Literature Review Sept 19 – Sept 23 6 HABIT 3: PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST DATE LESSON TOPIC ASSIGNMENTS Sept 26 – Sept 30 7 Data Collection Methods Start Data Collection Oct 3 – Oct 7 8 OPTIONAL MIDTERM EXAM

10 Student Learning Outcomes:
SLOs Student Learning Outcomes: Undergraduate Research Inquiry and/or use of the Scientific Method Planning and completing a formal research project Technical skills to effectively complete their research project using Excel, PowerPoint, Blackboard, ePortfolio Basic elements of the research process Proper use of formal research terms, concepts, and theories in final presentation

11 Student Learning Outcomes:
SLOs Student Learning Outcomes: Effective oral and written communication presentation NCA&T academic policies and campus processes for satisfactory academic progress Their individual educational pathway Non-cognitive skills critical for college success

12 2nd Academic Advising Conference

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