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Submitted by: Deeksha (130) Rahul (710)

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1 Submitted by: Deeksha (130) Rahul (710)
SALESMANSHIP Submitted by: Deeksha (130) Rahul (710)

2 Definition “Salesmanship is the ability to persuade people to buy goods or services at a profit to the seller and benefit to the buyer.”

3 Modern concept of salesmanship
The modern concept of salesmanship is based on the idea of service. The aim now is to create demand for the product, educate the customers about the traits and uses of product and pursuade the buyers to go for it.

4 Features of salesmanship
Pressure salesmanship : salesman would try to persuade and pressurise the customer in such a way that he is able to sell the goods. Pursuasion : the salesman has to create a favourable opinion in the mind of the customer so that he opts to buy the product offered by him.

5 Aiming at service: the buyers have a problem and a salesman should help in providing a solution.
Winning of buyer’s confidence: win buyer’s confidence by educating him and helping him in solving his problems. Mutual benefit: salesmanship should help the buyer in getting maximum benefit from the money he spends. At the same time it same time it should help in providing reasonable profit to the seller. Educative process: salesmanship educates buyers about the products available in the market, their traits ,their utility and suggests products which will meet their requirement. Creative process : the study of buyer’s problems and methods to solve them requires an insight into the situation. Every problem requires a different solution.

6 Salesmanship – an art “ In an activity that is classed as an art the emphasis is on applying skill and knowledge and accomplishing an end through deliberate effort”.

7 Salesmanship – a science
“ Science is a systematised body of knowledge which establishes relationship between cause and effect.”

8 Personal selling vs advertising
Directed at the individual customer. Directed at mass audience. Two way communication. One way communication. Quick feedback Very Slow feedback More effective Less effective Costly than advertising Cheaper than personal selling

9 Benefits of salesmanship
Benefits to producers and traders It creates demand Explores and creates new markets even an international level. Achieve economies of large scale production , buying and selling. Eliminates the problems of stock-piling. Reduce the cost of production. Benefits to consumers It provides knowledge to the consumers. Educate and suggests them the use of new products. Help in selecting goods. Strike the most profitable bargain. Enable consumer to get best quality products at reduced prices.

10 Benefits to the society
It stimulates consumption and accelerates the rates of production. It creates employment opportunities by creating demand. It increases the national income of a country. It increases the revenue of the government. It raises the standard of living of the people at large.

11 Criticism of salesmanship
High pressurizing selling: salesman usually pressurize the customers to such an extent that they are not able to think best for themselves. Increased cost : salesmanship adds to the cost of marketing .

12 Qualities of good salesman
Physical qualities Mental qualities Social qualities Character qualities Technical qualities

13 Fundamental of success in salesmanship
Knowledge of products Nature of product Composition of the product Manufacturing process Performance of the product Method of use Benefits of the products Knowledge of selling techniques

14 Knowledge of the firm and producer
History & development of the firm Men behind success of the firm Officers of the firm Trade dimension of the firm Knowledge of the customers Nature Type

15 TYPES OF SALESMEN Manufacturer’s Salesmen - Missionery Salesmen
- Pioneer or Promotional Salesmen - Merchandising Salesmen - Dealer Servicing Salesmen Wholesaler’s Salesmen Retailer’s Salesmen Speciality Salesmen Other’s salesmen

16 Fair or ideal scheme of Remuneration
Advantages Increases morale and motivates the salesmen Increases efficiency and productivity Reduces problem of labour turnover Provides incentives to best efforts Maintain standard of living Keep up-to-date knowledge Attracts efficient people

17 Features Guarantee minimum wage to salesmen
Provide incentive to salesmen Simple determining remuneration Provide decent income and stability Does not require to be changed off and on Provide additional remuneration to hardworking salesmen Based on individual efforts Economical in operation Encourage competition among salesmen Avoid disputes at a later stage

18 Methods of Remuneration
Straight Salary Method Straight Commission Method Combination Method

19 Straight Salary Method
Under this method , a salesmen is paid a fixed amount of remuneration every month. The remuneration ,called salary , is fixed at the time of appointment of a salesmen and may provide for annual increments in the salary.

20 Advantages Easy to operate Security and confidence
Maintaining cordial relations Not indulge in high pressure selling Easy to adjust Not adversely affected Minimises problem of labour turnover

21 Disadvantages Does not differentiate between efficient and inefficient
Inelastic Discourages efficiency and productivity Causes frustration Remuneration being fixed

22 Straight Commission Method
Under this method , remuneration of salesmen is based upon sales made by them. The remuneration may be paid as a fixed percentage of commission on sales value or sales volume. Thus, a salesmen making higher sales gets more remuneration as compared to the one who makes lesser sales.

23 Advantages Differentiates between an efficient and inefficient salesmen Provides incentives for hard work Provides job satisfaction Flexible and no burden upon management Specially suited for salesmen working for various firms Lesser efforts to organise and control Fair system of remuneration

24 Disadvantages Encourage high pressure selling
Remain uncertain about income Attracts salesmen by applying wrong business practices Difficult to understand and operate Sales may fall in spite of the very best efforts More emphasis on sales than customer’s service Disputes between management and salesmen

25 Combination Method To make best use of the methods a combination of the two methods in one form so as to provide a minimum fixed salary as well as an incentive for hard work.

26 Various combination plans
Salary plus commission method: under this method salesman salary if fixed irrespective to sales and a fixed percentage of commission on sales made by them. In some cases, a sales quota is fixed. A salesman making sales upto the fixed quota is given a fixed salary only And for the sale made above the quota a commission on a predetermined rate is also paid to him.

27 Salary plus bonus method: under this method salary is fixed to the salesman regularly, and bonus is an incentive given for hard work. Salary , commission and allowance method: in this method salary is fixed , commission on sale and some allowance is also paid to the salesmen to compensate for expenses. Drawing account and commission method: under this method salesmen are given certain amount at regular intervals which is entered in their drawing account. This amount paid is in fact a prepaid commission which is adjusted against the commission earned by the salesman

28 Point system: under this salary is fixed and award is given at a certain point on the basis of value/volume of sales , no. of orders no. of new customers introduced, window display, etc. Pooled commission: salesman working in particular area or a product line may be grouped together as a team. In this salary is fixed but commission calculate on the total sales made by the group. The total commission payable is divided by no. of salesmen in the group. Profit sharing: in additional to the fixed salary and/or commission, some firms share a part of the profit with the salesman. It creates a sense of belongingness in the salesmen


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